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Unlock Your True Potential With RiseUP Coaching – Exclusive Interview With Kathy Baldwin

Kathy Baldwin is a visionary leader and advocate for personal transformation and women's empowerment, with a rich background spanning over four decades of learning from more than a hundred leading minds in psychology, biology, quantum physics, and personal development. Her mission is to unite women and men in collaboration and cooperation, breaking the chains of disempowerment ingrained by societal conditioning. This conditioning perpetuates an unsustainable system prioritizing power and profits over people, designed to maintain the status quo where the majority serves the interests of a privileged few.

Kathy's pivotal moment of awakening came during a significant personal crisis. After years of navigating a successful yet unfulfilling career in the corporate world and striving to follow her inner soul and intuition, she found herself in the midst of a full mental and emotional breakdown. It was a moment that starkly highlighted the inadequacies of the traditional medical system, which offered little beyond pills and platitudes. This experience ignited Kathy's courage and resilience, leading her to a profound journey of self-healing, fueled by a deep connection with universal power and energy.

Determined to offer an alternative to the failing systems that had let her down, Kathy created her own innovative and unique coaching programs. These programs are designed to help others find their authenticity and alignment, avoiding the pitfalls of stress and burnout by addressing the root causes of their struggles. Kathy's work empowers individuals to heal from past traumas, reconnect with their divine feminine energy, and step into their own power, advocating for a transformative global movement towards balance, compassion, and abundance.

Today, Kathy Baldwin stands as a beacon of hope and inspiration, guiding individuals on their journeys of true self-discovery and alignment. Her commitment is to inspire others to uncover their inner strength, align with universal laws, and lead a life of empowerment and healing from within. Through her innovative system, Kathy has already touched the lives of many, proving that true empowerment and healing come from within and that by addressing the root causes of our struggles, we can unlock our full potential and lead a life of purpose and fulfillment.

Image photo of Kathy Baldwin

Kathy Baldwin, Burnout Healer; Transformation Coach

Can you share your journey towards becoming a personal empowerment coach and the inspiration behind RiseUP Coaching?

I think I have always been a champion and coach for personal empowerment. It began when I was 21 and found myself a single sole supporting parent. I realized that I could either RiseUP or rollover and my son deserved a mother who would rise and show him the way.

I carried stress and trauma like the badge of honor that our society admired. I was so strong for so long that not even my body crumbling around me with fibromyalgia, adrenal fatigue, osteoarthritis, etc, couldn't take me down. Eventually, though, I did finally break. I had a complete mental and physical breakdown, which eventually led to my breakthrough and personal transformation.

Our current medical system, therapy, and coaching programs all left me with surface actionable tools, but nothing did the root cause healing for me. It became clear that if I was going to live, I needed to do it myself. I had over 40 years of training from over 100 different experts and I was able to synthesize the information into my true healing and empowerment journey. Once I got to the otherside, it was impossible to go back to who I was and not share this life changing information to the world.

How do you define personal empowerment, and why is it crucial in today’s world?

We are in a major paradigm shift. The old systems are crumbling around us, from our education, government, health, food, economies, etc., because they were built on unsustainable control and power, creating a huge disproportion between the masses of workers and consumers and the elite billionaires who focused on profits over people.

Change is happening so fast that I do not believe that we can heal our world and planet without a massive personal empowerment movement. And it is happening. You can see and hear it all around you.

I believe that automation and AI will replace manual and repetitive tasks and this is the time for us to seize our most human qualities and bring each of our gifts to the world.

What sets RiseUP Coaching apart from other personal development programs?

I am not putting any other personal development programs down, I have probably studied them all and learned so much from each. It was the combination and synthesizing of them together that is what RiseUP is based on. It combines the best of all, and instead of having a “system” to give people to follow, RiseUP is built on the premise that knowledge and understanding of ourselves and our world is all we ever needed. We already have everything, we just have not been shown how to access and use it. I equate this to being like learning to drive a car. We would never allow someone to just walk out, get into a car, and learn to drive by trial and error, but that is the equivalent of how we have managed ourselves in our own lives.

RiseUP Coaching created a signature program called Drive Your Destiny that basically is the Driver’s Ed of our body, world and life. The program guides our clients to understand their own personal vehicle (body), their personal GPS (energy, soul, intuition) with the road rules (universal laws) to navigate life with ease and flow.

Can you explain the concept of neuroplasticity and its significance in personal transformation?

Neuroplasticity is a term that science created to explain our brain is always learning and growing. The old belief was that once it was formed, it was static and “you couldn’t teach an old dog new tricks’. That knowledge is part of the paradigm shift I was referring to. Our bodies, minds and lives are more powerful than we have been led to believe and Unlearning the Crap of old outdated beliefs and learning the truth is necessary for true transformation.

How do you incorporate the principles of epigenetics into your coaching methodology?

Just like neuroplasticity is science catching up to the truth, so is epigenetics. We were not aware that our thoughts are powerful, that our words create, and that we can alter our DNA, our lives, through conscious awareness and change of our environment  especially our inner environment  our thoughts and feelings. Once we learn how it works, we can utilize our own power with intentional creative power.

In what ways do you believe the current global challenges are actually opportunities for personal and collective growth?

I believe we are in a major pivotal paradigm change that is so massive that future generations will look back on what we lived in disbelief that we were disempowered for so long. We have the understanding and scientific proof that is bringing the truth of how powerful we truly are and that the purpose of life is creation and expansion. Our labor and repetitive tasks are being replaced by computers and AI. What that leaves us with is our true humanness of compassion, innovation, imagination and creation to be our personal and collective gifts to the world. We can not only heal ourselves but also our planet, our environment, our social structures and every part of our world when we are stepping into our true power.

How does RiseUP Coaching help individuals navigate the complexities of modern life, including the impact of technology and automation?

RiseUP Coaching teaches and guides individuals to the truth of our quantum mechanical and energetic world. Once we take these concepts and utilize them for individuals rather than just products that can be profits, we naturally step into our true power. Once you know something you can’t unknow it. We don’t need change and growth to be painful by digging up old bones, when we can see everything clearly.

What role does self-awareness play in personal empowerment, and how do you facilitate this in your coaching?

Self-awareness is the windshield and mirrors of our vehicle (body). Without seeing clearly how can we navigate? We need to be aware of our environment, our results, our consequences in order to adapt and navigate our paths. Universal Laws have been given the reputation of woowoo. I believe it has been purposeful to keep us following along by what we are told rather than what we know. The Universal Laws, for example, show us that we can change our story and our beliefs (epigenetics) by changing our perspective based on the relativity of each event. That changes our brain (neuroplasticity) our chemistry in our body (stress, inflammation and health) which alters our vibration of energy, which alters our alignment to what we attract and receive. It is so interconnected and so basic once you truly understand.

Image photo of Kathy Baldwin

Can you share a success story of a client who experienced significant transformation through your coaching program?

Yes. I had a client who felt trapped in her beliefs of not being good enough based on how she was raised. She felt so trapped by this anchor and no other therapy or coaching process helped her. Without retraumatizing her by dissecting the past, and trying to force changes, once she had this information, she was able to look clearly at her life, and then the pain and anchors just fell away, easily. She had been prepared to go to battle with her past, and in each session, she left laughing, lighter, happier, and excited to continue.

How do you address the common fears and resistances that people have towards change and personal growth?

Fear is nothing more than information. We have equated fear to danger because that is how our brain works. Survival is all that our brain cares about and so it is constantly scanning for danger. Fear for our brain is something new, something that doesn't have a program to run on autopilot. When we know that our brain is just saying, look out, pay attention, you are on a manual mode, and when you anticipate that reaction, we can easily put it aside when it is our conscious choice and decisions.

What advice would you give to someone feeling stuck or disempowered in their current life situation?

I don’t give advice. I ask questions. Is this working for you? Are you truly ready to make changes and discover just how powerful you are? Once those decisions are made, the answers will appear and all you have to do is trust it. Trust your heart. Ignore your brain.

How does RiseUP Coaching tailor its approach to meet the unique needs of each client?

I have created a whole-istic program that allows each person to self-direct their own needs. The program has every element needed for each individual's needs whether it is verbal, visual, energetic, community, support. If I have missed anything that someone would need, then I would quickly adapt the program, but I truly believe that I have found the right balance of self-direction and self-empowerment along with coaching, mentoring, and community support.

In your opinion, what are the key attributes of a person ready to embark on a journey of personal empowerment?

To embark on personal empowerment requires radical personal responsibility for everything in their life, as well as an open mind and commitment to the process. We have generational lies and disempowerment built into our DNA and that is both a physical and energetic healing that must occur.

How do you integrate the understanding of universal laws into your coaching practices?

The Universal laws are already integrated into everything. Once you have knowledge and full understanding, all I do is ask the right questions giving each client the gift of perspective.

What are some common misconceptions about personal coaching, and how do you address them?

I can do it on my own, I don’t need a coach. Personal coaching is too expensive and not worth it. All coaches are the same. Coaching is not for the everyday person, just for sports or business executives. Coaching is only needed for people who can’t manage their own lives.

I don’t believe that I or anyone else can overcome someone else’s objections if they are determined to believe them. That is a matter of whether they are committed to radical change and responsibility. What I can address is the questions, how are you going to learn what you don’t know, if you don’t know it yet? If your life was to end at this point, would you leave anything undone and have no regrets? Do you feel you have more to give and not enough time to give it?

These are either objections or fears of misunderstandings. As I shared earlier, the universal law of relativity shows us that everything is true based on our relative perspective, so really, I believe the only thing that matters is whether it empowers or disempowers you.

How important is the concept of community and support in the process of personal transformation?

It is my personal belief that when the Industrial Revolution came and people left their communities, their support systems, and their tribes and moved to urban areas, they became isolated and fearful. Those become self-imposed prisons of disempowerment when we believe the lies that we are supposed to know everything and do everything by ourselves. Nothing nor nobody has achieved anything in isolation. We are wired for community and support. We become better when we are supported, challenged and pushed to our full potential.

Can you discuss the importance of aligning one’s life with their true desires and purpose?

Our body speaks the language of vibration, emotions, somatic experiences. Our dreams and desires are shown to us in the language we understand. Our dreams and desires point the way, so that we follow the path that will get us to our purpose and our gifts. They are a carrot to follow knowing that you can never arrive, because each step will lead to the next step of our evolution.

What strategies do you employ to help clients overcome mental health challenges such as anxiety, stress, and burnout?

When you understand the way our central nervous system works and that we may not be able to stop our self-defence mechanism from turning on our sympathetic nervous system, with personal knowledge and self-awareness, we can take control of turning it off purposefully. We can then use stress as a tool and not be controlled and feeling helpless about it. My belief and experience is that when you become aligned with your true self and are living a life in alignment with your dreams and purpose, anxiety and burnout are not an issue any longer.

How do you see the future of personal development and empowerment evolving in the next decade?

I am on a mission to share this information with as many people as possible. I am finding that I am not alone and this message is spreading fast, far and wide. My hope is that we learn, heal and prosper, that we will teach the next generations the truth about their body, mind and soul and how it connects to the universe, and that we use our strengths to make a true difference in our world. I hope that having a personal coach becomes natural and expected as it is in pro sports.

Finally, for those interested in RiseUP Coaching, what’s the first step they should take to begin their journey of transformation?

The first step should be a conversation. I will not work with someone that I don’t know for sure that I am the right one to help them and everyone should feel that way about who they work with. Alignment with your coach is imperative for true transformation. That is why all good coaches offer a free introductory call to assess each other. Without trust, respect and alignment, it is a transaction not a transformation and we have had enough profits over people to last many lifetimes.

This is my calendar link for anyone who wants to explore working with RiseUP Coaching.

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