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Vagus Baby, Vagus ‒ The Secret To Stressing Less And Working Your Abs At The Same Time

Written by: Jen Landry, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Motherhood is one stressor after another and can start as early as pregnancy. Yet, there is a secret to success, and it is not in Las Vegas.

woman exercising at home

From the moment a woman discovers she is pregnant, she begins to worry, fear, and reach heightened stress faster. There is a lot of worry about the health and safety of both mom and baby. Then labor and birthing come with their own set of stress and worries. Now, mom and dad have a brand new baby at home. Mom is barely sleeping, is triggered by cries to react, and is already questioning her sense of self and caring so much for this new life.

For some, this is the new normal. Living in the fight or flight response. For others, this can be considered traumatic. However, both sides are dealing with increases in heart rates, a disrupted immune system, a nervous system that is out of whack, and so much more.

This toxic “Bounce Back” Culture is also piled on women who have given birth. This notion that you should look exactly like you did before you got pregnant, that no one should ever know you are a mom by looking at you.

However, there is a secret. One that could especially change life for new moms. One that can make the biggest difference despite how small it feels. One that is safe, effective, and possible in all trimesters, including and especially the 4th.

Breathing Drills. During pregnancy, our ribs and pelvis expand, our abdominal wall stretches out, and a lot of pressure is put on the pelvic floor. However, if we can teach women how to start breathing properly (lift the pelvic floor, draw abs in and up, and connect to the rib cage) during pregnancy, then we can solve a lot of problems physically. These techniques then carry into labor as well as postpartum. This is ultimately the first step that should and needs to be taken before any advanced exercise.

These drills can help shrink waists, eliminate pain or leaking, and create quality posture. It helps bring the rib cage back to normal size, works the abdominal wall from the inside, ensures the pelvis is aligned and stable and enables proper pressure management.

So how does this tie into all the stress we face? Well, the beautiful thing about the proper breathing drills both in pregnancy and postpartum is that you can use them to tap into the vagus nerve and a calmer state of mind.

The vagus nerve helps regulate both digestion and heart rate as well as aiding in regulating the immune system. So when you do these breathing drills take the time, breathe deeply, and find safe positions. Then when you are practicing deep breathing and working through these breathing drills in a core function way, you should be using an audible exhale. Making a noise like “ha” can help trigger the vagus nerve and relax the mind and system.

These components (safety, time, and deep audible breaths), allow a mom a moment to relax, do something for herself, and work on strengthening. As well as allowing the fight or flight mode to calm down, the stress response to cries to be less, the immune system to regulate, the heart rate to mellow, and aid digestion. These are keys to making Mom life easy and a success. Especially in those very early days.

There are other ways to trigger the vagus nerve that can help relax, but pair them with the early breathing exercises and core work and accomplish a lot more in a short amount of time. A win for moms everywhere!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Jen Landry, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Jen Landry is a leader in functional fitness. She specializes in pregnant, postpartum, and everyday women. As a mother of two little girls and two pregnancies that left Jen feeling weak, broken, and in need of answers, she discovered the Pregnancy and Postpartum Corrective Exercise Certification. Obtaining this certification changed the way Jen looked at pregnancy and postpartum fitness as well as female health in general. It ignited a fire to help as many women as possible, so they could avoid what Jen experienced. She is the CEO and Owner of Moms Fit Life. Her Mission: Teach Moms they can trust their bodies again and rock mom life with confidence!

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