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Unlocking Personal Transformation – Exclusive Interview With Rossella Tocco

After graduating in law, Rossella Tocco continued to deal with people and practiced as a civil lawyer for 13 years. She attended postgraduate specialization courses in Coaching at the International University Center of Arezzo, she became a Practitioner, Master and NLP Trainer, also working internationally as a Coach and Trainer. She is accredited by ICF as a Master Certified Coach.

Image photo of Rossella Tocco

Rossella Tocco, Master Certified Coach

Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better.

Hi. My name is Rossella. I am working as a Master Certified Coach and NLP Trainer and helping people to find balance in their lives. My specification is nlp weight loss coaching as I experienced it myself till I was a child.

In 2004 I was a lawyer, a fat lawyer. I still remember when I was carefully preparing documents for a process and I was so uncomfortable that one day my boss told me that being overweight wouldn't have been a problem if I hadn't experienced it as a problem. Of course, I had tried every type of diet in my life. But we all know that despite having many diets in the drawer, after doing them once the motivation disappears. So I started an NLP journey and I lost 20 kg in 8 months. I never gained it back. It wasn't enough for me. It was a shocking achievement and I wanted to make NLP a real job out of it.

Now I am helping people achieve their goals, improve their state of mind and put in doubts their beliefs.

Can you provide a brief overview of your business and its core offerings?

I have been working as an NLP Coach and Trainer since 2015, helping my clients achieve their personal and professional life coaching goals. The essence of my work is to facilitate their personal growth and encourage them to identify the main challenges and achieve goals, speeding up their times of achievement with total respect for their identity and values.

My experience as an NLP Trainer allows me to help them learn tools that enable change, increase their effectiveness, and promote clients’ evolution and best expression.

I offer clients customized coaching paths, NLP weight loss paths, and I offer coaches mentoring for ICF credentials and the opportunity to become a weight loss Accredited Coach.

What sets your business apart from competitors, and what is your unique value proposition?

My mission is to accompany clients to become increasingly autonomous and capable of achieving their goals. To do this, I draw on my long experience, knowledge of human dynamics, exquisite sensitivity, and a very rich kit of NLP tools and coaching techniques to help them express their potential to the maximum.

Who is your target audience, and how do you tailor your products/ services to meet their needs?

My target is clients aged 35-55 and Coaches. I accompany the client in defining outcomes, paying attention to the balance between internal values and the external context to which they refers, perfecting the strategies resulting from informed decision-making processes.

How do you engage with your customers, and what efforts do you make to build and maintain strong customer relationships?

I deeply believe in customer intelligence and non-aggressive promotion of my business. The customer knows what they need, they have the solution in their pocket and I am only the expert tool they choose to achieve what they want, not what I want. I often learn more from my clients than they learn from me. My “putting myself aside” often generates trust and freedom in the clients to be free to be themselves.

Tell us about your greatest career achievement so far.

School Supervisor and Trainer for Italian School, Trainer and Italian division training Director in an American NLP School , Portfolio Assessor ICF and Master Certified Coach accredited by ICF.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!



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