Written by: Rachael Downie, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

You know when things have been going well – you are in that sweet spot and things are just flowing. You feel great. Clients and customers are coming your way, products are selling you are feeling on top of the world. And then you wake up one morning and something just feels off. You are not sure what it is, but keep noticing that you don’t feel right. You start to notice other things aren’t going so well. What is happening? Only a few days ago you were on top of the world.

The law of rhythm shows us that everything is moving, flowing in and out, swinging backward and forward, up and down. It shows us that there is always a reaction to every action. The tide goes out, the tide goes in; night always follows the day. There are good times and bad times. This law governs the movement of the planets in their orbit and is also expressed in the mineral and vegetable kingdoms. It can be observed in the rising and setting of the sun and moon, ebb and flow of the tides, and the coming and going of the seasons. You know that winter never follows spring. Spring always comes after winter.
When you are on a down swing, do not feel bad. Know the swing will change and things will get better. There are good times coming—think of them. It is very much like a pendulum swinging one way and then back the next.
You are not going to feel good all the time. There will always be highs and lows. This is what provides the contrast. The key is to understand that you have a choice. You can choose your thoughts moving forward. You can choose to focus on what you don’t want or choose to focus on what you do want. The key is to be aware. Know when you are feeling down and remind yourself it won’t last and soon you will be on your way back up.
This becomes like a change in mindset. You and I have been conditioned to focus on the physical results. The money in the bank account, the performance indicators in the business, the things that are going right and the things that are going wrong. These are all important and give great feedback as to how the business is performing. But don’t get emotionally involved with them, unless they are how you want them to be.
How do you use this in your business?
When you first started your business, you were more thank likely emotionally involved with an idea about the success that you were going to create, bringing an idea into form. As I sit writing this article I am sitting in one of my clients coffee/flower shops that has recently opened. This was a burning passion and desire of hers that she had sat on for a number of years as her lack of confidence, doubt and fears stopped her from moving forward. The physical results of perhaps not having enough money, the building and shop fit out being delayed for months, staffing issues etc could have stopped her in her tracks. But 2 months after opening, her dream has come into fruition, she has a roaring trade and has created a beautiful product and environment that people are loving in the community. The demand in the community has seen her extending her trading hours. Now some days her coffee sales will be up, others down. Sometimes all the flowers will sell out, sometimes there will be stock left over. This is all part of the rhythm with this business.
The key is to put the focus on the outcome that you desire and become emotionally involved with that. The successes, the wins, the joy, the fulfillment. It is much like the days when the sun comes up and you enjoy a blue sunny day and the warmth. On the cloudy days the sun is still there, you just can’t feel or see it. But you know that in a few days it will come out again.
Remind yourself this and start looking and observing the law of rhythm in your life and how it affects your health, your relationships, your work, your business. Remember your choice in all of this and to get emotionally involved with what you want. Know that as a result of this rhythm there will be ups and downs. It is just how you choose to respond to them that counts.

Rachael Downie, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Is your mindset holding you back in your business? Rachael Downie is a successful mentor and someone who is truly focused on converting your thinking into results. Rachael works with a variety of individuals, businesses, and CEOs both locally and internationally - simply because we all have the same blockages, doubts, limited thinking, money, and staffing issues. (and if you don't, you are probably one of the 3% who is an unconscious competent, who may find it difficult to transfer your success skills to your staff or family). Rachael loves helping you create success not only in your business but also in other areas of your life.