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Unlock The Power Of Gratitude – 3 Keys To Rapidly Reconnect With Your True Self

Crystal D. Woods is best known for her transformative work in empowering individuals to reclaim their power, master their mindset and rediscover their authentic selves. She is a Certified Transformational Life Coach, Speaker, Founder of E.L.L.A. Method, Author of "Reclaim Your Power: The Journey Back to Self," and founder of the E.L.L.A. Method.

Executive Contributor Crystal D. Woods

In today’s fast-paced world, we often find ourselves caught up in the hustle of achieving goals, climbing career ladders, and striving for financial success. While growth, success, and accomplishments are things to be proud of, they can sometimes leave us feeling disconnected from the essence of who we truly are. In our pursuit of external goals, we may feel disconnected from our authenticity and lose sight of our purpose. 

a woman arms wide towards the sky

So, how do we return to that deep sense of self? How do we reconnect with our purpose, passion, and mission in life? 

Let me share three powerful keys that will guide you back to yourself and unlock the transformative power of gratitude along the way.

Key 1: Pause and breathe

The first key on this journey is to simply pause and take a breath. Inhale deeply and allow yourself to be present and feel grateful for all the experiences that have shaped your life. Whether joyful or painful, every moment you have encountered has brought you to this very point. Life’s challenges, heartbreaks, and triumphs have made you stronger. You have weathered dark times and risen above uncertainty before, and you will do it again. Pause, take a moment to reflect, and give yourself credit for the resilience you have shown. Breathe deeply and acknowledge where you are now. Be proud of yourself, for you are here, standing strong, and ready to continue moving forward.

When life becomes difficult, maintaining a mindset of gratitude can seem almost impossible. However, it is precisely in those moments that gratitude is most powerful. Reflect on how far you have come–every challenge you have faced, every difficulty you have overcome. Shifting your perspective to recognize the blessings and opportunities present in your current situation allows you to approach challenges with a sense of gratitude. Suddenly, it becomes easier to be grateful for the experiences you are going through, knowing they are shaping you into a stronger, wiser version of yourself.

Key 2: Embrace gratitude by taking inventory

The next step is to actively embrace gratitude by taking inventory of your life. Take a step back and look at your life from a unique perspective. Evaluate each aspect of your life–relationships, career, finances, personal growth–and consider where you are today compared to where you once were. For example, think about your relationships, whether they are platonic, professional, or romantic. Do you have people in your life who are authentic, trustworthy, and have your best interests at heart? If so, express your appreciation for them. Let them know how important they are to you and how much you value your relationship.

This is not about how much you have, but about the lessons you have learned along the way. Be grateful for the opportunities you have had to earn, grow, and give. Recognize that there is always a chance to learn more and do more. When you reflect on the areas in which you have grown, you will see that blessings are continually flowing into your life. You are always receiving, and there are countless reasons to be grateful. As you focus on your blessings, you will find that everything else will begin to work itself out in one way or another. Practicing gratitude daily makes this process smoother and more fulfilling.

Key 3: Move with intentionality

Finally, as you reconnect with your true self, it is essential to move through life with intentionality. Make conscious choices that align with your core values and deeper purpose. When you live intentionally, your actions, decisions, and energy are all directed toward fulfilling your mission and contributing to the collective good. Life becomes a reflection of your inner spirit, and you are empowered to create meaningful, lasting change in your life and the lives of others. By intentionally cultivating gratitude, you can reconnect with your purpose, embody your passion, and move forward with clarity and purpose.


Reconnecting with your true self is not just about achieving external success; it is about aligning with your purpose, passion, and spirit. By pausing to breathe, embracing gratitude for all things, and moving with intentionality, you can rediscover the essence of who you are and create a life that is both fulfilling and meaningful. Gratitude is a powerful tool that not only helps you navigate challenges but also brings you closer to the best things life has to offer.

Take time to recognize the blessings in your life–both big and small–and watch as your journey unfolds with grace, strength, and a deeper sense of purpose. Gratitude is a practice that invites more joy, more connection, and more peace into your life. When you focus on your blessings, everything else begins to fall into place, one way or another. Let gratitude guide you, and the best things will find their way to you.

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Read more from Crystal D. Woods


Crystal D. Woods, Certified Transformational Life Coach

Crystal D. Woods is a leader in personal transformation, mindset mastery and authentic self-discovery. Having overcome her own life and career challenges, she developed powerful strategies to reclaim her power and align her passion with purpose. Now, as the CEO of CDW Innovative Solutions, LLC and founder of Growth Mindset Coaching, she dedicates her life to helping others unlock their full potential. Crystal's core mission is to equip others with the tools and encouragement needed for an enduring and meaningful transformation so individuals can live a more authentic, fulfilled and abundant life.



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