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Unlock Rapid Healing – Transform Trauma With Three Powerful Steps Beyond Traditional Therapy

Written by: Bianca Piculeata, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Bianca Piculeata

In this article, I’ll go over how you can save yourself years of therapy and get over traumatic events while saving a big quantity of money and time. I’ll explain why therapy is obsolete and give you the three steps to bypass it because times are evolving, and you need to get on the speedy healing train! If you’re reading this, it means you don’t have money and years to waste in therapy for minimal results.

A woman writing on a notebook.

The old days are gone. Therapy is outdated, and earth consciousness is rising rapidly.

Long gone are the weekly meetings with a therapist where you talk for hours, when nothing changes at a deep subconscious level, and the change is superficial and not lasting. You even get advice, from the therapist, which isn’t rooted in your values. 

If you want to save yourself years of therapy, you need to focus on your subconscious mind. Real and permanent change takes place when the subconscious mind is reprogrammed.

The subconscious mind is responsible for 95% of your thoughts, emotions, and actions. You become a puppet of your subconscious mind, and your conscious mind is not in control. It’s the reason why you feel you have no control over your thoughts, emotions, and behavioural patterns.

True and permanent change happens the moment you erase the story of your traumas and write a new story. Trauma is like a whiteboard where your parents or caretakers wrote their stories. You get to erase that traumatic story and compose your own ideal story. 

Here are the three only steps you need to put in place to rewrite your story in your own words, heal and transform yourself at a deep level:

Step one – Release your emotional trauma pain

Take out your journal. Identify one painful memory you want to heal. Put down the first word that comes to mind and continue. Trust yourself that the 1st word that comes up is the right one! Remember, you’re not writing for others, you have the right to make mistakes, so let the perfection out the window! You’re keeping a journal for yourself to release stuck emotions. Don’t analyze but let words flow with no judgment. Many of you procrastinate at journaling because you put so much pressure on yourself to perform and doing it right the first time! You’re not writing for a Pulitzer prize, be forgiving towards yourself, like a loving mother to her inner child! 

Here are a few rules for successful journaling to heal your traumatic event: first rule don’t judge, analyze, or try to understand. There will be a fight between your rational mind and your emotional mind. Let your emotional mind lead you when journaling. You can use your rational mind to identify your limiting beliefs when you’re finished writing.

Second rule - Once you get in contact with your pain, stay connected to it. Connect to that emotion. It isn’t the right time to understand why some emotions are trying to come up. Remember that your trauma is so old that you won’t remember exactly what, where, and how it happened. Understanding is irrelevant at this point in your journaling. If you catch yourself trying to make sense of your emotions, it simply means your rational mind is taking control and winning the fight. You won’t remember how you felt 10 or 20 years ago, so just let the emotions within you flow like a river. I promise that your emotions won’t last forever. Nothing will make sense for you now, and it’s essential to trust the process of releasing your emotional response.

Third rule - Don’t be afraid of your emotions even if you’re afraid to feel. They aren’t permanent, they flow like a river and they come and go. If you want to cry, let yourself cry. If you’re angry, take a pillow and scream in it or hit your pillow. Be loving to your inner hurt child and don’t run away from expressing your emotions even if it’s the first time you allow yourself to do so. It’s better to feel your emotional pain for a few seconds than to be stuck in life for years because you refuse to feel it.

Now that you have the three rules of successful journaling, you’re ready to release your emotions. Start journaling, and don’t stop until you have no more things to write or feel.

You’re ready for the second step of healing your traumatic event.

Step 2 – Identify your negative beliefs that stem from past trauma

Review your text with a highlighter and underline all the limiting beliefs you have identified. On a different page, make a table with two columns. In the left column, write all limiting and negative beliefs that you have identified. Examples of negative beliefs you could identify: are “I’m not enough”, “I’m not lovable”, “I’m not worthy”, “There isn’t enough money”, etc.

In the right column, write new positive and empowering beliefs that counter the negative ones you wrote in the left column. Examples of positive beliefs: “I’m worthy of being loved and valued”; “I’m always enough”, “I’m worthy of the best in life”, “I have more than enough money”, etc. Be creative and give yourself the gift of empowering yourself with new positive beliefs! 

Step three –It’s time to shift your beliefs that your trauma imprinted on you

It’s time to reprogram your beliefs by imprinting new positive beliefs on your subconscious mind! Remember that working on the subconscious mind will bring you real and permanent change.

Take some scissors and cut the left column of your table. Shred this into pieces while simultaneously having the intention to let go of these limiting beliefs for good. By destroying these beliefs, you’re making a place for new positive beliefs to imprint on your subconscious brain.

This next and last step is to reprogram yourself by putting your brain in theta or alpha waves. These are the most beneficial waves to reprogram your subconscious mind. Choose one single activity within the following list that will help you activate the waves in your brain that will help you wire new beliefs:

  • while taking a relaxing bath

  • when you’re at the end of your meditation

  • while listening to a meditation without words and no adds

  • while visualizing

  • while you’re falling asleep

  • while doing any activity that relaxes you deeply.

Now that you’ve chosen your relaxing activity, you can put the positive beliefs portion of the table in front of you to see it easily.

Visualize each new positive belief and see it entering your body. Repeat this step with each new belief until you’re done with the whole list. If you feel that you’ve fully integrated these new beliefs, you don’t need to repeat this third step. If you feel you need to integrate them more, you can repeat this third step once or twice the same day or on different days.

Now that you have the healing formula for releasing trauma, you can apply this method to any other emotional blockage, manifestation blockage, emotional wound, shadow work, generational trauma, etc. Anything that makes you feel stuck, in emotional pain, or that it might hinder your manifestations can be healed and transformed with this trauma-releasing exercise.

Try this exercise and you will save yourself years of pain and struggle. Apply this exercise to other situations in which you feel in emotional pain or currently feel stuck in. Other benefits of this powerful exercise are the following:

  • your intuition will awaken more because as you release emotional blocks, it will travel to you with more ease;

  • you’ll start thinking and acting differently as a result of actively programming your subconscious mind;

  • you’ll have more energy because it takes a lot to keep toxic emotions in your body;

  • you’ll start manifesting with more ease due to your frequency getting higher by releasing toxic and low-frequency emotions;

  • you’ll feel more confident because of the new beliefs you’re reprogramming in your subconscious mind.

In conclusion, there are only benefits of working on yourself. If you struggle at first, keep trying until you improve and don’t expect to be good at it in the beginning. No new-born baby learned to walk on the 1st day she was born or never stumbled while learning to walk! If you don’t have experience with self-development, be patient with yourself as a mark of self-love. 

For the spiritual woman that is ready for a powerful, fast and an all-around transformation, you can book a soul match free 30-minutes discovery call with me to see if we are a match made in heaven. I invite you to see this link.

Bianca, aka Mystical Queen Goddess 

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and visit my website for more info!

Bianca Piculeata Brainz Magazine

Bianca Piculeata, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Bianca aka Mystical Queen Goddess is a leader in healing and transformation. Having struggled with feeling blocked with low self-esteem, generalized anxiety, trauma, emotional wounds, sabotaging patterns and limiting beliefs, Bianca created her own transformational method called Transformation 360 because she felt other methods were not powerful, simple or fast enough for her. She has since dedicated her life to helping wounded spiritual women to heal, transform and reach a higher frequency that will bring them abundance at all levels. Her mission: to bring justice to every spiritual woman so that she too, can experience happiness and abundance at all levels!

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