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Unlocking New Perspectives – How Perceptual Positions Enhance Coaching Effectiveness

After graduating in law, Rossella continued to deal with people and practiced as a civil lawyer for 13 years. She attended postgraduate specialization courses in Coaching at the International University Center of Arezzo.

Executive Contributor Rossella Tocco

Perceptual positions in coaching refer to the various perspectives from which a situation or issue can be observed and understood. These positions can be a powerful tool for coaches and clients to gain a more comprehensive understanding of a problem and to develop more effective strategies for resolution. There are three main perceptual positions in coaching: first position, second position, and third position.

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First position 

Involves seeing and experiencing a situation from your perspective. This is the position from which we typically view the world, as it is our own subjective experience that we are most familiar with. When using the first position in coaching, clients are encouraged to explore their own thoughts, feelings, and experiences related to a particular issue. This can help them to gain clarity on their own perspective and to better understand their own reactions and responses to the situation.

Second position 

Involves seeing and experiencing a situation from the perspective of another person. This is an important skill for developing empathy and understanding in coaching. By considering the thoughts, feelings, and experiences of others, clients can gain a more holistic view of the situation and develop a deeper understanding of the perspectives of others involved. This can be particularly helpful in resolving conflicts or improving communication in relationships.


Third position

Involves seeing and experiencing a situation from a detached, observer perspective. This position allows clients to step back from the situation and take a more objective view of the dynamics at play. From this position, clients can gain insights into the wider context of the situation, the underlying patterns and dynamics, and the potential impact of different actions and decisions. The Third position can help clients to see the bigger picture and to develop more strategic and long-term approaches to problem-solving.


In coaching, the use of perceptual positions can help clients to develop greater self-awareness, empathy, and strategic thinking. By exploring a situation from multiple perspectives, clients can gain a deeper understanding of the dynamics at play and develop more effective strategies for moving forward. Coaches can support clients in exploring perceptual positions through various coaching techniques, such as role-playing, perspective-taking exercises, and guided visualization.


Overall, the use of perceptual positions in coaching can be a valuable tool for helping clients to gain new insights, develop empathy, and make more informed decisions. By expanding their perspective and considering the viewpoints of others, clients can develop a more comprehensive understanding of the situations they face and develop more effective strategies for addressing them. As coaches, it is important to guide clients in exploring perceptual positions in a supportive and non-judgmental way, to help them gain the most benefit from this powerful coaching tool.

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Rossella Tocco, Master Certified Coach

After graduating in law, Rossella continued to deal with people and practiced as a civil lawyer for 13 years. She attended postgraduate specialization courses in Coaching at the International University Center of Arezzo, she became a Practitioner, Master and NLP Trainer, also working internationally as a Coach and Trainer. She is accredited by ICF as a Master Certified Coach.



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