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Unlocking Your Creative Genius

Written by: Tiffany Jean Draper, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Do you ever stop something you have started and rarely complete it?

Or have a million great ideas for your business with little to no follow-through.

Or are stuck at a certain ceiling of income, and just cannot seem to push the limit you want to push. No matter how many hours you put in.

This could also show up in a relationship that keeps us at a certain point we are again, slightly dissatisfied with and will not make the next move we feel is necessary. It shows itself in all aspects of life.

The subconscious box, the powerhouse of that which causes stress, some anxiety, the never-ending working, the hustle as you call it, and the stuck, the stopping, the ceiling, the lack of, the imposter syndrome, the need to know, health problems and so much more.

As we have grown and learn and are influenced by others (parents, friends, coaches, etc.) This learning gets put in a nice little snug spot within our subconscious. Even the things we don't want to learn to get integrated into our brains... The things we watch, observe and read from the youngest age possible.

"Hard work pays off" "hustle and grinds if you want to succeed" and I'm sure you can think of many more things we have heard or observed over the years, things that influence your drive.

Yet there is still something. You still feel like there is something else, or more to this.

So, how do you find that?

This journey begins within you.

Think for a moment or take some time on this thought, assess what could be in that box. Draw a diagram or write it out.

Where does that moment in time lay, that moment someone showed you something or told you to do things a certain way, that in which you have continued to do or live by up until this point in your life.

For some this could be a parent influence, the parent or elder that showed you over and over that in order to live a steady life you have to work a lot and earn the money, then at some point (retirement) you can live life freely, so up until this point, we have lived like this.

If we work less, we feel guilty or if we are stuck we feel like we have to continue to push to achieve that next goal, causing the stress and possible anxiety around the business or workplace. Yet, this way of thinking has essentially held back your creative genius without realization.

Lack of the realization is to no fault of your own, it is just there, in that subconscious box, waiting to be released.

This moment can also come from others who have influenced your process. Coaches and mentors who have told you to do things a certain way, write a certain way, create a certain way. Or by following those top-notch gurus and reading and watching what they do.

After all, these “influencers” have made money, have had success, so you think if you do it that way, you too shall succeed.

Yet, again, this keeps you perpetually defined as something that is not your own.

That moment can literally come from anywhere.

You just need to release it.

Find it and become who you are truly meant to be.

Take a look at the things you enjoy in life, that in which turns you on completely.

What you value about that, and where your true genius lies within it.

Again, write this down. Take a look at it and see if that is how you are truly living your life. Or is that of which you wrote, is merely someone else’s.

Finding this is a simple process, yet, not always easy.

Becoming who you are really meant to be is most often misunderstood, and really not articulated by most. It is somewhat a part of the one-percenters.

It is necessary to break the cycle that others have unknowingly put you on.

It is essential in order to live free of all the constricts within.

The magic lies within being completely you.

The creative genius you possess can fully become unlocked when you find your real self.

The self before the influence, before the conditioning before the world took over and told you who to be.

Unlock that. Break free of it.

It is only then, the possibilities of play become endless. It is only then that you will truly create from a place of purely you. And the rest, well the rest finds its congruency within your life.

Clients align better, income ceilings surpass beyond expectations. Life, love, and happiness are you and nothing else matters.

Pure enjoyment, pure bliss, pure life, purely you.

Want to learn more from Tiffany? Follow her on Facebook, Youtube channel, or visit her website.


Tiffany Jean Draper, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

To some, there is something to say about the girl who no one really knows. The quiet, observant girl, the one who didn’t talk much because a part of her really wasn’t interested in what most found conversation in. The lost girl, they might have observed. Reality is, she was just that. Lost. And had to find everything and fight everything within her not to be. Because she knew, there was something bigger, she knew this life was more. One day, through a journey of her own, she found that “more”. The path of less resistance illuminated. One day, with some guidance, she figured it out. She fully woke up, and evolved and became. Stress, anxiety, hustle and exertion had all completely dissipated. She realized her full purpose this time and began her journey of experiencing existence and enjoying everything she could.

Her creativity expanded to great lengths as her consciousness grew. She had officially evolved.

Tiffany is now mentoring and guiding others through a similar journey. As she has found, it is a great tragedy to not know ones self. Her clients are entrepreneurs and each one has their own unique process. Her methods are undefined, undiluted and completely unfiltered. It is her purpose to teach others that life outside the typical, the conditioned, the what you think you “should do”. Life outside of the stress, anxiety, and urge to hustle, is so much more alluring than where they are now. She simple guides them through this extraordinary journey. So they too, can be completely unrestricted, unscripted and simply live in who they truly are.

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