Dr. Ginger Carlson is an international keynote and TEDx speaker, leader, and award-winning author. She has presented and written widely on the topics of creativity, communication, growth, and transformation, and how to uniquely and positively nurture each of them in our personal lives and organizations. Dr. Carlson is the co-founder of Möbius Dynamics and CEO of The Multarity Project™. She can be contacted through her websites https://www.gingercarlson.com/ and https://www.multarityproject.com/.

Ginger Carlson, Life Alchemist
Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better.
Thank you so much for this opportunity to “sit down” with you! My name is Dr. Ginger Carlson. I’m a mom, a partner, a business owner, an author, and a creator. Over the last three decades, I have been fortunate to share my experience and expertise around the world, in many different forms. I have worked as an educational leader in multiple countries on 5 continents and authored several books and regular columns, but what really lights me up is connecting people and ideas! Surfacing the “multarities” that exist in our world, and the points at which seemingly opposing ideas intersect, makes me feel alive. I have a variety of personal passions that I regularly pursue beyond my professional work: writing soul-stirring poetry, finding inspiration in every genre of music imaginable, learning about different ways of thinking, and seeking out the most unique places in the world to travel to, explore, and learn about. I also love writing about ideas, everything from mindset and personal development to leadership and diversity, so it has been an incredible opportunity to contribute to this platform in the last year. Thank you!
What is your business name and how do you help your clients?
I run a few different businesses right now, doing educational consulting, speaking, and creating. My company, which I am the co-founder and CEO of, is called Möbius Dynamics. We are the parent company of The Multarity Project™, uniting people in conversation around diverse topics and deepening understanding of our shared complexities while creating unique AI-generated art. We make that experience open and free to all who are interested in being a part of this dive into the human experience. We also guide clients in “Multarity Thinking™” which is the process of honoring and embracing multiple perspectives.
What kind of audience do you target your business towards?
Our goal at Möbius Dynamics and through the Multarity Project™ is “that we may grow.” By design, we serve through a lens of diversity– diversity of people, perspectives, ideas, and tendencies within a system or context. We serve people, leaders, and organizations of all kinds who are interested in learning to flexibly shift their thinking, build empathy, and deepen understanding.
What is your work inspired by?
I personally find inspiration everywhere, but the foundation of my work is actually inspired by a children’s book called The Table Where Rich People Sit by Byrd Baylor. In it, the narrator says, “My mom says that if all the rulers of the world could get together around a friendly kitchen table, they’d solve their arguments in half the time.” What I found over so many decades working in education and organizational change is that it takes so much more than just coming to the table. We also have to do more while we are there, and even co-create in unique ways, if we are going to truly solve our human “arguments” and build empathy in the world.
Tell us about a pivotal moment in your life that brought you to where you are today.
I truly believe that every step in our lives, everything that we do, and learn, and every experience we have leads us to our next step. In that way, every moment seems pivotal, if even in the smallest ways. I’ve been so fortunate to have such unique experiences all over the globe, and each has given me a depth of insight into being human in some way. One truly impactful period in my life though was when I was working with an international company that was going through an especially divisive and challenging time. I was part of a small team of leaders who met individually with many community members to listen, document concerns, and make a plan forward. It was a very challenging process at the time, but in the end, it was profoundly significant in how it impacted the way I listened. Up until then, I admittedly did not listen in a nuanced or compassionate enough way. I learned through that process that there is always another way to “come to the table” to evolve in how we communicate and grow.
What would you like to achieve for yourself and your business in the future?
Over the last several decades, our world has seen advances in almost every industry, and in turn, we’ve also experienced more division and “side-taking” than ever before. I want to personally and professionally support people and things that change that in the world. Our hope at Möbius Dynamics and The Multarity Project™ is to bring people together in disarming ways, not to change opinions, but rather to honor the ways and journeys in which those opinions were developed, and then grow towards greater understanding for perspectives that are different from our own. We would like to build understanding and empathy in a world of divisions. We have adopted and take very seriously the mission “that we may grow” – as individuals, in our communities, and globally. We believe it all starts with one conversation, one table at a time.
Need a little immediate inspiration? Follow Dr. Ginger Carlson on Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn for regular insights on how to thrive undivided. Visit her website for more info. We also invite you to take part in The Multarity Project™ yourself or follow the project on Facebook; "That we may grow."