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Understanding The Power Of Thoughts –Transforming Your Life

Written by: Brandon Luu, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Brandon luu

Whether you are a thriving individual, a small business owner, a parent with aspirations long forgotten or someone embarking on a new path after their children have grown, there often exists an obstacle that hinders the realization of our goals. This impediment is frequently rooted in fear, imposter syndrome, and other limiting beliefs that influence our behavior, habits, and overall mindset. As an experienced Mind and Emotional Grits Coach, I must confess something before we proceed. But first, let me ask you: have you ever felt held back by fear or limiting beliefs stemming from past failures or negative experiences? Have you experienced anxiety about the potential adverse outcomes of future events that have yet to transpire? Do your thoughts conjure up negative scenarios and self-doubt, undermining your mental well-being and sabotaging new opportunities?

illustration of man with water on his brain

No matter the negative experiences, destructive habits, or limiting beliefs you may be grappling with, envision a scenario where I disclose that there exists one principle capable of conquering negative emotions, transforming limiting beliefs into confidence, and elevating your joy and success to unprecedented heights. However, there is a catch – you must believe in it. This principle is not a method or a theory; it is the realization that your mind holds immeasurable power, but only when you acknowledge that you can embrace thoughts that serve you and let go of those that do not. Sadly, many of us possess misconceptions about our thoughts and beliefs. It is essential to understand that thoughts are not tangible realities. You may question the veracity of this claim, considering the incessant stream of thoughts that occupy our minds throughout the day. In this article, we will delve into the nature of thoughts, explore the impact of unrealistic thoughts on our lives, and equip ourselves with tools to be more aware of thoughts and reality.

The essence of thoughts

As human beings, our minds consistently generate thoughts in response to various stimuli, such as our environment, experiences, and emotions. Thoughts are transient and ever-changing and can span the spectrum from positive to negative or neutral. Our beliefs, values, and expectations influence them, ultimately shaping our perceptions of reality.

Nevertheless, it is crucial to recognize that thoughts are not always accurate representations of reality. Our minds can produce distorted or biased thoughts that do not align with the facts of a given situation. Past experiences and preconceived notions can lead us to interpret neutral events as threatening or view ourselves and others through a negative lens.

To better grasp this concept, let us imagine our minds as movie theaters, with our thoughts serving as projectors that play negative stories created in our heads based on past experiences, what we have heard, seen, or what we anticipate. In this analogy, we assume multiple roles as scriptwriters, editors, directors, sound effects teams, and producers in our minds. Our thoughts act as projectors, playing these negative thoughts or stories we tell ourselves. We also play the role of the audience, continuously watching these movies. With added sound effects, we make these thoughts feel so real that they seem to unfold in the present moment. However, it is essential to remember that thoughts are nothing more than distorted memories – they are not real. The Influence of Unrealistic Thoughts

The misconception that our thoughts always reflect reality can significantly impact our mental well-being, joy, and success. When negative thoughts rush into our minds, they generate negative emotions that, in turn, shape our behavior, habits, and actions. Unrealistic thoughts can lead to the following outcomes:

  1. Emotional Distress: Unrealistic thoughts can trigger intense emotions such as anxiety, fear, anger, or sadness, resulting in emotional distress and turmoil. Catastrophic thoughts and envisioning worst-case scenarios can intensify anxiety and contribute to unnecessary worry and stress. When we experience negative emotions far too often, we abandon our pursuit of happiness and success, experiencing burnout, discouragement, a loss of purpose, and a lack of emotional fortitude to persist and remain determined. When you feel good, you perform well; conversely, when your emotions are adverse, your performance tends to suffer.

  2. Unhealthy Behaviors: Unrealistic thoughts can drive unhealthy behaviors. Thoughts of inadequacy or unworthiness may lead to self-sabotaging behaviors or a negative self-image. Similarly, distorted beliefs about others can result in strained relationships, misunderstandings, or conflicts.

  3. Mental Health Challenges: Persistent and distorted thoughts can contribute to developing or exacerbating mental health challenges such as depression, anxiety disorders, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). These challenges often involve repetitive, intrusive, unrealistic thoughts that significantly impact daily functioning and overall well-being.

Understanding the illusory nature of thoughts

Recognizing that thoughts are not inherently real is vital for nurturing our mental and emotional well-being. Here are some tools to help develop this awareness and strengthen your emotional fortitude:

  1. Mindfulness: Cultivate mindfulness by attentively observing the present moment without judgment. Train yourself to recognize thoughts as mental events without attaching judgment or treating them as absolute truths. Doing so lets you identify when your thoughts are distorted or biased, allowing you to choose not to react impulsively.

  2. Cognitive Restructuring: Utilize cognitive restructuring, a technique derived from cognitive-behavioral therapy, to challenge and change unrealistic thoughts. Evaluate the evidence for and against your thoughts, enabling you to identify and modify distorted thinking patterns. This process aids in developing a more balanced and realistic perspective on situations.

  3. Reality Testing: Engage in reality testing by assessing the accuracy of your thoughts against objective evidence or seeking feedback from others. For instance, if you believe you are unlikeable, question whether there is evidence to support or contradict this thought. Seeking input from trusted friends or family members can provide valuable insights.

  4. Self-Compassion: Practice self-compassion by treating yourself with kindness, understanding, and acceptance. Acknowledge that thoughts are not always accurate without resorting to harsh judgment or self-criticism. Cultivate self-compassion and remind yourself that everyone sometimes experiences thoughts that may not align with reality.

  5. Seeking Professional Help: If managing unrealistic thoughts becomes challenging or significantly impacts your daily functioning and well-being, consider seeking professional help. Mental health professionals, such as therapists or counselors, can provide guidance, support, and therapeutic techniques to help you navigate and reframe your thoughts more effectively.


Comprehending that thoughts are not always real is crucial for nurturing our mental and emotional well-being. Acknowledging that thoughts can be distorted, biased, or influenced by past experiences empowers us to develop a more balanced and realistic perspective on situations. This understanding enables us to challenge unrealistic thoughts, manage our emotions, and cultivate a joyful and prosperous life. We can attain greater inner peace and fulfillment by actively shaping our thoughts and feelings through tools like mindfulness, cognitive restructuring, reality testing, and self-compassion. Remember, as individuals. We can observe and choose which thoughts to believe and act upon, ultimately shaping our reality.

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Brandon luu Brainz Magazine

Brandon Luu, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Brandon Luu's business failure led him to explore the uncharted territory between mind, emotions, and behavior. He overcame depression, fear, and anxiety and became a certified life coach specializing in mental wellness. Brandon is a prominent figure in mental wellness, inspiring hope in those facing mental health challenges. Through compassionate and effective coaching, he empowers clients to make positive changes and live their best lives. Brandon's dedication to mental wellness has inspired many, and his message of hope and resilience impacts individuals worldwide.



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