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Unlock Your Potential With Growth Academy

Paulina is a World Class Leadership Coach for CEOs who excels at igniting iconic presence and personal power in top-tier leaders. She is also an International Speaker and Bestselling Author. For over 15 years, she held senior roles in Global Corporations serving Fortune 100 companies.

Executive Contributor Paulina Stankiewicz

Imagine waking up every morning with a clear vision of where you're headed, a vision so powerful that it pulls you forward, giving you energy and purpose. That’s the foundation of success and it's exactly where the Growth Academy begins. In the first module, Setting the Vision, you’ll create a compelling vision for your future, one that will inspire not only you but also those around you. When you know what you really want, life starts to move in the right direction. It's not just about dreaming; it’s about designing a future that excites you every day and pushes you toward your goals with unwavering clarity.


Photo of Paulina Stankiewicz

But why is this vision non-negotiable? That’s what Module 2, Why Is This Important?, is all about. A vision alone isn’t enough, you need to deeply connect with the reasons behind it. When you understand why your vision matters, it becomes the fuel that powers you through obstacles, setbacks, and fears. You’ll smile every time you think about it because it’s not just a goal; it’s a driving force that makes everything worth it. The stronger your "why," the stronger your resilience. This connection is what will make you push through your fears and keep you focused, no matter how tough things get.


As you embark on this journey, it's essential to align with your core values. Module 3, Your Driving Force: Values, will help you dig deep into what truly fulfills you. Your values are the compass that directs your decisions and the foundation for a meaningful life. When your actions align with your values, you find happiness in the present, not just in some distant future. By

discovering what matters most to you, you create a foundation for success that isn’t just external but deeply personal. This is where true fulfillment begins by living a life that reflects your authentic self and consistently connects you to your purpose.



But let's face it, fear and self-sabotage are always lurking in the background. In Module 4, Self-Sabotage, we’ll uncover the sneaky ways you hold yourself back. Whether it's procrastination, distraction, or playing small, you'll learn how to recognize these patterns and take control. Often, we don’t even realize how we’re sabotaging ourselves, but these behaviors prevent us from taking the leaps needed to reach our goals. Once you see how you're getting in your own way, you’ll be empowered to break free from the limitations you’ve unconsciously set. This is where the real transformation begins by facing and conquering the invisible forces holding you back.


Module 5, Upper Limit, takes it a step further. You’ll explore the behaviors that keep you stuck just below the level of success you’re capable of achieving. Everyone has an upper limit—a threshold for how much success, happiness, or abundance they believe they deserve. When you get close to that limit, self-doubt, fear, and self-sabotage often kick in to keep you within your comfort zone. In this module, you’ll learn how to recognize when you’re hitting your upper limit and how to crush it, so you can elevate yourself to the next level of success without being held back by old patterns.


Success isn’t just about big wins; it’s also about staying consistent. Module 6, Contrast vs. Staying Power, introduces a game-changing concept.

Contrast is when you experience setbacks or things not working out, but staying power is your ability to keep going regardless. This module teaches you how to use contrast as feedback and build the mental resilience to

keep pushing through when others give up. It’s not just about reaching success—it’s about staying the course and making sure nothing derails your vision. This is the secret behind long-term success, and it’s the key to ensuring that you’re always progressing, no matter what challenges arise.


Of course, to reach your goals, you need to know who you are. That’s where Module 7, Identity, comes in. Your self-image is one of the most powerful determinants of your success. If you see yourself as someone who is limited, you’ll act that way. But when you learn how to shift your identity, you open the doors to limitless possibilities. You’ll become the person who can achieve the vision you’ve set for yourself. In this module, you’ll discover how to reshape your self-image to align with the success you’re working toward, so that your identity supports your goals instead of holding you back.


One of the biggest areas where people struggle is with their money mindset. That’s why Module 8, Wealth Consciousness, is a two-part deep dive into your beliefs around money and abundance. You’ll uncover the hidden beliefs that have been keeping you from financial success and learn how to upgrade them. Many people work hard but never break through to the wealth they deserve because they’re unknowingly blocked by limiting beliefs around money. This part of the program will help you unlock those limitations and finally start making the big bucks you’ve been striving for.

It’s time to break free from financial scarcity and step into a mindset of abundance.



Success isn’t just about individual effort; it’s also about the people you surround yourself with. In Module 9, Proximity Is Power, you’ll learn that the quality of your life depends on the quality of your relationships. You are the sum of the people you spend the most time with, and if you want to level up, you need to upgrade your circle. This module teaches you how to build a network of powerful, supportive relationships that will help you grow faster. Whether it’s mentors, peers, or a supportive community, proximity to the right people will accelerate your journey to success.


In Module 10, Living from the End, we dive into the art of manifestation and how to fast-track your goals. The concept is simple: when you start living as though you’ve already achieved your goals, you align your energy and actions with success. This module will teach you how to live from the end, act as though your vision has already come to life, and manifest your goals faster than you thought possible. When you embody the energy of already being successful, the universe starts to work in your favor. This is how you move from wanting success to actually experiencing it.


Finally, Module 11, Purposeful Leadership, will teach you the 7 steps to becoming a next-level leader. Leadership isn’t about titles; it’s about influence, and true leaders lead from a place of personal power and purpose. In this module, you’ll learn how to tap into your personal power and lead with purpose, whether in your business, your family, or your community. Leadership is the ultimate test of growth, and in Growth Academy, you’ll learn how to step into that role with confidence and clarity.


The Growth Academy is more than just a program it’s a blueprint for achieving your highest potential in life and business. If you’re ready to take charge of your future, break through limitations, and lead with purpose, this is your opportunity. Join us on this transformative journey and make the vision of your best life a reality. Are you ready to take the first step?


Learn more about Growth Academy.


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Paulina Stankiewicz, Leadership Coach for CEOs

Paulina is a World Class Leadership Coach for CEOs who excels at igniting iconic presence and personal power in top-tier leaders. She is also an International Speaker and Bestselling Author. For over 15 years, she held senior roles in Global Corporations serving Fortune 100 companies. This experience coupled with her MBA for Executives allows her to bring the business conversations with her clients to the next level. She is focused on improving the culture of organisations — starting with the top. She holds multiple International certifications and has been trained by the best teachers and coaches in the world. Her mission is to change the world, one leader at a time.



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