In our rapidly changing world, the concept of collective transformation has gained unprecedented importance. It's a field where thought leaders are shaping the future of societies, organizations, and communities.

Irina Naithani, Founder of Werise – The Collective Growth Agency
Could you please provide a brief overview of your professional journey and explain how you became interested in collective transformation?
My journey towards collective transformation began immediately after high school when I worked as a volunteer with children on the streets of La Paz, the capital of Bolivia. The powerful individual and systemic forces that limit people's ability to realize their true potential in society sparked my curiosity. My desire to understand why people behave the way they do led me to choose psychology as my major in university.
Working on both the individual and systemic aspects of transformation guided my career toward management consulting where I initially focused on talent and change management and later shifted towards advising multinational corporations on their sustainability strategies.

What inspired you to start Werise – The Collective Growth Agency, and what is the mission and vision behind your company?
The inspiration for Werise came during my tenure as a sustainability director. I found myself in an executive meeting, discussing sustainability, a topic close to my heart. However, I felt less than inspired. Something was missing. We talked about KPIs and new benchmarks, but I yearned for a deeper connection to the impact on people and the environment. I wanted a language that embraced the entire human experience, not just euros, facts, and figures. I missed the high energy of shared aspirations and a greater vision to work towards, especially when so much is at stake.
I embarked on a journey of self-discovery to find my own deeper meaning in life. Connecting with my purpose was a breakthrough moment in my life. I decided to leave my promising consulting career and create my own business. Leveraging my knowledge of social psychology, my coaching practice, and my business experience, I started guiding conscious executives and holistic leaders to discover their 'Why.' Whenever like-minded individuals who had found their spark gathered, it felt like entering a room full of new possibilities. These moments were marked by deep connectedness and heightened consciousness – here I found the level of inspiration I had been seeking!
Today, at Werise, we collaborate with pioneers and business leaders to create more "We Rise" moments, unleashing the individual and tapping into the collective genius and brilliance of a group. Werise has been honored with the SDG 17 Award from the European Technology Chamber for our commitment to fostering this uplifting energy toward a brighter future for all.
Can you define what collective transformation means to you and explain why it's crucial in today's world?
To me, collective transformation is the intentional and collaborative process of elevating individuals, groups, and communities to a higher level of consciousness, purpose, and action. I believe that to navigate the 21st-century polycrisis, we must create spaces where bold individuals come together with intention. By working together with shared intention, we can effect positive change on a larger scale. This transcends individual growth to achieve collective evolution. It's mastering the interplay of what I call “I RISE“ and “WE RISE,“ which is the real game-changer.
What challenges have you encountered in your field, and how have you overcome them? Could you share valuable insights or lessons you've learned through your work?
Today, we all have access to the knowledge we need for personal development, and there are many great tools available. More people are on a journey of growth and self-improvement. The next step is taking this to a collective level and moving from theory to action. The key is execution and embodiment.
The primary challenge in the field of collective transformation lies in shifting from personal development to collective growth. It's about instilling new habits and rituals within the shared spaces where people collaborate. These spaces need to be energizing, not merely transactional.
In today's world, transactional interactions are insufficient. Firstly, individuals are seeking meaning and genuine connection. Secondly, the world is becoming increasingly complex. We need safe places, not only in our personal lives but particularly in our professional environments, to nurture creativity and our capacity to solve the challenges we are facing. A significant percentage of young adults worry about climate change, and a majority of the workforce experiences high levels of stress daily. How can we expect people to work on global solutions when they feel overwhelmed in their personal lives?
Addressing these issues requires more than placing additional expectations on individuals to optimize themselves and grow on their own. We need spaces where members can experience a sense of oneness, the feeling of “I'm okay, and You're okay,” and share moments of “communitas.” This can help shift the focus, amplify access to new solutions, and enhance the resilience and well-being of a group.

What sets Werise apart from other coaching platforms?
Our approach integrates influences from various teachings. We combine systemic and business coaching with integral theory and the stages of consciousness evolution according to Graves and Beck (Spiral Dynamics). We fusion well-being with impact orientation, and high-performance coaching with energy work. As I strive to build a thriving business, there are core experiences at the heart of Werise that are essential and go beyond any business model. These experiences, such as the sense of unity and oneness, are not services but fundamental human experiences that seem to have been largely lost in Western societies. For instance, Werise offers free monthly gatherings designed for the collective experience of oneness, "The Werise Sundowner." It's a soul-nourishing ritual open to everyone interested in connecting with themselves (I RISE) and with others (WE RISE). It serves as a contemporary sanctuary for experiencing unity, providing invigorating and uplifting experiences. If you feel drawn to it, you can sign up for our next session here.
Could you share your vision for the future of collective transformation? Where do you see the field heading in the coming years? Do you have any upcoming projects or initiatives you're excited about?
My vision for the future is one where the principles of purpose, collaboration, and regenerative action are ingrained in the fabric of society and organizations. I envision a world where collective growth becomes the norm, leading to more peaceful and thriving communities.
We have upcoming projects like a masterclass on “new power leadership” and our signature program “UPLIFT” where you can learn to master the art of energizing people and rallying for impact. These initiatives have the potential to catalyze positive change on a global scale.
Let's get to know you better. Could you please share a bit about your private life?
Certainly! In addition to being a passionate advocate for collective transformation, I am a happy mother of two boys and am fortunate to be married to my American-Indian husband, Dan.
Our family's purpose is to discover life inside and out. I‘m particularly focusing on nurturing the inner dimensions and conscious rituals that enrich our family life, emphasizing mindfulness, purpose, and meaningful connections.
On the other hand, my husband's superpower is taking us to the most amazing places with our campervan in Europe. We love to explore the world and experience different cultures. This year, we were able to spend three months in Andalusia, Spain. Both of our kids, my mother-in-law, who joined us and helped us with homeschooling, and my husband and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience.
Finally, what advice would you offer to individuals who aspire to become experts in the field of collective transformation? Do you have any tips for staying motivated and continuously learning in this dynamic field?
For those aspiring to become experts in this field, I would encourage you to closely examine your context, both professionally and privately. Ask yourself if the respective areas in your life spark joy and if people feel seen within them. Consider how you can set an impulse for more connectedness, belonging, and collective joy. And, of course, embrace your journey of personal growth and healing. Find a community of like-minded that inspire you and continue learning from the experts in the field.
In a world where collective transformation is key to solving complex problems and fostering positive change, Irina Naithani stands as a beacon of knowledge and inspiration. As we look ahead, it's clear that Irina will continue to be a driving force in the field.
Author's Note: Irina is available for speaking engagements, consultations, and collaborations in the field of collective transformation. For inquiries and further information, please visit her website, download her free White Paper "From I Rise to We Rise," or get in touch with Irina directly via
For more info about Irina Naithani and Werise – The Collective Growth Agency, follow her on LinkedIn, and Instagram, and visit her website.