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Unveiling The Mystery Of The Mind-Body Connection – Exploring The Frequency Of Purple 

Ellen Jenny Watkins is an artist, best-selling author, and award-winning trainer and coach. She’s inspired by the intersection of spirituality, modern science, ancient wisdom, and the connection back to our soul.

Executive Contributor Ellen Jenny Watkins

Purple sparks curiosity, both in science and in art. It's a shade I rarely use in its pure form, yet its presence lingers in my paintings, peeking through the shadows, a magical union of red and blue. In custom "Divine Explosion" pieces, where a soul's essence takes form, purple plays a starring role, a testament to its connection to the Crown Chakra, the universal color within us all. It whispers of the divine, a bridge to the higher realms of spirituality. 


Purple abstract painting

Regal hues, regal history 

As a child of the 80s, the first thing that pops into my mind is Prince's iconic "Purple Rain." Then, my thoughts turn to royalty and ancient civilizations. For centuries, creating indigo and purple was an art in itself, requiring rare resources. Only those of high stature, royalty or spiritual leaders, were adorned in these precious hues. 


This association with royalty and spirituality resonates in my work. The shadows in my paintings hold a secret beauty, a reminder that divinity resides even in the hidden corners. Light dances on these shadows, revealing a deep purple undercurrent in many of them. 


Purple bridges the gap between the physical and the metaphysical, connecting our lower chakras to the universal ones above the heart. During meditation, I envision light cascading down through these chakras, just like in my Crown Chakra painting. This funnel exists within and around us, a personal connection to our higher selves. 


The science behind the magic 

Purple vibrates at a frequency of 690-700 THz, and on Dr. David Hawkins' Map of Consciousness, it sits at the very top, in the realm of Ultimate Consciousness, where enlightenment awaits. This healing energy is one of the universe's many mysteries we're slowly unraveling. Science adds another fascinating layer to purple's magic. At the violet end of the visible light spectrum, color and light begin to dance a complex tango. Our eyes interpret the interaction of these wavelengths as purple. It's not just a simple mix of red and blue, as elementary school teaches us, but a blend that includes violet light as well. The deeper you delve, the more intricate it becomes. 


This intricate dance of light isn't unique to purple, but the fact that it mirrors the complexity of the spiritual realm and our ability to receive information through our senses – well, that's simply fascinating. Do you feel this resonance, too? Does the mystery of purple captivate you as well?

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Ellen Jenny Watkins, Abstract Artist and Certified Coach

Ellen Jenny Watkins is an artist, best-selling author, and award-winning trainer and coach. She’s inspired by the intersection of spirituality, modern science, ancient wisdom, and the connection back to our soul. With a focus on quantum physics, neuroscience, and chakras, Ellen is currently exploring the frequency of color and how it affects the body and environment to bring calm, inspiration, and healing to the chaos of the modern world. Ellen coaches individuals and groups through her unique approach to Creative Leadership and her signature works, Divine Explosions.



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