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Unveiling Future-Oriented Authentic Leadership

Amy Yee Chong is a Transformational Mentor & Author, who struggled with Self Identity and lack of direction. It's through integrating innovative systems of Human Design & Gene Keys that she experienced massive transformation.

Executive Contributor Amy Yee Chong

Discover your innate Leadership Qualities through Self-Discovery of how you're naturally built to Lead with the insights provided in your Human Design. Tap into the infinite potential to empower and create impactful possibilities for Yourself and Others!

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Some of us naturally Work best as a Team Player, within a small group, a big network, in a Leadership Role, or maybe thrive working solo.

It’s basically because we are all designed and built in a specific way, that leverages qualities and professional traits within us that we carry and easily express, but also how our social interaction aspects work, based on the dynamics of our energetics with others. 

Why is it that we may take on a position, to do a specific type of work, yet there is still this underlying feeling of dissatisfaction within the role, potentially leading to a decline in motivation and overall work productivity and efficiency? Resulting in feeling unfulfilled and unmotivated. 

Several aspects need to be addressed to truly find a Working Life that feels good, motivating and fulfilling. For this article, I will focus primarily on the aspect of leadership by leading others but also leading oneself naturally and authentically.

The benefits of self-led empowerment leadership

Self-trust is something many people lack because they don’t trust themselves to make aligned and correct decisions. Understanding the concept that decisions are not made from the mind is the secret to self-empowerment. When you have full Self- Trust in yourself, your level of Self-empowerment increases which in turn grows your Self-confidence to make the right choice to take the next step.

What has helped me to get over my fears of failure and not feeling worthy enough to try something, or venture into the unknown, is learning how to make aligned decisions, based on my Inner Guidance, which can also be known as gut feel or Intuition.

Human Design shows us how each of us is designed in a specific way to make the right decisions, which assists in our pathway to what is ultimately correct for us.

The majority of the collective (the world’s population) approximately 50% have Emotional Authority, which means that they need to ride an emotional wave for approximately 3 days for big decisions. During that time, if that person feels good about the choice or opportunity to make, then after 3 days, the clarity comes during the calmness. 

35% of the population has a Sacral Authority which is all about gut instincts and having an instinctual knowing in their gut, or they respond naturally through making instinctual sounds like ‘uh-huh’ for yes or ‘ uh uh’ for a no!

Splenic Authority represents 10% of the collective. It's very in the now, to get an immediate answer, through just knowing or resonance within the body, which has helped me so much in making the right decisions, because this is how I’m built to make aligned choices. Eliminating the need to rely on other’s opinions or endlessly search on Google for answers!

When you know how your Inner Guidance, also known as your Inner Compass is here to guide and support you, life truly flows so much better with less friction because you’re making decisions based on what is meant for you and that feels good and correct.

Future direction: Authentic leadership style

In the general context, Leadership is the ability to guide, influence, and inspire individuals or groups to achieve common goals or objectives. Leadership can be practised in business, politics, community organizations, with your family and everyday life. 

When Leadership is utilised in the highest expression, with the best intentions for the benefit of all, there is balance with clear-cut direction towards a common mutual goal. In the low expression or shadow aspect, some Leadership styles can be destructive and lead to chaos.

My interpretation and observation of a more Future -Driven Leadership Style, primarily through the lens of Human Design & Gene Key Systems denotes that you may naturally possess one or more of these qualities and traits listed below:

  • Influencer (8)

  • Visionary Leader (31)

  • Advisor to the Influential (7)

  • The Resources Ruler (45)

  • The Alpha (31 - 7)

  • Role Model Visionary (LINE 6)

  • Practical Leader (LINE 5)

For those familiar with Human Design, you'll recognise the numbers that come after the Leadership names listed above, known as Gates or Traits in Human Design jargon. If not, the labels themselves are self-explanatory!

This is how my Blueprint Mini-Guide extracts insights into Leadership qualities when they use my Human Design Mini-Guide Blueprint calculator.

When I'm invited to interpret and translate a Human Design Bodygraph, if I see they have a lot of the Leadership roles 'activated' or also known as 'defined' in their Bodygraph, this is a key indicator that Leadership is a quality or trait that comes easy to them or will be easier to build with time, that is if they don't recognise it in themselves as yet (this depends on several factors: the level of conditioning and negative self-belief that person's experienced so far, whether they've been presented with opportunities to take a Leadership role, and/or where they're at on their development journey

Work trait themes

My alternative perspective is to leverage what I like to call 'Work Trait Themes’ and map them to actual roles that exist in a Professional, Service-based or Entrepreneurial working environment!

Here are examples of what I mean by 'Work Trait Theme'

Somebody with 'Initiating and Beginning' energy are people who naturally initiate things, deals, and processes, who would be well-suited in a business development or sales-focused role; because they are starting things. They are initiating new things, projects or new clients.

If this person with a lot of Initiating Energy worked in customer service tending to customer complaints, serving face-to-face customers doesn't match the right energy of Initiation with no ability to express that beginning energy to start something new, within that role!

For a person with a lot of Leadership Energy who works in an administrative role, there's going to be some level of frustration and friction, because they can’t beneficially utilise their Leadership traits. On the other hand, if this person was allowed to be in an Admin Team Lead role, their natural tendency to lead others is better utilised and received.

If a person carries a lot of Teaching energy, which by the way doesn’t necessarily mean classroom-style teaching. This could also be creating courses, writing books, Video tutorials, or any style where somebody learns to do something new. 

This would be best suited, for people who are naturally able to convey information and ‘how to do’ knowledge. Teaching can also be broken down into 2 other categories ‘Transformational as well as Transmitting’ Information.

To determine, what your Dominant Core Work Trait theme is, a person would need about 3 or more of any of the same group of qualities or traits within a Theme, activated in their Human Design Bodygraph Chart.

The potential of how work trait themes play out

Let’s bring an alternative awareness to the concept of leaning into the Energetic Work Trait Themes that each of us carries & also understand the natural motivations that provide focus and direction. 

When you understand your dominant ‘Work Trait’ qualities that you’re naturally inclined to excel with ease, these can then be matched to an ideal role, service or business, which leads to Work satisfaction enhancement and Work Output.

Thus eliminating time-wasting and/or investing money learning something new or going into a role that feels off and unfulfilling.

Let’s take the example of a person who holds both certain Leadership as well as Initiating/Beginning Energy aspects. When both qualities are leveraged together, it creates a powerful combination for a successful person in a leadership-type role who is always here to bring new ideas and take action.

Even if somebody only has say 1 of the 7 Leadership qualities activated, it just means their form of leadership role will be more specific to that trait. Whereas those with several of these qualities activated, will have more freedom to fit in any role or position that demands that particular leadership quality.

How do you define success?

The way we value Success is shifting, and is moving towards focusing on Fulfilling Success rather than just Monetary success

Not everyone will agree, but those, who are in the Self Help, Personal Development industry, who are empathic to helping people to break free from being conditioned into being somebody they're not, (in my case, through finding clarity & direction doing Work or to be of Service) and also empower to create a desirable life that they love which allows them to live with meaning and impact to bring in abundance and prosperity, will relate to what I'm saying!

Future Work Life satisfaction focuses on what you’re heading towards from the age of 38 onwards! These Insights are also found in your Bodygraph Chart. It shows what you’ve naturally been experiencing up until you reach your late 30s to early 40s, but also provides insights into your Future Direction, which is the aligned path to follow, that will feel correct, but only if you’re in alignment when you get to that age, or you’re currently in the process of healing and de-conditioning and moving towards positive self-awareness and self-growth.

Why do we stick to old-school work paradigms?

Too many of us have been conditioned otherwise, and have been influenced by the old-school Work Paradigms that favour hustle culture, regardless of whether it's for us or not...

It's a wonder why many experience burnout, stress or even depression from their Work!

Go against your Energetic Workflow, and you're running a never-ending battle of going against the current, but when you ride the wave, work becomes effortless and stress becomes easy to manage because you're in a job, an industry and working on purpose and with meaning, that favours your values and leverages your Core Work Traits and natural gifts and talents.

I have created my own Private Portal called ‘Potent Potential’ an online Digital Library Resource + Community. My own experience and growth from just using the life-changing and even life-saving insights of both Human Design and Gene Keys is what I have built so other people, looking to expand and leverage their Knowledge, Expertise and Experience can dive deep and discover that there’s so much more to themselves and their potential. Check it out Here.

Potent Potential Hub is an exclusive platform for those who feel that they are Impact-driven people, who are naturally Influential within their community and looking to expand and make even more impact on the people in their network leveraging the power of their unique Voice, Experience, Expertise and Knowledge.

This is the only exclusive online space where I share my Digital Resources but also where you have access to my personalised Blueprints, Guidance and Support. 

You can also grab your Instant downloadable Free Potent Potential Mini Blueprint Guide and begin the self-discovery transformative process with life-changing insights from Human Design

It's all in our level of frequency

There can be no joy in our Working experience if our heart isn't in the work!

If what we do does not allow us to express our true talents, gifts, and qualities in their highest expression or highest frequency, we remain in a mundane working life routine, because we are doing something that isn’t meant for us, but just in it ‘just because’…

Plus there is the need to understand the importance of your ideal: -

  • Work Structure

  • Work Culture 

  • Work Environment

These are all found in your Human Design Bodygraph and Gene Keys Profile… these are topics I will elaborate on next.

Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and visit my website for more info! Read more from Amy Yee Chong


Amy Yee Chong, Transformational Mentor to Talent & Potential Guide

Amy Yee Chong is a Transformational Mentor & Author, who struggled with Self Identity and lack of direction. It's through integrating innovative systems of Human Design & Gene Keys that she experienced massive transformation. Breaking free from the inner blockages and challenges that prevented her from feeling confident to show up as her true authentic self. Evolve and Elevate is where she provides resources and mentorship support to Women experiencing the same struggles. Her mission is to shake up the way Women in their late 30's & above perceive themselves & recognise their unique potential. Life becomes simple when women feel free to embody and embrace their Authentic truth to naturally self express.

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