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Unmasking The Hidden Battle – A Journey Through Spiritual Awakening And The Fight Against Evil

Diane is a Licensed Psychotherapist, Psychic Medium, Certified Feng Shui Master, and Medical Intuitive. She has been tested for accuracy. After working in the nursing field as an LPN. She returned to college and received a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa.

Executive Contributor Diane Hiller

Spoiler alert: God wins. In my last article, I discussed my spiritual awakening. Spiritual warfare is an internal and external battle. The internal one is your ego versus your higher self. Let’s say one runs on fear, the other on love. Love and fear can not coexist at the same time. It’s your fight. People can help you, but in the end, you will need to decide.

woman doing rockstar hand sign

Even while I was undergoing the Kundalini opening, my witnessing mind and ego were talking at the same time. I think it took 10-15 minutes, but I am not really sure. Most of the time, especially before the energy reached my crown chakra, my ego was out in full force, saying things like: “This is taking too long, people are getting bored, hurry up, why don’t you stop this, and on and on.” I listened to that part of my conditioned mind, but nothing could have been further from the truth. It was, in fact, mystical, mesmerizing, and magical. A big part of my ego died that day; you can’t abolish it, but it got sent to the corner where it belongs to sit in a chair and became subservient to my higher self.

Good riddance. It is almost laughable now to see how fragile and pathetic the ego really is. The sheer arrogance to think it could withstand or overcome that blast of light and love. The ego is nothing if not arrogant. It pops up from time to time to some fear-based issues. Fearful people are obedient. Who benefits from this?

It took some time for all of that, but now, the focus is more on what is happening in the collective. In the world. I am not a conspiracy nut-job, but by the end of this article, you may think so. Call me crazy; call me anything you want. I am only crazy if it is not true. When God showed up in my bedroom last June and started to talk to me about things like Military Tribunals and other world events, I had no idea what he was talking about. I have an energy healer that I work with. She follows all this like a dog with a bone. I started to do a deep dive. What I found was so disturbing and evil that I did not want to believe it. Hint: don’t count on the mainstream media. Look on Rumble or Bitchute.

I am not going to tell you what I think or to think. I will pose questions and send you on a mission to find the blatantly obvious. The dark side must genuinely believe we all are stupid.

I will say consider these two concepts

  1. Follow the money

  2. The best place to hide is in plain sight.


  1. Do you think Epstein committed suicide? As someone said, “We all knew, but no one did anything.” Where are the logs and videos, and who is on them?

  2. The Biden laptop. Did we really need CNN to verify it was valid? Why didn’t we know sooner?

  3. Who owns the patent to the Covid Vaccine, and for how long. It is a public record. Do you still believe the vaccine was necessary? Why? Where is the data to show who got sick from the vaccine, and how many really died?

  4. Do you see the satanic symbolism that is literally in your face every day? Especially in Hollywood. What God are they praying to? It is not the God we think of as the creator of Heaven and Earth.

  5. Do you notice the inverted symbols? Symbolism will be their downfall. Look for it.

  6. Do you know the hand gesture of the devil? It is the inverted evil dispelling mudra we learned in Feng Shui. Have you seen it? It’s right there, in politics, entertainment, photos of political meetings, album covers, look and you will see.

  7. Why the sudden push of the Transgender issues? The medical condition is real, but from what I learned in graduate school, it is rare and painful. Why the thousand-fold increase?

  8. Why is there an increase in the demand for child coffins?

  9. What happened to Ann Hesch, Issac Kappy, and Kirstie Alley? What did they all have in common?

  10. What is really behind the sex trafficking issue?

  11. Pizza Gate, fact or fiction?

  12. What are the Nesara/Gesara Funds?

  13. Do we not have alternative methods to treat common health conditions?

  14. Who was subjected to the MK-Ultra Experiments?

  15. What is the difference between “awake” and “woke”?

  16. What is or should be the penalty for Crimes Against Humanity?

If you research these issues, you will connect the dots, making you ill. Then you will get angry and start to talk to others and pay more attention. I bring it up gently and have been shocked that everyone I speak to knows. I saw my MD today. His side effects from the vaccine are harmful: diabetes, arthritis, and kidney damage. I got the vaccine and have a few; It changed the HDL/LDH ratio that I have had my entire life. I had what is called the “protective factor.” Where did it go?

Take a look at the movie “Eyes Wide Shut.” Many scenes were removed. After its preview Stanley Kubrick died six days after showing the final cut to Warner Brothers, making it the final film he directed. Supposedly, it was a heart attack. Ponder the references to secret societies and Satanism, then look at the symbolism today. What do you see?

The Paris Olympics are another example of this not-so-subtle symbolism. Then, history is rewritten by erasing most of it from the internet. 

As I mentioned, there is a severe battle between good and evil. Six lightworkers I know were incapacitated a few weeks ago, and our usual protection methods were not working. But, of course, we were quickly given new ones.

What is taking so long for this to get resolved? It needs to be dealt with. In part, not enough people are awake or are in denial. Many of us are tired but will not quit. Find the truth and your moral compass. Your soul knows the truth. Pick up your sword, and don’t back down.

Ask yourself if you are a warrior or a wimp.

I once did not watch TV or movies for ten years. I often cancel my subscriptions to Hulu, Netflix, etc. I am careful about what I watch. If you do your research, you will find that content has been manipulated for years. 

I love film and theatre. I studied with the best teacher. He told me the movie “Broadcast News” had one of the best tag scenes he had ever seen. It also has a great quote. It was nominated for seven Oscars.

Another question: are these Hollywood awards bought and paid for or earned? What is the currency?

Thank you, Albert Brooks!

“He will be attractive! He'll be nice and helpful. He'll get a job where he influences a great God-fearing nation. He'll never do an evil thing! He'll never deliberately hurt a living thing... he will just bit by little bit lower our standards where they are important. Just a tiny little bit. Just coax along flash over substance. Just a tiny little bit. And he'll talk about all of us really being salesmen. And he'll get all the great women.”

Referring to Tom, talking about the Devil appearance if he was on Earth

Albert Brooks Aaron Altman

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Diane Hiller, Licensed Psychotherapist, Certified Feng Shui Master, and Medical Intuitive

Diane is a Licensed Psychotherapist, Psychic Medium, Certified Feng Shui Master, and Medical Intuitive. She has been tested for accuracy. After working in the nursing field as an LPN. She returned to college and received a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa. She then earned her Master's (MSW) with a Major in Clinical and a Minor in Research, both from the University of Connecticut. She is licensed by State examination as an LCSW. In 2005, she founded Elemental Empowerments, LLC. She is noted in the book “The Top 100 Psychics and Astrologers in America.” In February, she was honored and humbled to be named Top Psychic Medium of the Year for 2023 by the International Association of Top Professionals (IAOTP) "for her outstanding leadership, dedication, commitment, and enlightenment to her field." She will be awarded in December at the Plaza Hotel in NYC. Diane is considered one of the most well-researched psychics in North America. As of June 2024, she is honored to be represented by Intuity Talent Management, based in LA, with offices in NYC and London. This firm is committed to connecting individuals and organizations with some of the world's most gifted psychics, mediums, intuitives, healers, and metaphysical practitioners. 



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