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Unlock Business Success With Your Superpower

Written by: Holly Jackson, Senior Level Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


My business partner, Phil Pelucha, recently acquired a new Satellite Television network that allows us to distribute our clients’ content worldwide. We still stand by the fact that content is a by-product. The main reason why we create content is for networking purposes.

Businessman in a superhero costume against a business building

Imagine, if you will... that you have a VIP backstage pass to network with anybody you wanted to within your industry. Imagine the doors that would open for you.

The power that would have... the keynote speeches that you could win... the clients you could meet...the partners that you would be able to collaborate with. All this is now possible and can be a reality for you and your business.

The challenge that we found most people have, is that... This is powerful once you know your Superpower. But the vast majority of people reading this article – and indeed across our industry – do not recognize that they have a Superpower.

Are you lacking the superpowers required to succeed in business? Have you ever felt like you have the skill set to achieve success but need help understanding how to use them? Do you feel like your industry's 'best-kept secret'?

You have many superpowers that make you special. You may still need to identify them, but that's OK. Often it's difficult to identify them ourselves. Somebody recently told me, 'it's impossible to read the label from inside the bottle.'

The good news is, as the Underdog Champion of the World, Phil and his mastermind partners are the best at helping you identify, empower, fuel, and succeed with your superpower. We will show you how to be a business superhero.

Business is like a team sport; having the right people on your team is crucial to success.

Business is like a team sport; having the right people on your team is crucial to success. Therefore, understanding your superpower is the first and most vital step when unlocking your business's potential.

In this article, we will look at how to identify your superpower and how to use it to unlock the full potential of your business. By the end of this article, you can confidently and effectively leverage your superpower to dominate your industry.

So, let's get started!

Here are the steps you need to follow to get increased performance:

  1. Identify Your Superpower – start by understanding the skills and abilities that make you unique.

  2. Leverage Your Superpower – use your superpower to create value for yourself and others.

  3. Optimize Your Superpower – use metrics to track and optimize your superpower for most effectiveness.

1. Identify Your Superpower:

Identifying your superpower starts with understanding your unique skills and abilities. You must be aware of what sets you apart from others in your field to maximize your potential in business. To do this, it is helpful to start by thinking about what makes you unique and what you bring to the table that no one else can. Next, consider the qualities that make you successful, your strengths, and the areas where you excel. It is also essential to consider what you enjoy doing in your business, as this can be a great indicator of your superpower.

Consider the qualities that make you successful, your strengths, and the areas where you excel.

Getting an outside perspective from peers and mentors can be helpful. It sometimes can be difficult to recognize your own superpower. Ask for honest feedback and be open to what others have to say. Once you have identified your superpower, it will be easier to focus on the tasks that require your unique skill set. And you can start to delegate and outsource the rest to create a well-rounded team.

The Business Superheroes™️

Our superhero work is built upon the theory that we are all a mixture of five elements. By combining Phil's knowledge of winning (sports), learning & earning (business), and natural element personality traits (Asian Element Theory 700bc), we can:

a) Identify your superpower and craft a business run by a superhero (you!)

b) Recruit & partner with precision, using data and powerful knowledge to create a winning game plan.

c) SUPERcharge your clients' businesses by ensuring that you are delivering your best work as the superhero you are.

Take the free quiz here to learn more about your Superpower traits.

2. Leverage Your Superpower:

The first step in leveraging your superpower is to identify what it is. This can be done by looking at the significant benefits of what you do and why you do it and seeing if other people can spot it - often, others can see your superpower before you can.

Once you have identified your superpower, you can use it to create value for yourself and others. For example, suppose your superpower is helping business owners find more revenue. In that case, you can turn up to a business and say, "I'm going to charge you X amount of money to find the Y amount you're losing and fix your performance. Do you think anyone would bat an eyelid?"

This is an example of using your superpower to create value, as a business would be willing to pay for the service you provide. Furthermore, you can use your superpower to create value for others by highlighting their customers and putting the spotlight on them. By doing this, you can help them stand out in their market and be seen as a thought leader in their industry.

Leveraging your superpower is not just practical; it is as natural as breathing. Once you tap into that superpower that makes you unique, business, life, health, and wealth all come quickly.

3. Optimize Your Superpower:

The third step in understanding and leveraging your superpower is to use metrics to track and optimize it for maximum effectiveness. By monitoring metrics such as click rates, conversion rates, and customer feedback, you will better understand what is and isn't working with your superpower and how to maximize it for the best results.

Using metrics also allows you to pinpoint areas that need improvement and identify trends or patterns in your data. For example, if your click-through rate is lower on certain days or times, you can adjust your strategy accordingly to increase it.

Additionally, tracking customer feedback can provide valuable insights into how customers perceive your superpower and how you can improve to generate better results. By monitoring and optimizing your superpower with metrics, you can ensure you get the most out of it and create the best possible outcomes.

Additionally, tracking customer feedback can provide valuable insights into how customers perceive your superpower and how you can improve to generate better results.

I am often amazed at the feedback I receive from clients and partners. The information that comes from results and feedback shows me my superpowers. If you have ever watched the spiderman movies, you will know that soon after finding his power, he had to practice swinging through the city using his webs. You, too, need to develop and perfect your superpower. Become an even more powerful business superhero. If you need any support with this, message me. I take great pride in my work, creating superheroes.

In conclusion

Identifying, leveraging, and optimizing your superpower to maximize your potential in business is essential. By understanding your unique skills and abilities, you can create value for yourself and others and use metrics to track and optimize your superpower for maximum effectiveness.

With the right mindset and tools, you, too, can master your superpower and unlock the full potential of your business. All it takes is hard work and dedication to reach your goals, so never give up, and you will succeed!

If you feel inspired by what you have read and would like to come and talk to us about joining us on our network as a host, as a guest on somebody else's show or even to learn more about what we do, you are welcome to do so. This is a no-fee, no commitment group call where you will be introduced to other like-minded individuals and where we will explore how and why and when it is best for us to do business together.

Here is the link for you to do that.

Step into the light and become the Business Superheroes™️ that your business deserve.

We'd love to hear from you. Feel free to let us know that you read this article, and we look forward to seeing you in there.

I'd love to hear how you apply The Business Superheroes™️ strategy to get increased performance. Please take the quiz here and leave us a comment on how it went for you, or drop any questions you want us to answer!

Follow Holly on Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Instagram. You can also visit her website to learn more. Read more from Holly!


Holly Jackson, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Holly Jean Jackson is a Revenue & Performance Consultant, Speaker, Podcast Host, best selling Author, and founder of Business Builder Throw Down. In her Peak Performance Blueprint, she takes a holistic and logistical approach to success. After all, one can’t have massive success in business without a life of equal or greater success.

Business owners hire her to master the art and science of real success because most lack direction, action, and results. So, she helps define and design a business roadmap for impactful visibility, intentional profitability, and endless sustainability.

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