Written by: Rachael Downie, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

What is prosperity, wealth, money? It is an attitude. It is a state of being. It’s a thought. It's an idea. Its energy. It remains elusive to many. It’s something that we aren’t taught about. You want to have an understanding of what money is and how it really works.

1. Money needs to be in circulation.
It works just like the circulatory system in the body. If you stop the flow ‒ nothing happens. If you save your money and never spend it ‒ you create a dam. You stop the flow. You won’t receive much more than you have.
If you want to earn more money or attract more money you need to be spending it and putting it back into circulation. Now I am not taking about all of it. Most of us have been programmed to save for that rainy day and it never comes or we wait till retirement to "enjoy" life. Enjoy your life now. Choose an amount that you will spend on yourself each month and make sure you do it. The other great way to attract more money is to give it away.
2. Be opulent in your thought.
True wealth is realising this. “Do not “think money” as such, for it is only one means of opulence; but think opulence, that is largely, generously, liberally and you will find that the means of realising this thought will flow to you from all quarters, whether as money or as a hundred other things not to be reckoned in cash. We must not make ourselves dependent upon any particular form of wealth, or insist on it coming through a particular channel. That is at once imposing a limitation” Spirit of Opulence Thomas Troward.
3. A wealthy mindset is impossible without gratitude.
Gratitude is linked to your mindset and perception of life. As a child, you are taught to be grateful, but for some of us, it is a more social grace. The gratitude that I am talking about is a deep connection, a real heartfelt feeling of appreciation. For some people this comes naturally for others you have to practise it.
This emotion called gratitude is what gives you the feeling of wealth. You have to become emotionally involved. Develop gratitude for things like life, your surroundings, the food you eat. This is something that you learn to continually do everyday and it will enhance your ability to attract wealth. Wealth is not about the money, it's about your thoughts and feelings ‒ your attitude to what is already "grate" in your life and that is what sets up your ability to attract more.
The cause is gratitude, the effect is more wealth (experiences, opportunities, friendships, time, money, changes in perception etc).
4. Doing things in a “certain way”
From the Science of Getting Rich ‒ The Master Key to your Success, Wallace Wattles.
"I have said that a person gets rich by doing things in a certain way; and in order to do so, men must be able to think in a certain way.
A person’s way of doing things is the direct result of the way they think about things.
To do things in a way you want to do them, you will have to acquire the ability to think the way you want to think; this is the first step toward getting rich.
To think what you want to think is to think TRUTH, regardless of appearances.
Every person has the natural and inherent power to think what they want to think, but it requires far more effort to do so than it does to think the thoughts which are suggested by appearances.
To think according to appearances is laborious, and requires the expenditure of more power than any other workman is called upon to perform."
5. It’s not about the money.
One of the keys to creating wealth for yourself is to understand that money is not the goal.
Money is actually the servant.
The Law of Cause and Effect is very similar to Newton’s First Law. For every ACTION there is an equal and opposite reaction. The more service you provide the more money you will receive. The service is the CAUSE and the increase in income is the EFFECT. When you increase your service you are changing your ACTIONS.
"The only way to earn money is to provide something ‒ a product, a service, even an idea that brings unrealised value to other people's lives. The bigger the problem you solve, the more money will stream in.” It's not about the money, Bob Proctor, 2008
6. First law of prosperity is to give generously
Developing your abundance and prosperity mindset “The first law of prosperity is generosity” Come from a place of what can I do for others, rather than what’s in it for me. Fall in love with helping people.
7. Be a generous person.
Open up your mind to all the possible ways you can give and start acting on the inspired thoughts that come your way to do so. Ie it might be sharing information, an article, a book you are reading, connecting people together, a smile, a hug, complementing another person.
If you're giving isn't spontaneous than it is probably trading. You want to give freely and openly. And receive in the same way.
This keeps the giving and receiving in circulation.
8. The Law of Compensation (The law of sowing and reaping).
Provide more service and more money will flow if you are open to receive it. . The amount of money or good you receive in life is going to be in direct ratio with these three things:
The need for what you do.
Your ability to do it.
The difficulty there will be in replacing you.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
9. Moving forward with a money goal
I strongly encourage you to have a clear money goal.
For a long time, I had a money goal that I was disconnected from. I didn’t have a clear picture of exactly what it looked like; of exactly the feeling it enabled me to harness when I read my goal. I had to really connect with it and when this happens, the picture becomes clearer in your mind and the feeling stronger in your body.
What is it that gets you emotionally involved?
What is the money going to bring you?
What is the difference in your life that it is going to make?
I see myself feeling and allowing, providing all the things that I want for my family, the travel for my work, my personal development, the home I live in and holidays for my family, being able to give generously and help others. It is celebrating the success and transformation for my clients.
You want to really fuse with the lifestyle you want to create for yourself. Things will not change unless you are connecting to it, the life that you really want to live. The wording of your goal is going to make all the difference.
Rather than focusing on what you can't have, focus on all the things that you already have and CAN have in the future.
10. Money is good
“Remember we are the masters and money is the servant ‒ its never the other way around. What you fear the most in your life, owns you controls you, and limits you “ John Svalina
You want to be creating a positive relationship with money, being grateful for the abundance that you already have presently in your life and checking in that your Attitude (thoughts, feelings and actions) are in alignment with bringing more money your way.
11. Some tips for increasing wealth in your life
Always carry cash on you... a good amount of big bills too!
Write a cheque from the Universe stating your new monthly income you're manifesting, and have it next to a goal card in your wallet/purse.
Develop a love for money; say things like "I love all the things money can do for me”
Use the word 'invest' instead of 'spend'; everything is an investment!
Know that there's always more coming! Money is about flow!
Never criticise the price of anything... eg. 'oh the price of coffee has gone up lately' 'oh wow petrol prices are crazy’
Have a coffee/tea at fancy restaurants/hotels just because you can.
Test drive cars that are worth $100,000+ and more!
Go to open homes for houses worth $1m+ and more!
Try clothes/suits/dresses from upmarket shops.
Donate money, don't hoard it. Allow it to flow in and out. Give freely! There's always more coming!
When you FEEL LACK, when you're worrying hard about money, go and donate some money. This is telling the Universe that you KNOW more is on its way... and it's a great way to shift your vibration!
Set a goal of donating 5-10% of your income in some way shape or form. Money is about circulation. Money is about giving and receiving.
If people around you engage in conversations about the cost of things going up, just don't take part... and change the conversation.
12. Affirmations for Money
I am receiving money now with ease and grace I love spending time with money.
Money is coming to me with little or no effort I enjoy working and being paid well.
Unexpected money is coming to me I am a powerfully charged money magnet
I am feeling open to receiving abundance I see the infinite supply of energy
I am taking financially rewarding opportunities I choose to enjoy accepting payments
I live each day appreciating the value I am excited to be making money
I notice new possible income sources I have everything I need including money
My positive attitude is attracting money I live confidently knowing I am worthy of prosperity
Suggested Readings
You Too Can Be Prosperous Robert Russell
Money is God in Action, Raymond Charles Barker
The Having, Suh Yoon Lee
The Secret Million Dollar Paradigm, Rachael Downie
Its Not About The Money, Bob Proctor

Rachael Downie, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Is your mindset holding you back in your business? Rachael Downie is a successful mentor and someone who is truly focused on converting your thinking into results. Rachael works with a variety of individuals, businesses, and CEOs both locally and internationally ‒ simply because we all have the same blockages, doubts, limited thinking, money, and staffing issues. (and if you don't, you are probably one of the 3% who is an unconscious competent, who may find it difficult to transfer your success skills to your staff or family). Rachael loves helping you create success not only in your business but also in other areas of your life.