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Unveiling Hypnosis-Discovered Visualizations For Unconditional Love

Dorit Kozlovski is a researcher of truth and an enthusiast of holistic therapies. Her expertise is in higher frequency natural energy healing, hypnosis, pendulum, card readings, art/color therapy, feng shui services, and liberating spiritual retreats. Dorit is the CEO of Higher Consciousness Energy & founder of one-off sustainable clothing brand Durga.

executive contributor Brainz  Magazine

In a fast-paced world filled with challenges and distractions, the pursuit of peace and connection often feels elusive. Yet, within each of us lies the potential to cultivate unconditional love, which is a transformative force that can heal, inspire, and uplift. This article explores timeless teachings from Tibetan Buddhism, practical wisdom from the Dalai Lama, and unique visualization practices detailed in my e-book Wisdom of the Heart: Unveiling Unconditional Love and Healing Energy Through Higher Consciousness (Kozlovski, 2024). Together, these insights offer a path toward living with purpose, compassion, and higher-frequency energy.

A meditative figure seated under a glowing green geometric crystal, surrounded by radiant golden patterns, with a cosmic and mountainous backdrop.

An invitation to transform your life

This article is just the beginning. To experience the full depth of these transformative teachings, I invite you to read Wisdom of the Heart: Unveiling Unconditional Love and Healing Energy Through Higher Consciousness (Kozlovski, 2024). Inside, you will discover:

  • How to channel higher-frequency love through groundbreaking visualization practices.

  • Insights into living in the 5th dimension of love, transcending all boundaries.

  • Practical tools to cultivate gratitude, self-worth, and forgiveness.

Unconditional love begins with you. By embracing these practices, you not only transform your own life but also become a catalyst for global healing and unity.

Loving-kindness as a foundation for transformation

"Loving-kindness depends on unconditional love. Unconditional love does not begin with somebody else; you can't wait to develop it until everybody starts behaving. Unconditional love has to be given at the cost of your agendas and ambitions."

This profound teaching, from "Loving Kindness is Realistic: A Teaching on Bodhichitta" by Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche (2014), emphasizes the transformative power of selflessness. Through daily acts of unconditional love, we can elevate our own consciousness and profoundly impact those around us. The essence of bodhicitta inspires us to rise above ego and foster a love that unites.

Building habits of loving-kindness

"The one reason that so many negative ideas and concepts, anger, jealousy, arrogance, intolerance, impatience, get stuck in our minds is repetition. Repeating an action, again and again, makes it so familiar it becomes a bad habit. But that same negative habit can be transformed into a positive habit. You can make loving your habit. You can make patience your habit" (Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche, 2014).

Through repetition and mindfulness, we can replace negative habits with positive ones. Practicing loving-kindness becomes a transformative process, fostering unconditional love that grows stronger and more evident each day. This process aligns perfectly with the visualization techniques shared in Wisdom of the Heart (Kozlovski, 2024).

Extraordinary visualization practices: Emerald and rose quartz

One of the most exciting revelations in Wisdom of the Heart (Kozlovski, 2024) is the unique use of emerald and rose quartz visualizations to deepen your connection with higher-frequency unconditional love healing energy for self-love and universal love.

Discover a revolutionary practice that involves visualizing unconditional love energy light, channeling it toward individuals and areas of conflict to uplift the planet. This light becomes a conduit for healing, connection, and intention.

Rather than being abstract concepts, these visualizations are practical tools for cultivating a deeper sense of unity, balance, and healing.

Furthermore, these practices are rooted in ancient wisdom and offer readers a step-by-step guide to:

  • Strengthen the flow of unconditional love in their lives and the world.

  • Use focused visualization to heal emotional imbalances and nurture compassion.

  • Rediscover the transformative energy of the heart as a center of love and connection.


Raising your energy frequency with the heart

While the e-book explores how the heart can serve as a portal to higher energy frequencies, clients under hypnosis also discovered that:

  • The heart amplifies intention.

  • Visualization through the heart creates protective energy shields against low vibrations.

  • Setting intentions through the heart aligns you with Source energy and the natural flow of life.

These discoveries highlight how heart-centered living fosters alignment with one’s true Self and the universe, transforming personal and collective experiences.

Living in the 5th dimension of unconditional love

The e-book explores the profound state of living in the 5th dimension of unconditional love, where:

  • Love does not divide or think less of any being anywhere in the world.

  • This higher-frequency love transcends judgment and separation, fostering unity and compassion.

The wisdom of the Heart Sutra, as emphasized by the Dalai Lama (2005), resonates deeply here: "Form is emptiness, emptiness is form." This teaching demonstrates the interconnection between form and emptiness, illustrating that while phenomena exist, they lack intrinsic nature. This realization dissolves attachments and duality, enabling one to embody love that transcends self-interest.

Key concepts from the Dalai Lama’s teachings in The Essence of the Heart Sutra include:

  • Dependent origination: All phenomena arise from causes and conditions, emphasizing interconnectedness.

  • The twelve links of samsara: A cycle of suffering rooted in ignorance and attachment that can be overcome through mindfulness and compassion (Dalai Lama XIV, 2005, p. 29).

  • Compassion and wisdom: Genuine compassion combines altruistic care with understanding the nature of suffering (Dalai Lama XIV, 2005, p. 96).

By integrating these insights, living in the 5th dimension becomes an act of unity and harmony with the universe, radiating love that uplifts all beings.


Self-soothing and becoming your own source of love

Many people believe that love and comfort must come from external sources. However, you can become the mother of unconditional love for yourself. By acknowledging what needs healing, forgiveness, and letting go, you can soothe yourself and find peace. The heart is a powerful conduit for this process, capable of amplifying intention and guiding you toward profound self-love and understanding.

This perspective shifts the focus inward, encouraging readers to cultivate inner harmony and rely on their own hearts as a source of healing.


Love in action: A quote from Amma Amritanandamayi

Amma Amritanandamayi beautifully reminds us of the importance of embodying love through action: "If you want to put love and consciousness into your words and thoughts, you must transform them into actions."

This call to action is at the heart of the practices in Wisdom of the Heart (Kozlovski, 2024). By integrating these teachings into daily life, you can turn abstract intentions into powerful realities, making love a force that truly transforms.

A gift of love: Free access to the e-book

To honor the frequency of unconditional love that it represents, my e-book Wisdom of the Heart: Unveiling Unconditional Love and Healing Energy Through Higher Consciousness (Kozlovski, 2024) is offered completely free of charge. It is a gift designed to inspire and empower readers to engage with these transformative practices. Let this be your invitation to join a movement of higher love and compassion.


Integrating unconditional love through personalized services

To deepen your journey of unconditional love and transformation, I invite you to explore my personalized services:

48-hour deprogramming and destress retreat

Inscapes to a tranquil island for a private retreat where we focus on releasing old, negative habits and stress patterns. Learn more and book at Deprogramming Retreat.

Private yin yoga online with higher frequency energy practices

Join me from the comfort of your home for a private session combining Yin yoga, meditations, Cosmoenergy, and higher-frequency energy visualization practices to release and nurture your inner balance. Learn more at Private Yin Yoga Online.

Online hypnosis to explore your heart center

Discover your heart’s center and identify habits to release through online hypnosis. This transformative session guides you toward greater clarity and freedom. Learn more and book at Online Hypnosis.


Explore more: Unconditional love through hypnosis

For further insights into the revelations of unconditional love through hypnosis, read my blog post: Experience Healing and Inner Peace: Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) and the Nature of Unconditional Love.



Unconditional love is not merely an abstract ideal; it is a practice that transforms lives, strengthens communities, and uplifts the world. By integrating the teachings of Bodhichitta, the wisdom of the Heart Sutra, and the higher consciousness wisdom and revolutionary visualization techniques shared in Wisdom of the Heart (Kozlovski, 2024), you can align with practices of unconditional love and compassion. This journey is about more than personal growth, it is a contribution to global healing and unity.

The path to unconditional love begins with a single step. I invite you to explore the practices in Wisdom of the Heart and embrace the extraordinary possibilities that await. Together, we can create a ripple effect of kindness, understanding, and peace.

Visit my website to download the free e-book Wisdom of the Heart: Unveiling Unconditional Love and Healing Energy Through Higher Consciousness and embark on a journey to spread higher-frequency love and compassion.

Follow Dorit on her Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit her website for more info!

Read more from Dorit Kozlovski


Dorit Kozlovski, Holistic Healer

Dorit Kozlovski's mission is to discover the truth. She is committed to guide others on a journey of curios Self-discovery, healing, and reconnecting with their purest Selves. Currently, Dorit is the CEO of Higher Consciousness Energy, a Reiki Master Teacher, and a Cosmoenergy healer. Besides natural higher frequency energy channeling, she is dedicated to holistic well-being therapies like quantum healing hypnosis technique, yin yoga, and meditation practices.

She loves receiving Higher Self-guidance through a pendulum and is excited to share readings/healing through intuitive tools like Tarot, divination cards, and crystals.



  • Dalai Lama. (2005). “The Essence of the Heart Sutra: The Dalai Lama's Heart of Wisdom Teachings.” Wisdom Publications.

  • Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche. (2014). "Loving Kindness is Realistic: A Teaching on Bodhichitta." Mindrolling International,

  • Kozlovski, D. (2024). “Wisdom of the Heart: Unveiling Unconditional Love and Healing Energy Through Higher Consciousness.” @Higher Consciousness Energy,

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