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Unlocking Source Energy And Embracing Life's Journey With Universal Balance

Daniel Mirfield works with energies that consume people's realities, allowing people to access part of them that has been lost or hidden. He is also the author of 'Seedling – The Journey to Inner Peace'

Executive Contributor Daniel Mirfield

Energy is our existence, everything we do, our actions, our thoughts and our ability to exist in the physical form is supported by energy and the balancing principles of the universe. It is a journey that changes through eras and living through lifetimes. Every time we choose to come back, it's to experience and learn more about life in an embodiment and how it can support us while enlightening our souls. This journey takes time, appreciation, and care. The raw power of nature keeps us humble and alert but always supported by life and how precious it is.


a serene woman dressed in white robes holding a glowing orb, set against a mystical, celestial background with intricate patterns and soft light.

This era is the materialistic era, we are heading into the final stages and it's now an important time to understand the flow in which society has transitioned through the years. A time where if we understand the flow, we enter the next era with a higher knowledge of enlightenment and wisdom that is attached to the worldly/materialistic reality and more importantly, how it affects social and individual identities through a fear-based reality.


When we search for healthy routines that introduce a variety of energies and how they communicate to our mind, body, and soul, we can enter these practices blindly and confuse spaces. Creating an alternative method of disconnection and avoidance because of how we believe we exist in the world. Only ever being able to skim the surface of understanding ourselves and the energies that surround us.


Every experience we have had within our lifetime stays present within our source energy, and when we see the world through the lenses of a fear-based reality, our memories are drawn to the emotional charge reality kept within the conscious mind. Understanding our journey requires an internal acknowledgment of the energies that were present at all times, good and bad. When we have chaos and conflict within the mind, we reject our being and block any ability to align with our source.


Our source energy is the key to healing the deepest wounds, energy is flowing in and out of us all moments of the day. Our source energy doesn't, it is our wisdom gained within this life and previous lifetimes. We know more about the spiritual realm than life in the physical form, but we are taught to ignore that connection as we can not see, touch, control the outcome, or influence others, as it stays divinely connected to our souls. The source is also the bridge to a higher state of consciousness, a pathway to a language of an unlimited connection to a world that we actively try to avoid ourselves. Believing is a small part of acknowledging our true empowerment, which comes from feeling the moment and letting that energy flow within you to enlighten your journey.


There is empowerment when we understand that we choose this life in the physical form and that there are critical lessons and experiences that we are meant to embrace and participate in. When the space is available and it allows you to look within, there are no victims, villains or heroes, there is only understanding. It's all about understanding the moment that supports growth and allows us to move forward without the repetitive behaviour patterns that continue to put us in difficult spaces. Spaces that create uncomfortable experiences and emotionally charged reactions.

Our source energy allows us access to a wider understanding of the energies that complete our universe, a higher door to the staircase of life. When we ignore this essential principle of life, we bounce between realities, living, and existing on reactive paradigms. To understand ourselves we have to acknowledge a part of us that has been lost, once recognised it can activate a connection to an energy of a higher knowing and appreciation for life.

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Read more from Daniel Mirfield


Daniel Mirfield, Life Coach

Daniel Mirfield works with energy and looks at life beyond the conditioned reality we are consuming as we enter this world, allowing access to a deeper meaning of our life journey and purpose. Offering unconditional spaces that allow individuals to look within. Knowing only change happens when they are ready, one of the most difficult challenges is finding teachings that operate outside the fear-based reality. He knows that understanding energy provides a space that welcomes peace into people's lives.

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