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Unleashing Your Brainpower – Top Tips For A Sharper Mind

Drake Kirkwood is a mental performance coach who specializes in brain health, psychology, and mindset. After playing collegiate baseball and voyaging into entrepreneurship, Drake has spent his life leveling up his own mental game.

Executive Contributor Drake Kirkwood

If you had more energy, how would you spend it? The human brain uses about 20% of our metabolic energy to function. A healthier brain is going to run smoother and allow more energy to be used on higher thinking—logic, reasoning, planning, attention, and decision-making. If you would like to change your life, I suggest changing your energy. And the best way to do that is by unleashing your brainpower. Let’s dive in.

photo of a human brain

Nothing changes until you change your energy

Are you ready to unlock your brainpower and thrive? It's time to make a change, and it all starts with transforming our energy. Life is demanding, and without the right energy, we struggle to handle daily tasks, maintain our health, and nurture our relationships. We end up using our precious energy just to survive, but we all want more than that.


Despite living in an era of immense riches, opportunity, and comfort, we're facing a mental health epidemic. Why? Our brains haven't evolved to cope with constant smartphone stimulation, global social media connections, and instant comforts like Uber Eats. This is where the disconnect lies. We aren’t using our brains anymore; we aren’t thinking, creating, and evolving. As the saying goes, "Use it or lose it.”


The good news is that your brain and body are incredible structures capable of high performance—if we provide the right support. Just like a TV needs to be plugged in to work, our brains and bodies need proper fuel and care. We can't expect optimal function on a diet of processed foods, endless hours on the couch, and insufficient sleep.


Throughout the remainder of the article, we'll explore simple, effective strategies to boost your brainpower and energy levels. Change can be uncomfortable, but the rewards of enhanced brainpower and higher energy are worth it. Let's embark on this journey together.


Boost your brainpower with simple strategies

Did you know your body consists of approximately 40 trillion cells? Each of these cells works together with incredible intelligence to make you who you are. But did you also know that food is essentially starlight? Think about it: plants grow using sunshine, and we eat those plants. Animals, which we also eat, consume plants. At a molecular level, we're consuming packets of starlight. Our bodies use this starlight to grow organs, repair tissues, move, think, and digest more food. Pretty cool, right?


Simple strategy: Add brain foods to your diet

To enhance your energy, start by adding brain foods to your diet. What are brain foods? Here's a list of Jim Kwik’s (world-renowned brain coach) top 10 brain foods. Pick at least two items from this list that you enjoy and start there. No need to overwhelm yourself with a complex diet.

By incorporating the right foods, several benefits occur. First, you provide better fuel for your cells and microbiome (your second brain). Just like a car runs better on premium fuel, your body and brain perform optimally with high-quality food. Second, as you eat healthier foods, you naturally consume less processed junk. You won’t need to rely on willpower because your body and brain will start craving healthier options. Imagine that—craving healthy food!


Now that you’re fueling your brain with premium nutrients (told you it was simple), let’s enhance your mental energy further with mindful movement.


The power of daily mindful movement

Imagine if you had developed the habit of doing 50 pushups every day since you were 18 years old. Or 50 air squats. Or a 15-minute walk. Or practicing 10 minutes of yoga before heading to work. How would your body look now? How would you feel?


Your body is designed to move, and your brain thrives on movement. Mindful movement is simply engaging in physical activities you enjoy doing, daily. The beauty is that it can be anything that fits your lifestyle and personality. Love dancing? Dance while doing the dishes. Enjoy lifting weights? Do pushups every day before your shower. Prefer slow and easy movements? Do a yoga flow in the morning while your coffee brews. Personally, I love walking. If I'm not working out or playing golf, I go for a walk—simple and effective.


What happens to your brain when you move your body? Movement floods your brain with neurotransmitters like endorphins (natural painkillers), serotonin (mood boosters), dopamine (pleasure and motivation), and noradrenaline (focus enhancer). Imagine what you could achieve with less pain and a better mood. How would you show up with increased motivation and sharper focus?


When we take action and flood our brain with happy brain chemicals, it functions at a higher level and we get to enjoy the benefits. Remember, there's no such thing as a free lunch. Achieving these brain benefits requires effort and better habits, but it's well worth the investment.


Unlocking the power of sleep for better mental health and performance

Last but not least, let’s talk about sleep. While it might not sound glamorous, sleep is arguably the most powerful tool for boosting mental health, professional performance, and overall quality of life. Many people think of sleep as a passive activity, but it’s far from it. During sleep, our bodies and brains are hard at work performing critical functions like memory consolidation, physical restoration, and detoxification, especially in the brain. Think of sleep as an active recovery session where your body works its magic to heal and prepare for the next day.


Simple and effective strategies to improve sleep


1. Establish a bedtime routine

Good sleepers often have a wind-down routine that calms their mind and prepares their body for rest. Just as you wouldn’t exercise without warming up, you shouldn’t go to bed without a proper wind-down. Here are some guidelines to consider:


  • Limit Technology: Avoid screens and blue light from digital devices before bed.

  • Remove Phones from the Bedroom: This one is tough but worthwhile.

  • Engage in Relaxing Activities: Try meditating, journaling, or reading.

  • Use the Bed Only for Sleep and Sex: Avoid other activities like scrolling through social media in bed to train your brain to associate the bed with rest.


2. Create a morning routine

Waking up is easier when you have something to look forward to. Ideal activities include hydrating, meditating, journaling, and reading. If these aren’t your cup of tea, find something enjoyable and somewhat productive, like setting your fantasy sports lineup, enjoying your first cup of coffee outside, or tuning into a podcast episode. Keep it simple and enjoyable.


3. Optimize your sleep environment and habits

Here are additional tips to enhance your sleep quality:


  • Keep Your Bedroom Cool: A cooler environment promotes better sleep.

  • Take a Warm Shower: Do this 45-90 minutes before bed.

  • Avoid Intense Exercise: Refrain from vigorous activities three hours before bedtime.

  • Avoid Late-Night Eating: Don’t eat two hours before bed.

  • Practice Gratitude: Reflect on your blessings and positive experiences from the day as you lie in bed.


You've made it to the end – Virtual high-five

We’ve made it to everyone’s favorite part of any article—the end. Let's recap our journey.

First, we talked about the importance of changing our energy to make a real change in life. As Einstein famously said, “We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” To get different results, we need different energy and that begins with thinking differently.


Next, we explored the simple strategy of adding brain foods to our diets. No need to give up pizza and ice cream just yet—start by adding powerful brain-boosting foods.


We also discovered how daily mindful movement can flood our brains with happy chemicals to boost our mood, focus, and motivation. The best part? It can be as simple as a 10-minute walk. Anyone can do that.


Finally, we delved into the power of sleep and how to enhance our sleep performance. Simple tactics like developing a bedtime routine, creating a morning routine, and keeping phones out of the bedroom can make a huge difference.


Now, you’re equipped with strategies to boost your brainpower. What will you do with that extra brainpower? That’s up to you, my friend. The world is full of opportunities for those with the energy to explore.


Want to see how mentally fit you are? Take this quick quiz! If you're looking to boost your brainpower and want some support along your journey, consider working with a 1:1 Mental Fitness Coach.


Quick side note: I only work with people who want to leave their old habits behind, play full out, and have some fun improving their mental fitness. If that’s you, let's chat. If that’s not you, that's okay—hit me up when you’re ready.


Stay sharp and keep exploring!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and visit my website for more info!


Drake Kirkwood, Mental Performance Coach

Drake Kirkwood is a mental performance coach who specializes in brain health, psychology, and mindset. After playing collegiate baseball and voyaging into entrepreneurship, Drake has spent his life leveling up his own mental game. He believes that everyone has the potential to win in life by harnessing the power of their mind through psychology and mindset. He is a young and energetic entrepreneur on a mission to empower high performers with the skills and wisdom to master their minds and master their lives.



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