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Unleashing Your Hidden Superpower Through Trust And Spiritual Awakening

Royce Morales is a renowned trailblazer and creator of an innovative, spiritually-based approach to inner transformation. Her program, Perfect Life Awakening, emerged from a lifetime of frustration searching for inner work that worked. She discovered that by revealing specific subconscious origins of self-sabotage and removing its persistent influence, life can shift.

Executive Contributor Royce Morales

Decades ago, when this spiritual teacher gig literally dropped in my lap, it was the last thing I ever thought I’d be doing. Not only was I a serious introvert, I seriously doubted I knew anything about teaching, especially something that I seriously doubted I knew anything about (even though I’d been a serious seeker most of my life). 

persons hang reaching out sunlight

Add to that my proclamation to all my fellow college friends that I have no idea what I will be when I grow up, but I know one thing for sure: I will never be a teacher!

Then, without any promotion, ten people unexpectedly filled my living room, expectantly expecting wisdom and answers from me. Hoping I wouldn’t let on how freaked I was, desperately trying not to embarrass myself, I put on as brave a face as I could muster. 

Stomach turning, body shaking, hands like ice, I forced myself to open my mouth. I stuttered, not looking up as I read the prepared notes I had written, word-for-word. 

Then, the strangest thing began to happen: Low and behold, unrehearsed information I had no clue about started pouring out of me. Students’ questions were answered effortlessly. Thoughts arrived from somewhere. I didn’t know how I knew, I just knew.

At first, I thought this miracle was a one-time fluke. But when all ten students returned the following week and more information was downloaded to me, I started thinking maybe I could trust this phenomenon.

That was the hardest part: Trusting. I learned that, when I don’t get in my own way, perfect, helpful, dare-I-say wise words appeared. Admittedly, it took a while, but eventually, as more students arrived, I accepted that this was my Life Purpose. The best part was that others recognized that as well. 

Teaching became my surprise, shocking superpower.

Risk taking

The truth is, you are here to “risk” being here. That means challenging yourself to get past your fear-based attachment to being in this physical realm, and let go of your definition as to how things have to look. 

Life is actually the sum total of all the risks you take. Possibly the biggest regret you may have right now, or at the completion of your life, is not having pushed through your fears and taking risks. 


The Highest Evolutionary place you are here to reach is the awareness that primitive, survival-based fears have no power to stop you from exploring and playing in this physical body. Why? Because you absolutely know that there is nothing to lose! Things change form but energy – your spirit -- never goes away.


The higher consciousness journey you are on is knowing that life is an adventure of learning who you really are (a love-based being), discovering and expressing your life purpose and remembering and cleaning up things you have done that are getting in the way of deserving all that. 

That, dear reader, is the meaning of life in one short paragraph.

Make friends with struggle 

Keep in mind that, often, what you perceive as your biggest “less-than,” is actually readying you to discover and awaken your superpower. 

Think about those superhero comic book stories. So often what they think is their curse ends up being their unique, save-the-world gift.

Or those who have gone through traumatic experiences who have acquired the capacity to be empathic and compassionate. Like what Oprah Winfrey’s childhood of abuse and molestation has transmuted into. 

Or Churchill, one of the greatest orators, suffered from an incapacitating stutter. Or the genius Einstein, who barely talked until he was four with teachers advising his parents that he had a learning disability, actually barring him from school. (No, he didn’t fail math; that was fake news).

Or myself, hiding in the back of classrooms, terrified a teacher would notice or call on me for an answer, finding solace in creating art, thinking that was my only pre-destined talent. When I went to college and found out I was a barely average artist, it was devastating. What could I possibly do with my life now, I whined.

Signs of superpowers?

More often than not, whatever your worst “flaw,” that thing that made you different from others, could end up being your superpower. 

Whatever you do quickly without over thinking, before fears and self-doubt kick in, could be your superpower.

Something you were fascinated or obsessed with as a child could be your superpower.

Your superpower is not necessarily one of your innate gifts, talents or skills, although, like Mozart, it could be.

In fact, your superpower just might be the most difficult, challenging or scary thing you ever try to do in life.

Is it hiding? 

Working with thousands of people exploring hidden realms of their subconscious, striving to unlock their life purpose, and often looking at past lives solves the puzzle.

I’ve discovered that frequently, there are hidden memories of lifetimes when they didn’t succeed at something they were “supposed” to be doing. On a spiritual level, the choice of their current life is to challenge that “failure,” to awaken and master it ultimately. 

However, in order for it to become a superpower, they have to identify their so-called “imperfection” and do inner work to release the origins of those old inner programs so they can neutralize them. Then, their superpower is unleashed, accepted, and embraced without doubts.

In my case, although I had been teaching spirituality for several years, I still felt like an imposter. Doing some past life exploration allowed me to remember that I had chosen this role in several lifetimes, never once accomplishing it to completion. Knowing that has allowed me to trust that, yes, I am here to do this. And I know that this time is about finally succeeding. 

Taking action helps

The more action that is taken, even with trepidation, the more confidence grows, and it gets easier. Had I never been “forced” to open my mouth and let words tumble out, I never would have discovered that I could, in fact, teach.

So, put yourself in (scary) situations to do what you believe you cannot do and see what happens. Take baby steps to help build your confidence.

And know that most fear is just False Evidence Appearing Real, so don’t give it power!

Balancing those inner and outer processes, you will finally connect with what you are meant to accomplish. You will own all parts of yourself, stand in your truth, and be that Higher Consciousness Superpower, the Being you are meant to be. 

Remember: You chose it way before you arrived here. It just needs to be re-discovered and trusted.

Royce Morales is the creator of the Perfect Life Awakening Program. This time-tested, spiritually based, life-transforming courses and private inner-enquiry work escorts you to discover and neutralizes the origins of sabotaging false beliefs. Royce is the author of three books about her teachings, available on Amazon. If you feel ready to break through fear-based programming so you can experience true, purposeful empowerment, reach out here.

Follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, and visit my website for more info!


Royce Morales, Transformational Facilitator, Teacher, Podcast Host, Speaker, Author, Columnist

Royce Morales is a renowned trailblazer and creator of an innovative, spiritually-based approach to inner transformation. Her program, Perfect Life Awakening, emerged from a lifetime of frustration searching for inner work that worked. She discovered that by revealing specific subconscious origins of self-sabotage and removing its persistent influence, life can shift.

She developed a clearing technique that releases programmed, false beliefs from this as well as previous lives. Negative patterns and hidden fears resolve so paralyzing issues lose their impact. This exclusive, time-tested work takes students from triggered to empowered, uncovering their authentic, purpose-driven life.

PLA also provides applicable tools to navigate daily life – ways to rapidly shift from anger to calm, fear to acceptance, judgement to connection. The work emphasizes awareness of, trusting and following one’s innate intuitive wisdom, then taking bold, inspired, real-world action.

The Perfect Life Awakening courses take place remotely and are presented in small groups to provide individual attention. Royce offers private inner discovery sessions to facilitate deeper work, utilizing her proprietary spiritual clearing technique called Spiritual Cognition Integration.

Royce is the author of three books about her teachings: Want – True Love, Past Lives and Other Complications; Know: A Spiritual Wake-up Call and Back: Rebirth After Stroke, all available on Amazon.

Go to Royce’s YouTube channel where she shares enlightening information about her teachings. She posts weekly blogs and writes articles for several other publications.



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