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Unlock Business Success – Exclusive Interview With Alan Melton

Alan Melton is an accomplished entrepreneur and seasoned business coach with a track record of profound impact. In 2002, he established Small Business Coach Associates, making use of his experience from founding and growing several businesses and consulting over a thousand business owners. With his leadership, his business was recognized as an Inc. 500 fastest-growing company and has earned him prestigious awards, such as the U.S. SBA’s Small Business Person of the Year and the Governor’s Sterling Award. His mission alongside his team is to "coach you to wealth and business freedom."

Image photo of Alan Melton

Alan Melton, Business Coach

We have noticed that you have many client reviews that have detailed impressive results with business owners having less stress, growing sales, growing profits, working less, hiring and keeping great employees, and developing systems. How are you able to achieve all these improvements with your clients?

First of all, all of our coaches have personally owned their own businesses. We can relate to our clients working long hours, having excessive stress, and dealing with extreme chaos. Our clients also struggle with growing consistently, they have difficulty with hiring and keeping great employees and many are experiencing burnout.

Secondly we sincerely care about our clients; we underpromise and overdeliver. We quickly assess where business owners are in our 7 Stages to Business Freedom. We identify what stage they are in and what training they need to get to the Freedom Stage. Then we develop a customized plan for success for each client. We deploy “low hanging fruit” for our clients that quickly gets results for them. Every week we help them overcome obstacles and keep moving forward.

How long do business owners work with you?

The time that business owners remain in a coaching program with us depends upon the client and what stage they are in their business development. We have a 12 month coaching agreement with a 90 day opt out, so that a client can end their coaching for any reason after coaching with us for 90 days. On average clients have coached with us for 15 months. We have more than 10 clients who have coached with us for more than a year, and several clients who have coached with us for over 5 years.

What results can a client expect?

This is a similar answer to how long a client coaches with us. The results that business owners get depend upon the business owner and what stage they are in their business development.

The business owner clients need to practice at least 3 character qualities and business development to get great results.

  1. Business owners need to be coachable(willing to learn).

  2. Business owners need to be action-takers (implementing what they have learned).

  3. Business owners need to be ready to be held accountable for taking action.

  4. Regarding business development, the business should have at least 3 team members including the owner.

Business owner clients who practice the above character qualities get spectacular results.

Do you have a business coaching guarantee?

We will double our client coaching investment back in 6 months, or we coach you for free.

If the client has not achieved the guaranteed results, we will coach the client for free until you have achieved the guaranteed results.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

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