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Unlock Your Energy – 5 Hidden Causes Of Fatigue Sabotaging Your Success

Dr. Brendan McLaughlin is a world-renowned Natural Medicine Physician and the founder of Aquarian Health Solutions, a leading natural medicine clinic serving patients worldwide. With his extensive experience, Dr. McLaughlin helps CEO's, professional athletes and individuals overcome their toughest health challenges and live optimally.

Executive Contributor Brendan McLaughlin

As an entrepreneur fatigue is your worst enemy. Long hours, high stress, and constant decision- making are part of the journey, but when exhaustion becomes chronic, it can severely impact your productivity, creativity, and your bottom line. If you're struggling with fatigue and extra sleep and caffeine won’t cut it, it is time to look beyond the obvious causes.


Businesswoman touching her forehead while working in front of laptop

After working with hundreds of entrepreneurs, executive, professional athletes, and high achievers at Aquarian Integrative Health we understand this problem all too well. 


“Before working with Dr. McLaughlin, I struggled with constant fatigue and difficulty concentrating. All my usual hacks to regain my energy eventually went out the window and I needed help. Dr. McLaughlin figured out exactly what was going on and why, despite being 34 and what I thought was healthy, I was having a terrible time getting enough energy to run my own business. Within 3 weeks of following his personalized program, I noticed a significant increase in my energy levels and productivity. Now, I’m able to perform at my best both in my business and personal life.”— SH, Entrepreneur 


If you have tried the usual sleep tricks, energy hacks and supplements but still feel like you need more energy, concentration, and vitality here are five hidden culprits that could be draining your energy and how to tackle them effectively. 


Missing out on daylight is draining your energy

Spending long hours indoors, especially in front of a computer screen, deprives us of our natural energy source- sunlight. Being in tune with the suns natural light is essential for regulating our circadian rhythms, increasing our energy and metabolism during the day and helping us get better sleep at night. 

Solution: Make it a point to spend time outdoors every day, ideally in the mornings when the regenerative frequencies of the sun are the highest. Barring that, spending time outdoors during lunch will do more for your fatigue than another cup of coffee. 

Blue light at night is sabotaging your energy & sleep

On the opposite side of the spectrum, we all spend too much time in blue light environments at night when the body is designed to be in darkness. This tricks our brain and body into thinking it is still daylight hours and over time we pay a heavy price for it. Blue light from screens at night disrupts our circadian rhythm, leading to poor sleep quality. Poor sleep negatively impacts our body’s ability to recover and detoxify, our lymphatic system, and our metabolism. This leads directly to ongoing issues with fatigue that cannot be fixed until we correct our nighttime light environment. 

Solution: Work as an entrepreneur sometimes does not end simply because the sun has gone down so we have to work hard to reduce blue light exposure from our phones, computers, devices and our homes. By using blue light filters on our devices like f.lux, wear blue light- blocking glasses, and opting for circadian lighting in our homes and offices we can overcome many of the problems associated with blue light exposure at night that zap our energy and destroy our metabolism. Establishing a bedtime routine that includes winding down without screens to promote better sleep and sleeping in an environment of complete darkness is also imperative. 


Riding the blood sugar rollercoaster

When we are working food and nutrition is often the last thing we consider. Many entrepreneurs’ days start with a morning coffee (or two) usually loaded with sugar and sweeteners to get started on the day’s tasks. Most develop a habit of skipping lunch so by early afternoon you’re starving and quickly grab whatever food is fast and easy and that usually means something loaded with sugar, processed fats and artificial sweeteners. By dinner time you’re starving so you snack before dinner, eat a large meal (maybe with a glass of wine) and when dinner is done, you’re still hungry so that ice cream in the freezer sounds like a good idea. 

This habit of running on coffee and sugar in the morning and eat large meals at night combined with alcohol wreaks havoc on our blood sugar. Over time many of my patients will have severe metabolic issues that affect their digestion, their energy, and their ability to concentrate. 

Solution: Start the day with a protein rich meal to balance your sugars and hormones for the day. Ensure that you are eating midday (undistracted) and with enough nutrition to get you through the rest of the day. Dinner should be nutrient dense but most of the time the smallest meal of the day. Skip the alcohol if you can. This simple shift will allow you to maintain more energy during the day and not have you constantly searching for caffeine to make it through. 

Poor lymphatic drainage

The lymphatic system is responsible for removing waste and toxins from our bodies, but long hours of sitting and lack of activity slows it down. A sluggish lymphatic system can lead to a buildup of toxins and fluid, resulting in fatigue, brain fog, and even a weakened immune system. 

Solution: The lymphatic system requires movement so regular exercise, staying hydrated, and incorporating lymphatic drainage can help keep your lymphatic system flowing, reducing the toxic load on your body, and boosting your energy. 


The simplest lymphatic drainage techniques to incorporate are


a. Dry brushing

Dry brushing is a simple technique that stimulates lymph flow and helps in the removal of toxins. Use a natural bristle brush and gently brush your skin in long, sweeping motions toward your heart. Do this before showering, starting from your feet and moving upwards. This not only helps with lymphatic drainage but also exfoliates your skin. 


b. Proper hydration

Drinking plenty of clean water free of contaminants is crucial for lymphatic health. Water helps to thin the lymph fluid, making it easier for your body to transport toxins out. It is imperative to drink water upon waking first thing in the morning. Aim to drink 1-2 full glasses in the mornings. 


c. Rebounding

Rebounding, or jumping on a mini trampoline, is an excellent way to stimulate lymph flow. The gentle up-and-down motion encourages lymph circulation, promoting detoxification and increasing energy. Just 5-10 minutes of rebounding can make a big difference and works as a perfect break over the course of a busy workday.

Chronic fatigue or chronic infection?

Chronic infections can be a significant, often overlooked source of fatigue. Whether it's due to lingering sinus problems, chronic sore throats, dental issues, or even gut imbalances, your immune system might be constantly fighting a battle you're unaware of, leaving you drained. 

Solution: If you have worked to improve your light environment and controlled your blood sugar and are still fighting fatigue, a chronic infection might be at the root of the issue. In our clinic we see many entrepreneurs who have unknowingly battled years of chronic mold, bacterial issues and other toxicities that drain their energy and stifle their productivity. Addressing these underlying issues with the right treatment can restore your energy levels and overall well-being. 


Unlock peak performance and overcome fatigue with aquarian integrative health

As an entrepreneur, high achiever, or professional athlete, you understand the relentless demands of high performance. At Aquarian Integrative Health, we specialize in helping individuals like you break free from the grips of fatigue and brain fog. Our personalized programs dive deep into the root causes, offering diet and lifestyle solutions tailored to your unique needs. 


Ready to elevate your productivity and success?

Book your free consultation today and discover how our proprietary diagnostic process and comprehensive health programs can help you thrive: Book a Call 


Curious about the impact of modern life on your health?

Explore actionable insights and solutions in our self-paced Masterclass here: Realign Regimen 

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Brendan McLaughlin


Brendan McLaughlin, Integrative Physician

Dr. Brendan McLaughlin is a leader in natural medicine. His clinic, Aquarian Health Solutions serves patients worldwide, offering cutting-edge treatments and truly holistic health solutions. With his extensive experience, Dr. McLaughlin has helped thousands of individuals, including CEOs and professional athletes, overcome their toughest health challenges. Through his innovative and compassionate care, Dr. McLaughlin has earned a reputation as a trusted leader in the field of natural medicine.

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