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Unrealistic Expectations – From Perfectionism To Drug Addiction

Written by: Reena Terreping, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Reena Terreping

When a child is constantly pushed in the name of good, to an impossibly high standards, if their activities are viewed as unsatisfactory and it is always emphasized that they must become better than others, then they start to consider it normal and treat themselves and others the same way.

Man light cigarette

It drives them to live in a fear of not being good enough, and without getting rid of their fears, they cannot get what they want, they suffer.

The sufferer's attempt to suppress their emotions creates a premonition of mental death, which is more terrifying than physical death. Those who haven't felt it don't understand it. A panicked fear of death leads him to drugs.

No one has a question in their mind if a child from a troubled family becomes addict but this classmate from a great home has suddenly become a drug addict. Why? After all, he had everything: money, beautiful clothes, intelligent parents. He was engaged in interesting hobbies, was the leader of the class, and he was respected. No one realizes that vigorous luminosity was only a mask behind which the tragedy that the soul hides. Since childhood, he has seen only Impeccably presented life in the name of material well-being, a good name, the image of a respected member of society, a family that leaves a good impression. ‘Living for something’ is a justification that destroys the child's individuality. Parents and other adults determine everything. Still in the name of good. A child must be, do, even think like their parents. He doesn't know what freedom of choice means.

At some point, this child will see the truth. Goodness, which is held fast, has become a lie for him. Sanctity was destroyed. He wants to get rid of the nightmare that keeps him from living as a human. He wants to escape into oblivion.

The only thing that makes such a person feel human again is a drug. In a person under the influence of drugs, the mind is distracted and of course the fear of not being loved fades, which imprisons all other stresses. His fear that his love is not needed any longer stabs him directly into the heart. He now doesn't care whether others like him or not, whether he adheres to the established, imprisoning norms of society or not, whether he is loved or not.

Both negative and positive emotions released simultaneously from the drug's prison of fear provide that blissful sense of release that creates an irresistible urge to take drugs again and again. Addicts know exactly the difference between being mentally imprisoned and feeling free. No physical agony of imprisonment compares to the agony of a drug addict who has already tasted spiritual freedom. Only addicts understand each other. No physical body pain compares to the soul pain of drug addicts. That is why one drug addict gives his syringe to another, even if he himself is dying of AIDS.

A person who has reached spiritual inescapability by suffering from fake goodness as the only goal of life, can become addicted to it from a single use of the drug. Addiction is an escape into reality, where good and bad both exist. Drug addiction is worse than alcoholism and any other drug addiction, the amount of stress for drug addicts is a lot greater. But the worst thing is that for the addict, tomorrow ceases to exist, and he does not understand that he is destroying the very essence of life - the movement into the future.

Humanity does not know, but feels the special danger of drug addiction, and that is why the fight against it is fierce. Unfortunately, fighting the problem makes the problem worse, and the destructive reach of drug addiction expands. Punishing children is useless if their parents do not change their consumerist mentality. As long as there are consumers, there will be producers.

Where the light of love disappears, there comes the darkness of drug addiction

A little drug frees the imprisoned spirit. History knows how creative people have created masterpieces under the influence of drugs, but ultimately sacrificed themselves to drugs for the sake of such self-fulfilment. Prolonged stress or pressure can be detrimental to mental health or well-being.

Drug use destroys spirituality

The destruction of spirituality is always preceded by the destruction of the soul and making the body suffer. A drug addict needs physical suffering; then the pain of the soul is felt less. (Dr.Viilma, L. 1997, A Teaching of Survival: Part 3, pp. 223-243).


Viilma’s teaching is all about forgiveness, she says the only thing bigger than giving love is giving forgiveness.

In this case if it’s easy for you forgive; your parents, yourself. Ask forgiveness from your body that you didn’t know better at the time.

If you are one or know one;

Get into the space where you just can be, where the wrongness dissolves, where’s the space of no judgement. Try access bars, sincerely, there are people who have got help from it.

Distance from people who constantly remind you how sick you are.

Your mindset has to be towards healing, even if it is at first very tiny and quiet knowing or dreamlike thought that you will get better.

You do not have to know how, you just know now…

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Reena Terreping Brainz Magazine

Reena Terreping, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Reena Terreping used to be an unfulfilled overworked professional, suffering the rights and wrongs of reality that led her to look into different possibilities and perspectives in terms of health, well-being and personal fulfillment. She took on the role of an illuminator, shining light on the underlying emotional reasons within the body and mind. For her, understanding the root cause is the pivotal step towards initiating the healing journey. Within the multifaceted tapestry of Walkwithme Wellness, Reena skillfully articulates insights into a spectrum of health conditions, enlightening readers with her knowledge.

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