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Use Past-Life Wisdom To Resolve Present-Life Issues

Patty is a transformational energy healer, author and spiritual teacher of the Akashic Records. A diagnosis of breast cancer in 2007 launched her self-healing path to soul empowerment and alignment,

Executive Contributor Patty Oliver

If you’re dealing with a particular life challenge, chances are it has its root cause in a past life. According to the Karmic Law of Connection, which is one of the twelve laws of Karma affecting us here in the physical realm, everything about your actions in the past is connected to your present and future circumstances. In other words, all the choices you’ve made in the past create your future reality. Some actions will create more of an effect than others, but your life is essentially a culmination of all your past actions that have connected to create your current reality.

Akashic library under the sun

This includes choices that you’ve made in past lives. The soul is eternal and chooses to incarnate into the Earth plane to have certain experiences that only the physical realm can offer. Earth is a free-will planet, meaning that each of us has free will to choose our lives and our experiences while we are here. At any given time, we can only make one of two choices: one that serves our soul growth and evolution, or one that does not, something that is highly individual and is based on your personal soul blueprint.

It is those choices that do not serve us that can create karma if left unresolved when the soul departs that particular lifetime. The laws of Karma say that misaligned choices will persist until balanced out by new empowered choices, no matter how long or how many lifetimes it might take.

Karma, therefore, sets up all the circumstances for future lifetimes, including the family we are born into, the relationships we will have and the situations we will encounter, all in an effort to help us balance out our karma. If we move through life but do not change our choices, karma will continue to play out in the form of negative repeating patterns that will expand into other areas of our lives until we do. This includes patterns such as:

  • Relationship drama

  • Financial struggles

  • Personal or career setbacks

  • Health problems

This is where something called your Akashic Record can be an incredibly valuable tool for helping you understand exactly why something is taking place in your life, and new action you can take to resolve it. Every soul has its own Akashic Record, which serves as an energetic database for your soul-level information. This includes your gifts, strengths, and attributes that you can use in any way you choose to create your abundance while incarnated. Your Akashic Record also holds your karma, along with all your thoughts, emotions, and actions for each of your lifetimes. It is stored there, embedded in your DNA, and driving your present-life experiences, waiting for you to tap into it with your intuition to help you make informed free-will decisions to change your life for the better.

When you learn how to access and navigate your Akashic Record, you will be shown the root cause of a present-life issue you may be facing. You will understand why you made a particular choice in that past life, how it affected the course of that life as well as how it formed your present-life circumstances. Once you know how and why a karmic pattern started, you receive valuable insight into what you need to do to change it once and for all.

This sheds new light on the Law of Connection, helping us see that every thought and emotion we have and every action we take matters. It also helps us understand just how powerful we are to change the course of our lives whenever we decide to! By learning about your past actions, both in this lifetime and in previous lifetimes, you’re using your own soul-level information as a stepping stone for manifesting a future you prefer rather than passively settling for whatever shows up for you.

This knowledge empowers us to take responsibility for our happiness, success, and the outcomes of our decisions, whether good or bad. We can choose to see the world as either a hostile environment that causes us pain or a magical place full of endless possibilities. The choice is yours, and your Akashic Record can help guide you in making these decisions.

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Patty Oliver, Energy Healer, Author, Spiritual Advisor

Patty is a transformational energy healer, author and spiritual teacher of the Akashic Records. A diagnosis of breast cancer in 2007 launched her self-healing path to soul empowerment and alignment, which she now passionately shares with others through soul coaching and spiritual online courses.

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