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Unlocking Fulfillment – The Science Behind A Meaningful Life

Written by: George Thorman, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Fulfillment, happiness, and well-being – call it what you like. It’s been a universal aspiration throughout human history. People have always sought to achieve a life that is fulfilling and meaningful. While many ancient philosophers and modern self-help gurus have debated exactly what it takes to have that kind of life, research has identified several key factors that contribute to our happiness.

Success concept - have goals, make efforts, get results, feel good - napkin doodle placed on wooden table with espresso coffee cup

1. Meaningful Relationships

Perhaps the most consistent finding in happiness research is that social relationships are key to human well-being. The longest-running study on human happiness has shown that people who have meaningful relationships with others tend to be happier and live longer than those who are socially isolated. Having close relationships with family, friends, and romantic partners provides a sense of belonging, support, and connection that is essential to human fulfillment.

Science says that the quality, rather than the quantity, of relationships is what matters most. Having a few close and supportive relationships is more important than having many superficial or negative relationships. And it’s not just about what we receive from others. Providing emotional support and giving back to others greatly increases our fulfillment levels. Sometimes it really is better to give than to receive.

2. Autonomy and Control

People who feel in control of their lives and have autonomy over their decisions tend to be happier and more fulfilled. Studies have found that when people have a sense of control over their environment, they are more likely to experience positive emotions and feel a greater sense of well-being. It’s even cited as the main reason that money can buy happiness.

However, it's important to note that too much control can also be detrimental. People who feel excessively responsible for others or who have an overwhelming amount of control may experience stress and burnout. It's important to find a balance between autonomy and interdependence.

3. Personal Growth

Opportunities for personal growth come in many forms. Whether professional or personal, learning new skillsets, having new experiences, and tackling new challenges give people a chance to grow. The sense of accomplishment that people get from these experiences increases confidence and self-esteem and can create a sense of excitement.

Research says that a growth mindset can contribute to fulfillment by promoting a sense of possibility and potential, providing a sense of purpose and direction, and fostering resilience and perseverance. By adopting a growth mindset and seeking out opportunities for growth and development, individuals can enhance their own well-being.

4. Positive Emotions

While it's impossible to be happy all the time, research suggests that people can cultivate positive emotions through intentional practices such as gratitude journaling, mindfulness meditation, and acts of kindness. Plus, cultivating positive emotions can have a ripple effect, as positive emotions can spread to others and create a more positive and fulfilling social environment.

5. Meaningful Work

Bestselling Author and MIT Professor Cal Newport literally wrote the book on career satisfaction. In So Good They Can’t Ignore You, Newport contends that people end up with careers they love when they have mastery of the work, autonomy and control over the completion of the work, meaningful connection with their colleagues and customers, and the sense that the work they are doing is positively impactful. By seeking out work that is aligned with their values and gives them the experience of autonomy, mastery, connection, and meaning, people can create a career that they love.

By prioritizing these key factors, we can achieve a more fulfilling life. It won't look the same for everyone, but by focusing on meaningful relationships, a sense of autonomy, engaging in meaningful work, opportunities for personal growth, and cultivating positive emotions, we can increase our overall well-being and live a life of purpose and happiness. So why wait? Start taking steps today to create a more fulfilling life for yourself.

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George Thorman, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Have you ever met a woman named George before? No? Then George Thorman has already changed your life. Helping people change their lives wasn't what she set out to do, but after EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) helped her heal severe PTSD she knew she wanted to use it to help others. Since 2011 George has been facilitating personal development through her work as a Thetahealing Master, EFT Practitioner, and Optimize Coach. George's mission is to help people become the best version of themselves. Though she has called many cities and countries home over the years, these days you'll find her in Kansas City, Missouri, USA with her husband, son, and pets.

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