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Vitamins And Minerals For Fibroids Healing

Written by: Emanuela Visone, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


There are many women who are suffering with fibroids. One happened to be a dear friend of mine. If you do suffer with them, ask yourself this question “What are my options?”

You have options and surgery is not something I would ever recommend. I shared with her that for the body to heal itself, you need to assist it by consuming the best quality foods available. Keep in mind that it is the body that orchestrates healing as it obtains energy from nutritional components. As well as with her starting enzyme therapy, she would be able to shrink them not fully but enough to make them manageable. I used enzyme therapy to completely shrink a mass and nodules on my thyroid.

Happiness comes with perseverance, patience, and trust!

We started first with focusing on restoring your gut health, cleaning up the muddy waters with regards to lifestyle and nutrition then after a few weeks we began enzyme therapy. Four months after starting this was her text to me “Hey girl!!! Celebration time!!! U would be happy to know, as I am that all my fibroids shrunk!! One went from 4.8 x 3.9 to 3.23 x 3.5 and the second one went from 3 x 2.5 to 2.09 x 2.19 and the third one from 5.8 x 5.2 is now 5.05 x 5.13”.

Every molecule, in every cell in your body, originates from the food you eat, the water you drink and the air you breathe. There can be no doubt that the absence of certain essential nutrients can lead to a predisposition to illness. Degeneration takes place gradually, often over a period of years because of nutritional deficiencies. However, by eating quality foods, you may assure your body’s ability to prevent, arrest, and often reverse most degenerative conditions.

Specifically, with fibroids, there are several key nutritional deficiencies: Vitamins C, an antioxidant that can stabilize capillaries and lessen bleeding, Vitamin B complex and the amino acid L-arginine to enhance immunity and retard tumor growth, calcium, and potassium to help with regulating menstruation. Omega-3 fatty acids can also be helpful in the treatment of painful menstruation which is a side effect of fibroids. During a four-month study, 42 adolescents received Omega-3 fatty acids supplementation and reported a reduction in pain (Am J Obstet Gynecol 174(4): 1335-1338, 1996)). Researchers believe that the omega-3 fatty acids in the supplements helped relieve painful menstruation by affecting the metabolism of prostaglandins, in addition to other factors involved in pain and inflammation.

As I mentioned before, nutrients are best utilized by the body if they are in their whole food and enzymatically active state. Therefore, whole food concentrates are the best solution to address nutrient deficiencies.

The nutritional supplements I recommend are made from natural, organic, and wild-crafted whole foods. They include some of the most nutrient-rich and extremely health-supportive groups of foods available: Oat sprouts, wheat grass, sprouted spelt, quinoa sprouts, green oat grass, flax seeds, wild-crafted micro algae, red algae, kelp, dulse, barley grass, bee pollen, gingko, etc.

High-quality, nutrient-rich super-foods such as wild-crafted micro algae and a sprouted grains and grasses green drink mix are an economical and convenient way to ensure that every day you are consuming an entire range of unique super food nutrients not available from your organic farmers market, grocery store produce section, or bins of whole grains. These super food supplements do not replace regular fruits and vegetables. They simply allow you access to fascinating, extremely health-supportive groups of foods. Mix these whole food supplements daily into your morning smoothie or your vegetable juice.

Think of the wild-crafted micro algae and the sprouted grains and grasses green drink mix as nutritional health insurance. They are fantastic sources of vitamins, digestive enzymes, minerals, amino and fatty acids and trace minerals. They are rich in fiber, vitamins, including A,B,C, E and the entire B-complex, especially B12, minerals including calcium, potassium, sodium, zinc, magnesium, selenium, absorbable organic iron, and trace minerals.

What is one of the richest superfoods on Planet Earth to help heal fibroids?

It’s Wild-crafted micro algae from Upper Klamath Lake:

Not all algae supplements are processed the same. The brand of organic micro algae that I recommend is dried at low temperature not to exceed 105 degrees, so the enzymes and the nutrients of this food are not inactivated or destroyed. Several companies who harvest these algae from Upper Klamath Lake spray-dry or flash-dry the algae. This kind of food processing involves heat. High pressures, at specific points in the drying process, typically heat algae up to 500 degrees F. and even as high as 600 degrees F. for short periods of time. At other parts of the spray-drying process, temperatures can remain at or below physiological norms. However, damage to the enzymes and nutrients only takes one brief moment.

Recent studies conducted by different universities proved the incredible benefits of wild-crafted micro algae for your health.

The following are a summary of a few of these studies:

  • In a study performed at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Montreal (Manoukian et al., 1998), it was discovered that eating wild-crafted micro algae triggered the migration of 40% of the circulating natural killer cells from blood to tissue within 2 hours of consumption. Tissue is where natural killer cells do their work! Many substances such as green tea and ginkgo are known to improve the activity of NK cells. But until this recent finding on wild-crafted micro algae, no dietary substance was known to stimulate NK cells to migrate into the tissues to search out and destroy sick/diseased cells

  • A double-blind placebo-controlled study conducted at the Royal Victoria Hospital, affiliated with McGill University in Montreal, included 50 healthy participants. Results suggested that wild-crafted micro algae may help stimulate the increased production of red blood cells, an effect that may be due to its high content of vitamin B12.

  • A recent study performed at the Massachusetts General Hospital, affiliated with Harvard University revealed that feeding wild-crafted micro algae to rodents significantly decreased blood cholesterol levels (Kushak et al., 1999).

  • Another placebo-controlled study performed in collaboration with the University of New Mexico suggests that eating wild-crafted micro algae stimulates specific areas of the brain leading to increased cognitive function.

  • A recent preliminary study from Boston University suggests that eating wild-crafted micro algae may reverse symptoms of essential fatty acid deficiency, specifically omega-3 (Kuskak et al., 1999). Deficiency in essential fatty acids has been associated with major contributors to allergic responses, inflammatory reactions, and intestinal integrity problems.

Clearly, wild-crafted micro algae, the sprouted grains and grasses green drink mix offer some of the most beneficial nutritional components you can use for supplementation. They replenish you with their vast reservoir of essential/non-essential and many times hard-to-find nutrients.

Hemp Oil ‒ good source of essential fatty acids:

Since individuals with fibroids appear not to get enough essential fatty acids (EFAs) or have an imbalance of EFAs in their diet, one of the best food sources for regaining EFA balance is hemp oil.

Udo Erasmus, a recognized authority about oils, recommends hemp seed oil because it contains omega-6 and omega-3 EFAs in a good balance:

3 to 1. Hemp seeds and hemp oil produce no drug induced “high” in humans or animals. They do not contain the drug tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) (Erasmus, p.289).

Here’s what Erasmus says about hemp oil:

“...hemp oil appears to be one of nature’s most perfectly balanced EFA oils. It contains both EFAs in the right proportions for long-term use, and also contains gamma linolenic acid (GLA). It is the only vegetable oil with this combination” (p.289).

When you purchase hemp oil, make certain you choose a product that is organically grown and cold pressed (not heated).

I hope this article has given you hope and helped you get a better perspective that natural healing is possible.

If you or someone you know has been suffering needlessly from fibroids, I am here to be of service and to help guide you a naturally alternative to achieving victory. You can reach me via my website or email me here.

Follow Emanuela on her Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and visit her website for more info.


Emanuela Visone, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Emanuela is a leading expert in restoring health and a Master Transformational, Health, and life coach. After 20yrs recruiting in the finance industry, she discovered her true calling for naturopathy and helping people and their pets throughout the US. The value she provides her clients has put them in a position to gain better health and live a more fulfilling life. Having restored her own health, Emanuela is excited to share her victory and help others do the same, from thyroid conditions, shrinking nodules, blood pressure, hormones, and much more. This inspired her to write her first book, “Healing Through Nature’s Medicine,” A Story of Hope. Having restored her St. Barnard’s health as well, Emanuela coaches many pet owners on how to become their own best healer. She loves spending time with her family and friends, the outdoors, and her deepest passion is helping others transform their health.



  • Bruno, Jeffrey J. (2001). Edible Microalgae: A Review of the Health Research. Pacifica, CA: Center for Nutritional Psychology Press.

  • Erasmus, Udo. (1993). Fats that Heal, Fats that Kill. Burnaby, BC: Alive Books.

  • Hudson, Tori, N.D. (May 2003). “Women and Skin Conditions.”

  • Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients. pp.146-148.

  • Perlmutter, David. (Nov. 2003). “Multiple sclerosis - Functional

  • Approaches”. Townsend Letter for Doctors and patients. pp. 66-74.

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