Ignazio is a well known Hypnotist, holding the highest level of qualification in QHHT – Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique. Ignazio is also a Spiritual Mentor specializing in Deep Meditation and Advanced Spiritual Practices. With a background in Chemical Engineering and Business, Ignazio brings a scientific approach to ancient wisdom.
Humans have evolved into a sophisticated society. We have explored the oceans, our lands, our skies, and even outer space. We have created art, literature, medicine, and AI. Our society has become so complex that we are now mostly comprised of highly specialized individuals. In universities, we study specific subjects, and within those subjects, we specialize even further. It’s like each of us holds a piece of the puzzle, a piece of the knowledge, of the experience of the collective. For example, someone might know a lot about ancient Greek archaeology, while most people know nothing about it. There are some areas of life we all have a great amount of exposure to, which makes us, at least in part, experts. Thinking is one of those things.
Thinking: A deeper meaning
We all think. Every day, all day, and even during the night. So we all have equal experience of what “thinking” is. Yet philosophers and spiritual masters alike have delved into the observance of their own thought processes to make sense of this almost magical property of living organisms. Descartes even used thought as proof of existence, with his famous words, “Cogito, ergo sum,” suggesting that the very act of thinking, even if doubting one's existence, proves one's existence, because if there is thought, there must be a thinker, someone experiencing that thought.
But what is thinking? Although we all do it, it’s hard to define. Because we speak in defined languages, we often associate a word, sentence, or phrase expressed mentally as a thought. But if we look deeper, and especially observe our thoughts for thousands of hours in meditation, without interfering with them, we will notice that those “verbal” thoughts are more like the tip of the iceberg. For example, as a bilingual person, I can catch myself thinking something before it is expressed in words and before choosing the language in which to verbalize the thought or not. So an unexpressed idea, concept, is already a thought. And in a similar way, we can have an even more subtle thought. So, I would define “thought” as any “action of the mind.” Thought can be defined as a mental process that involves cognitive activities such as reasoning, problem-solving, decision-making, imagining, and remembering. It encompasses the conscious and unconscious processes of the mind that occur when we perceive, interpret, and make sense of the world around us. Thoughts can be verbal or nonverbal, visual or abstract, and they play a crucial role in shaping our perceptions, behaviors, and emotions.
Thinking shapes our reality. It creates the Matrix, a world around us defined by code. And we are all living in the Matrix.
Now, there is a way out of the Matrix, and we will talk about this in a future article, but right now, let’s talk about the structure of the Matrix and how to change it in our favor.
3 categories of thoughts
Conscious and unconscious
Unconscious thoughts are those automatically triggered by life. These are usually innate (like instincts) or learned (like programmed behaviours). Their main purpose is to guide us in the dark. When we are not present enough, aware enough, these thoughts are our autopilot. Conscious thoughts are a property of thought that emerges from awareness. At some point in our life, we can rise above automation and become conscious. This is a great liberator because thoughts have an infinity of permutations; they are like numbers, infinite, so we can move from automated responses to our environment and triggers to conscious responses.
Weak or powerful
This is very important. Thoughts are neutral, and they have no power on their own. The power they get comes from the belief we put in them that they are true. And this power can, once again, come from the subconscious mind, as well as from the conscious mind. So, thoughts are like sails, and belief is like the wind. Only when the wind blows into the sail will the sail have power. Once thoughts gain power, they mainly do two things: they shape your world, they color the experience you are having, and they create emotions in the body. These two things together give the experience of life.
Healthy or unhealthy
Now, as thoughts receive power from our belief in them, they automatically translate into physical form, affecting organs in the body and creating sensations and emotions within us. There is no other place for a thought form to go. Like a river to the sea, the thought flows into the body. Now, in a world of duality, it’s easy to fall into the trap of “positive” thoughts and “negative thoughts”. And there is also some merit, together with limitations, in this categorization of thought. However, it can become a question of opinion and of belief systems. So, we are going to divide thoughts into their crude outcomes in the body: health or no health. If a thought creates an emotion that promotes better functioning of our body (including the brain), then we call that a healthy thought. If it creates unpleasantness in the body, which then can result in a lesser functioning of the body or its parts, which can then result in illness, we will call this an unhealthy thought. In QHHT, the deepest form of hypnosis in which the practitioner dialogues, it has been found that actually all ailments and illnesses in the body are a form of thought manifestation. So when we understand the thought form underneath an illness, and we substitute the thought form with another one – Conscious, Powerful, and Healthy, we can heal. In turn, these new “positive” thoughts will drive new “positive” behaviors, and new behaviors will have a “positive” influence on the world around us and society at large, creating a loop of change which will stimulate us even further. We can change our body, and we can change our view of the world. If we can understand our thoughts, we can master our life.
Understand your thoughts, master your life
So the first step to changing the Matrix created by your thoughts is to see the Matrix. How do you see the Matrix? How do you see your thoughts? Well, it is only with your Awareness. The same way we use eyes to see objects outside of us, we have an internal eye that is our awareness that sees inside of us. It “sees” physical sensations in the body, it “sees” our emotions and feelings, and it “sees” our thoughts. So, the more we exercise our awareness (I’ll be writing more about this in articles to come), and the more we will see our thoughts, which means the more we will see the way in which the Matrix, our Matrix, is written. Once we know the code, we can start to change it. This happens because when we see our thoughts, and our awareness is awake, the thought changes from a subconscious belief in which we are invested and attached to (yes, even the negative ones), to just a line of code that is either useful or not. And that’s where the magic starts, and we start to re-write the code, our life, and history.
Read more from Ignazio Dentici
Ignazio Dentici, Hypnotist and Spiritual Coach
Ignazio is a well-known Hypnotist, holding the highest level of qualification, Level 3, in QHHT – Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique.
Ignazio is also a Spiritual Mentor specializing in Deep Meditation and Advanced Spiritual Practices. He qualified as a meditation teacher in 2010 and has been practicing Deep Meditation and Self-Knowledge techniques since 2002, when he had a Spiritual Awakening.
With a backgrund in Chemical Engineering and Business, and after having worked as a scientist in a Lab for an international Water Treatment company for 10 years, Ignazio decided to devote his life to sharing the benefits of hypnosis and spiritual practices with his clients full time in 2018, and has done ever since.