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Using Your Inner Guidance To Beat Your Competition – 5 Steps To Embody More Power

Written by: Rebecca Davison, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Have you ever noticed that the most powerful person in the room is not necessarily the person doing all the talking?

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When you trust yourself, you radiate confidence. Confidence pays big dividends when it comes to your success because certainty sells. When you dare to follow your inner guidance, you become unstoppable in terms of what you can create.

What does it take to hear your inner guidance? Follow these five steps to access your inner genius more clearly.

1. Learn to be still and listen to yourself.

Learning to listen to yourself is best done in stillness, silence, and solitude. People liken this to meditation and can become overwhelmed with thoughts entering the mind. Try this instead, to start.

When you're in a space where you can be still and silent, close your eyes and focus on a noise you can hear in the room such as the air-conditioning unit or the fridge humming. You're endeavouring to listen without bias. Just listen. Your purpose here is to practice. If you notice your attention drifting, bring it back to the noise. Increase your focus and your attention span for more extended periods. Start with a few minutes daily and increase it. Eventually, you'll be able to transfer this skill to listening to yourself.

This might look like listening to your heartbeat. Listen to your breath. Be aware of the sensations in your body. Just be present to yourself.

Why is this important? The more you listen to yourself, the easier it is to recognize your body sensations. This, in turn, means you'll be more aware. When you feel something is off in a board meeting, you'll have more confidence to speak about what is happening in your body because you'll be more attuned to it. If you talk about what is occurring for you, i.e "something feels off" then amazing outcomes can happen, and new solutions can unfold.

2. Learn to listen to others deeply.

Another way to cultivate your inner guidance is to listen to others deeply. All good leaders can deeply receive others and what they are saying. This is not listening to hear someone intellectually. This is listening to receive them as the human being they are, which means emotionally and energetically as well.

As a leader, you'll become well-versed in seeing and recognizing your own emotions and knowing what to do to process them. This is the way to be truly present for others. It can be difficult to receive someone if we have an emotional reaction to what they are saying. It becomes about you and not the person you are listening to. Brilliant leaders do the inner work to be emotionally intelligent to receive the whole person they are working with. Doing deeper emotional work takes time and commitment but makes you incredibly engaging because people will trust you understand them and can receive them without prejudice.

When people feel received, it improves productivity, enhances culture, helps people to feel safe, and galvanizes the mission of your company.

Learning to listen and reflect with the person so they feel fully seen and heard can start by simply including the following statement in your conversations "Let me see if I understand what you're saying. What I am hearing is this… Is that correct?" You may have heard this before but applying it consistently changes the game.

3. Realize it's you against you. Always.

In truth, there is no competition. How come?

Because no other person on the planet has had your experience, and even if they had, they could not interpret your experiences the same way you have. Some may think this is a disadvantage if they are comparing themselves to others. However, your ability to listen to yourself, cultivate self-belief, and develop sound arguments for why you believe what you do from the experiences you've had, is your edge. Own it and lean into it. Have conviction and certainty in your beliefs and people will trust you and gravitate towards you more.

4. Get comfortable with being powerful.

Those who listen to their inner guidance are extremely powerful because they are defying logic. They are tuning in to a frequency. This is hard for the mind to grasp because it's not a thinking process. This is the place Einstein went to download the solutions to the questions he had, Tesla daydreamed in this space and Steve Jobs said "Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know who you want to become."

I work with a lot of empaths. Empaths are people who are hyper-attuned to what is wrong. They are wired this way as children because they had an adult in their family who wasn't coping, and things were difficult or tense due to emotions or circumstances. Being wired into what is wrong is an amazing skill set! It means empaths can cultivate this skillset and apply analytical thinking and can use it to create money. If they can find the problem, they can identify the solution, and voila! You are in business to provide that solution to others.

Empaths often struggle to own their power because they've had negative authority experiences when they were younger. This is where doing the inner work is so powerful to construct a belief system in yourself that is rock solid so you can be certain in your offering.

5. Avoiding what needs to be seen places you in peril.

Your next level involves seeing what you haven't allowed yourself to see so far. Carl Jung said, "Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life, and you will call it fate" This is why it's so important to know yourself as your best resource. This is a process of getting to know yourself well. Being able to see your weaknesses and what is unconscious inside of yourself is going to throw you ahead of your competitors every single time, especially if they are not taking this level of responsibility.

The catch is that it can sometimes be uncomfortable to look at ourselves. Developing the courage to explore your inner world and finding a person who can make it safe to look inside yourself is imperative. When you can greet yourself with love and affection, no matter what you find, and integrate the unseen aspects of yourself, you become whole. Shame melts away, your confidence increases, and you become magnetic. You'll also be happier so you can also enjoy your success more.

Your inner guidance system is always directing you towards more joy, but it's imperative to learn how to drive it. No one leaves the Lamborghini sitting in the driveway but people overlook their inner guidance all the time. If only they learned how to drive it, they would get to where they want to go faster.

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Rebecca Davison, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Rebecca Davison is an intuition coach who helps people activate their inner guidance to lead a purpose driven life and to create the wealth they desire. After a career in banking left her dissatisfied, she moved into coaching to help others make money in an authentic and fulfilling way. She has dedicated her career to helping others embody wealth at a cellular level, so they become magnetic to their desires. Her mission is to support others into extraordinary levels of wealth by fully owning who they are.



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