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Vibrate Higher – 3 Powerful Fundamentals To Raise Your Energy And Elevate Your Life

Bronner, The American Mystic, is a highly sought-after spiritual mystic, author, entrepreneur, coach, and guru. Author of "WHAT IS LIFE?" published in 2018, and the Host of "The Black & White of All" podcast.

Executive Contributor Bronner Davis

It's 2024, and we’re living in an age where energy and frequency are more than just buzzwords. They’re the blueprint of our reality. You might have heard of "raising your vibration," but do you know where your vibration is right now? It's a concept that might feel like it’s pulled straight from a sci-fi novel, yet it’s rooted in a deep understanding of who we are as living, energetic beings.

A woman jumping in the air with her arms outstretched

But what does "vibration" really mean, and why does it matter? Let’s break it down.

The science of vibes: You’re more than flesh and bone

At the most fundamental level, you are not just a body. You are energy. Within the boundaries of your skin, trillions of cells are vibrating, working in harmony to make up the organism you call “you.” This vibration, this frequency, isn't just a New Age belief; it’s the foundation of your entire existence.

From the moment you were conceived, a story of energy began. Two people came together, their attraction ignited by the invisible pull of vibration, and from that union, you were born. The cells in your body communicate through energy, driven by an internal frequency that determines how you feel, how you heal, and how you move through life.

So, how do you raise this vibration? Here are three fundamentals that can elevate your energy to new heights.

1. Activate your pineal gland: The gateway to higher vibration

Deep within the center of your brain lies a tiny but powerful gland known as the pineal gland, which is the epicenter of your energy system. This little gland, nestled between the left and right hemispheres of the brain, is more than a biological footnote. It’s responsible for producing melatonin, regulating sleep, and, most importantly, it acts as a transducer of energy.

The pineal gland contains tiny crystals that vibrate and create a piezoelectric effect, sending electrical signals throughout your body. It’s the spark of life that keeps your body’s electrical system in motion. When this gland becomes calcified from poor diet or stress, your body’s ability to conduct energy suffers. Raising your vibration starts with decalcifying and activating the pineal gland.

How to boost it: Nourish your body with raw fruits and vegetables, drink clean water, and expose yourself to natural sunlight. Meditation and breathwork are also essential tools to keep your pineal gland healthy and charged.

2. Harness the power of cerebrospinal fluid: The life-force highway

Flowing along your spine is a sacred fluid that holds the essence of life itself: Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF). This fluid, rich in life-force energy, circulates continuously, delivering vital energy to every system in your body. As it moves, it picks up and distributes electrical charges, keeping your body’s systems in harmony.

But here’s where it gets even more interesting: the movement of CSF up and down your spine creates a natural vibrational rhythm. As it rises, especially when you engage in practices like yoga or breath work, it can elevate your frequency, giving you access to higher states of consciousness.

Pro tip: Yogic techniques, such as Kundalini or Pranayama breathing, can help you control and elevate the flow of CSF, making it easier for your body to hold higher vibrations and access more profound levels of energy.

3. Tune your spine: The vibrational antenna of your body

Think of your spine as the core antenna of your body’s energy system. Every time you experience a shift in vibration, it’s your spine that feels it first. Just like a finely tuned radio antenna picks up signals, your spine receives and transmits energy frequencies from the environment around you.

This explains why, when you experience a sudden rise in your vibration, your spine might feel tense or even painful. It’s your body adjusting to a new, higher frequency. As you elevate your vibration, your spine becomes more sensitive to the subtle energies, allowing you to tap into deeper layers of yourself.

Quick fix: Regular spinal care is essential. Yoga, chiropractic adjustments, and conscious movement practices help keep your spine aligned and flexible, ensuring it can handle the increased energy flow as you raise your vibration.

The high-vibe life: What happens when you elevate your frequency?

When you raise your vibration, you’re not just changing the way you feel. You’re changing your entire reality. Your thoughts become clearer, your emotions more balanced, and your body more energized. You begin to notice a shift in how you experience the world, seeing life through a lens of higher awareness.

Key benefits of a higher vibration

  • Enhanced healing: Your body’s cells begin to communicate more efficiently, leading to faster healing and improved overall health.

  • Deeper clarity: With a higher vibration, your mind sharpens, and your intuition becomes a reliable guide.

  • Inner peace: Calmness replaces anxiety, and you’ll feel a deep sense of peace within, regardless of external circumstances.

Final thoughts: Mastering how you vibrate, mastering your life

Understanding that you are fundamentally energy gives you the power to shape your reality. By working with the pineal gland, cerebrospinal fluid, and the spine, you can take control of your vibration, aligning yourself with the highest potential of who you truly are.

The future of human evolution is vibrational, and it’s available to everyone right now. Whether you’re new to this concept or have been practicing for years, raising your vibration is the key to unlocking a richer, more fulfilling life.

So, do you know where your vibration is today?


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Read more from Bronner Davis


Bronner Davis, Motivational Speaker, Entrepreneur, Life Coach & Model

Bronner is at the forefront of a movement promoting American Mysticism as a path to living in harmony with the greater system of life all around us. Over a decade ago, a life-altering experience brought him face-to-face with death. By transcending his body through extreme trauma, Bronner confronted mortality and glimpsed what lies beyond. After healing himself, he became dedicated to helping others unlock their own unlimited potential by guiding them inward to face their true selves. His mission is to help people master their lives by mastering the life they are. Within. Helping millions, Bronner teaches us to live as love.


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