As a female empowerment coach, I support women individually and in groups, both in personal coaching sessions and via online courses, not only in discovering their true soul purpose but also in anchoring it in their lives in a sustainable way.

Do you know the feeling of constantly running into invisible walls as a solopreneur? Do you have great ideas and put a lot of energy into your business, but somehow it feels like the wind is constantly blowing against you? Or are you unsure which direction to take and are more exhausted than inspired at the end of the day? And that's exactly what this blog article is about: I'll show you how you may use Human Design to bring more clarity, focus, and lightness to your business. And the best thing about it? I'll give you specific examples from my journey as an entrepreneur so that you can see how powerful this method can be in practice.

What is Human Design?
Human Design is a fascinating system of self-knowledge developed in 1987 by Ra Uru Hu (aka Robert Allan Krakower). He experienced a kind of spiritual revelation that revealed to him the knowledge of Human Design. Since then, this system has spread worldwide and offers people a profound opportunity to understand themselves and their true nature.
Human design combines several ancient and modern wisdom systems such as astrology, the I Ching, chakra teachings, Kabbalah, and genetics. At first glance, it may seem complex, but at its core, it is about how you as a unique individual are ‘designed’ to respond to the world, make choices, and lead your life.
Think of human design as a personal ‘operating system’ that shows you how you function best. Just as a computer only runs optimally when it is configured correctly, Human Design helps you to understand how you can utilize your energy most effectively – especially in your business.
At the center of the system are the five different types: Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, Manifestor, and Reflector. Each type has a specific way of dealing with energy and responding to the world. For example:
Generators and Manifesting Generators have a strong life energy and respond to what life offers them. They are made to follow their joy and be guided by their inner energy. The difference between the two is that Manifesting Generators act faster and more versatile, while Generators often follow a clearer, more focused path.
Projectors are born guides. They have a deep understanding of others but rely on their energy being recognized from the outside before they take action.
Manifestors are the initiators among the types. They can get things moving without having to wait for external impulses.
Reflectors are the rarest types. They reflect their surroundings and need time to make their decisions as they are strongly influenced by the lunar cycles.
In addition to types, there are other aspects such as centers, profiles, and authorities that all play an important role in how you make the best use of your life energy. I will go into these details in the coming articles and use my own experiences to show you how you can use Human Design for your business.
Why is Human Design particularly suitable for solopreneurs?
As a solopreneur, you have full responsibility for your business - every decision, idea, and step is up to you. And that can be quite overwhelming. Maybe you know the feeling of constantly wondering if you're making the right decisions or the pressure of doing everything on your own. This is exactly where Human Design can be a real relief.
Human Design helps you figure out how to work in a way that feels natural – without constantly fighting against your energy. For example, as a generator, I often tended to start projects that I wasn't excited about simply because I thought it ‘had’ to be done. This usually brought me frustration and a feeling of stagnation. Through Human Design, I have learned that I need to listen to what speaks to me and what my gut (my sacred center) responds to. This realization has completely changed my business!
What makes Human Design so special is that it doesn't offer a one-size-fits-all solution. It's not a one-size-fits-all approach, but a personalized guide tailored to you. It shows you how to make decisions in line with your energetic make-up. Unlike other business tools, which often offer standardized strategies, this is about how you function best - whether you act quickly like a Manifesting Generator or whether you first unleash your energy through external recognition, like a Projector.
Human Design permits you to ‘be yourself’, and that is a real liberation in an often hectic day-to-day business life where many solopreneurs run the risk of getting lost in to-do lists.
What happens when you work against your type?
You've probably already noticed that when you work against your natural energy, everything feels much harder than it needs to be. It's as if you're constantly going around in circles without really making any progress. This can show up in many areas: Frustration, feeling stuck, or even burnout. Human Design makes you realize that it's not just about ‘what’ you do, but also ‘how’ you do it - in harmony with your energy and vibration.
Are you vibrating high or low?
A wonderful way to recognize where you are right now is to observe your frequency. How do you feel when you are making decisions or working in your business? Your frequency – or vibration – is a direct reflection of your current state of consciousness. This determines how you react to events, what successes you attract, and how you deal with yourself, your environment, and your business.
If you work against your type, you often slip into a low vibration. Then the following happens: You try to control everything, constantly thinking in opposites, like ‘good and bad’, ‘right and wrong’. Your business feels exhausting and all you care about is earning more money or getting external recognition. Maybe you think: ‘If I take this step, success will come...’, but everything remains difficult and you constantly feel this resistance.
Resistance: I know it well!
As a generator, I know this state only too well. In the past, I often tried to achieve things through sheer willpower, but they never really felt ‘right’. I thought I just had to do more – until I felt burnt out. It was as if I kept running into an invisible wall. This state is what is known in human design as the not-self state: the state in which you work against your energy and end up feeling exhausted and dissatisfied.
You may also recognize yourself as a projector trying to function in the typical ‘hustle’ mode of a generator – constantly working without waiting for recognition. This almost always leads to exhaustion because projectors are dependent on being invited from the outside to share their wisdom. Or you are a manifestor who hesitates and waits instead of using your natural ability to initiate things – this blocks your entire flow.
Why business does not work in a low-vibration
What happens? You end up in a lower state of vibration: Doubt, lack, guilt, fear, and stress rule your everyday life. You desperately try to exert control, but the results don't materialize. Your joy and love suddenly depend solely on external conditions – you define yourself by your actions instead of listening to your inner wisdom.
But the good thing is that such low phases are always growth opportunities. If you find yourself in a low vibration and stuck in a not-self state, it means you are about to take a step forward. The key is to not get pulled deeper into the drama, but to shift your focus back to your ‘high vibration’.
Flying high...
In a state of high vibration, you live in harmony with universal laws and you are aware of your creative power. You attract the right clients and feel light and joyful in your business. Your decisions come from the heart, not the mind. Everything flows because you have learned to trust and be in the here and now – without constantly thinking about the future or wanting to control things.
Conclusion: Ups and downs in business are completely normal
But don't forget: we slip into these lower frequencies from time to time, that's normal! The trick is to become more and more aware and return to your high vibration more quickly. With this mindfulness, your business will grow and develop – even if it is sometimes challenging. This is the path to more abundance and success, both in business and in your life.
In the next article, I will show you in more detail how I, as a generator, learned to work in harmony with my sacred energy through human design and how this has had a concrete impact on my business. Stay tuned, there is a lot to discover!
Jana Behr, Spiritual Empowerment Coach, Author, Podcaster
Jana Behr is a spiritual empowerment coach & mentor, Tao Hands Practitioner and Akashic Reader. She is a bridge builder between two worlds – spirituality and real-world implementation. Her coaching approach is based not only on her extensive theoretical knowledge but on life experiences. Having survived traumatic experiences, such as alcoholism in the parental home or rape and having healed illnesses, such as depression, fibromyalgia or lipedema, she now supports in finding inner stability, increasing resilience and acting from full power. She also spreads her mission "Spirituality is your superpower!" as an author, podcaster & speaker. Because without her spiritual connection, she would not have survived.