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Unlock The Power Of Your Breath – An Exclusive Interview With Amelia Hamblin

Amelia Hamblin works, thinks and feels from her heart. A strong belief in Heart-centred leadership. Amelia believes in the power of human connection to change the world. Her mission is to be a part of this global movement; to be of service to the awakening of humanity.

Having previously felt misaligned and without purpose, She embarked upon a journey of personal discovery culminating in training to be a Clarity Breathwork Practitioner. Upon graduating, She created Breathe To Be YOU. A Breathwork healing business that invites clients to utilise the power and innate wisdom of their own breath to heal past traumas; health concerns and to achieve their best most authentic, enriched life.

Amelia Hamblin

Amelia Hamblin, Creator of Breathe To Be YOU

Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better.

I am Amelia. I live in Brighton – an eclectic place in the UK! Creator of ‘Breathe To Be You’, I am a Clarity Breathwork Practitioner and I wholeheartedly believe in the rising consciousness of humanity that is happening right now. Mother of one, aligned in a growth-oriented partnership, every day I wake knowing there is more to discover: about myself; about others; the collective. This feels important. 

What inspired you to create Breathe to Be You, and what is your background in wellness and breathwork?

The desire to create something I care deeply about.


Having tried many healing modalities over the years, my life changed – in a monumental way – when I found Clarity Breathwork. Breathwork offers an opportunity to work through layers of ourselves using an intentional guided breathing technique. It is powerful yet gentle. Working with a practitioner, you are guided whilst you breathe which often leads to the discovery of aspects of yourself that you didn’t even realize existed. Every breath we take has the potential to be a powerful tool for transformation. In Clarity Breathwork, the simple act of inhaling and exhaling becomes a journey to wellness and self-discovery. 

As one person heals, asks questions, and makes changes to their life, this naturally gives others the ‘permission’ energy and frequency to do the same. Rather than looking outside of ourselves, we are encouraged to look within - important when choosing what to pass on to generations to come.


My background is in healthcare. I trained as an Occupational Therapist working in forensic mental health settings in medium and high secure hospitals. I also have a foundation level in music therapy and trained to be a Yoga Teacher in Thailand. Throughout my time working as a clinician, I gained a wealth of expertise which now informs and supports my work when I consider the importance of working with individuals and managing group dynamics. 

What are the key Breathwork techniques I teach? How do they address different physical, mental and emotional needs? 

I guide clients using a conscious, connected, circular ‘A-Ha’ breath. 

Utilizing the power of this breathing technique promotes physical, emotional and spiritual healing. The emphasis is upon befriending and listening to the wisdom of the breath. When we tune in, the breath shows us what we need to know. We can heal past traumas; even ancestral traumas; uncover layers of self-doubt; and explore life challenges - bringing them out into the light. When we allow emotions to rise to the surface, we enable the body to feel them. This assists with the dissipation of energy that may have been stuck for many years. 

Conditioning and the feeling that we ‘should just carry on’ can also keep us feeling stuck. The answers to unexplained health conditions may be revealed. In the release, the experience achieved is often one of profound freedom. There is freedom when you finally shed light on your feelings through the act of breathing with intention. Fundamentally, our breath holds the power to transform our lives.


Individual sessions can take place in person or online. The recommended time is 2 hours for each session. This gives time for discussion; a full 45-50 minutes of breathing time to go deep; then time to allow for integration/discussion at the end. Between sessions, clients are invited to explore aspects of themselves via integrated learning. 

What are my future plans for Breathe To Be You? How do I see the business evolving in the coming years? 

I plan to create a Breathwork Circle here in Brighton with my friend and Clarity Breathwork colleague, Kate Orchard. 

I am also planning to offer more in-person group ceremonies with practitioners around the globe. I trained online with people from all over the world so being a Clarity Breathwork Practitioner is like being a part of a loving global family. When one person travels to another country, they often reach out to others to orchestrate a Breathwork Ceremony together. 

My good friend and Breathwork ‘partner’ Jemima Godsall (Breathe Into Healing) – Arizona, USA – is coming to the UK next year. We plan to hold an event in Brighton and London when we meet in person for the first time. I deeply value this way of collaborating. It feels vital; it feels vibrant most of all, it feels important. I love that you can connect in this way and do this with someone you have never met before. We all show up and support each other, knowing that we are being of service to the world. 

On a more local level, I would like to bring Clarity Breathwork to more festivals and hold monthly moon ceremonies. I also think that school education systems would benefit from including Clarity Breathwork within their curriculum. I certainly would have liked an element of emotional intelligence training in lessons. It would have helped me a lot in aspects of life I was going through! 

What expertise can you offer others starting in business? 

Align with your heart – it will keep you on your true path. 

When we lead from our hearts, honouring what we truly desire, love ignites our soul. In turn, this ignites our destiny. We move in flow, in flow with the universe. Chance meetings and collaborations seem to organically unfold and pave the way forward. I didn’t believe it until I moved into alignment. Now, I use this daily practice as a springboard for my life. Things are moving freely with an inner wisdom that seems to be its own free-moving being. We all have this within us. The key is to unlock this creative behaviour. Meditation, affirmations and conscious alignment to a higher power are my daily behaviours. This keeps me focussed.


I made a conscious decision to believe that things would align. Now they do because I changed my thoughts. I still have challenging days, but I am better equipped to come back to my baseline with more ease and grace than before I created my heart-centered business. I am so grateful to be on this path. Daily, I ask, “How may I serve?” and the way becomes clear. Sometimes, it takes time. On other days, it’s quick and more obvious. 

I have learned that the miracle of the breath is key to everything. This is why I am so passionate about sharing this incredible work worldwide. I believe this is something we must embody to feel this essence of spirit within us. Conditions growing up, environmental factors, and trauma can negatively impact our ability to listen intuitively to ourselves because, for many of us, it wasn’t safe. We lost that profoundly important connection with our voice when something happened in our earlier years. We may have lost the ability to trust ourselves if we thought we were to blame, or something was our fault. We may have felt we let ourselves down by not coming to our rescue in those crucial early years. 

Tell us about a pivotal moment in my life that brought me to where I am today? 

The birth of my daughter, Aurora.  It was a 68-hour labour.  It was intense. 

I returned home from the hospital, forever changed. I had to find a way through—a way to bond with her which did not come naturally to me. I asked the universe for guidance. I believe I was guided to Clarity Breathwork to heal. I needed to release and resolve issues buried deep within me. The birth of my daughter cracked me wide open; triggering childhood trauma the moment she was born into the world. Initially, I rejected her as I felt that she was the cause of my pain instead of seeing Aurora as a gift to do deep inner healing work. 

I had resistance to being around her due to me having residual trauma trapped within my body. When she cried, I crumbled as though she was asking too much of me rather than seeing this as a natural part of parenthood. I became distant and checked out - but I knew I had to find a way to show up. I am so glad I did. It wasn’t easy – it is still a daily journey. I remember to be kind to myself and respect that I am still healing. I experienced a wealth of knowledge from my incredible Clarity Breathwork teachers, Ashanna Solaris and Dana Dharma Devi DeLong ( They guided us through accessing birth and childhood trauma in such a soft and gentle way. 

Once I completed the course, I knew this to be my calling. My purpose is to light the way for others. To live a more authentic life. We don’t have to suffer in silence comparing ourselves to others. As long as we show up, we are doing the best we can. I know that this is my journey and what I need to birth into the world. The result is ‘Breathe To Be You’.

Closing thoughts… 

Wellness is our birthright. Abundance is our birthright.

It is time that we come together to collectively heal. 

When we do this, we create a ripple effect and on a global scale, impact the lives of everyone. 

This is not just about creating a business to be proud of. Whilst this personal achievement is important, on a much deeper level, our state of wellness is essential – and integral - to human evolution. I am playing my part – are You?

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!

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