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The Healing Journey

Written by: Samantha Leske, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Healings, spiritual healings, reiki healings, crystal healings, shamanic healings to some are a completely normal way of life.

For others, they may not have ever heard of them.

If this is something you have embraced, you know and understand the power these experiences hold, the change they can bring to your awareness, and intern your life.

Healings have the power to answer many questions that you have always wondered about and unlike traditional talk therapy (psychologists, counselors, etc) it has the potential to work on all levels of your being.

I have put together a guide to help those who have either just begun on their healing journey, or who are new to it, a few pieces of information that may be helpful.

Physical body healings - this is actually laying on a healing table (or some like me only offer this via distance - yes, this is possible and can be highly effective.)

For those who have these sessions in person, you may be asked to remove shoes and jewelry, but clothes will remain on. Your chosen therapist may actually place their hands on you, or they may hover above as they run energy through you and the parts of your body that require support.

Let them know at the beginning of your session what you feel comfortable with.

A great therapist will explain what they are doing and why and happily answer any questions you have.

When you experience this, it can feel very relaxing, you are being worked on, on many different levels, mental, emotional, physical and spiritual - unless specifically directed by the healer, it will go to where you need it the most. Often the issue you are having involves more than one of these layers.

Our physical health, or lack of it, is not just physical - it is almost always connected to our mental and emotional bodies too. There can be blocks within our belief systems or lines of energy running through us that are requiring some healing.

To explain a little deeper…

Lines of energy - we all have these. (If you can imagine a train track and its beginning, it must stay connected and continuous flow for the train to get to its destination. Our lines of energy run like this too. However, they run through us, from our ancestral families, and continue on until someone within the line has the courage to stand up and say “It stops with me.”

Lines of energy hold huge amounts of information and energy about us, and our mental and emotional state. Every single human has this, and is working on it - without question. What this means is having anger in your life, having anxiety or depression in your life, feeling unworthy etc. are all possible lines that can be running (the actual lines running will be different for each person).

If you create an image in your mind, of each one of those being a line of energy running through your life. How big is your anger line? How big is your anxiety line? Get the picture?

They exist for every emotion, and some behaviors (violence, abuse, abandonment, addiction etc). Now the stronger the lines, the bigger the lines, the more this “energy” will exist in your personal life and individual experience.

Why do we have these? It allows us to have an experience, it gifts us when we have experienced this, understanding and knowledge. It helps to grow our mental, emotional and experiential knowledge. The reason we are all here - to learn and grow as souls.

As we work on understanding them, and the information each holds about ourselves and our journey, take responsibility for, and then releasing the blocked energy within, it is life-changing. We no longer react the same way. Our beliefs change, our understanding deepens, and our physical reality changes too.

Shadow work - this is such important work, it all is, but you really need to find someone who is skilled in this area. When participating in shadow work, you need to be able to feel safe to express the truth in how you feel. Sharing the behaviors, thoughts and patterns, you hide from the world.

Thoughts and beliefs that you hide because of shame, or because it doesn't fit in with the mask you have created. It’s the you that screams at your kids or partner when they didn’t really deserve it. It is the you that can’t apologize when you know to your soul you really need to, it is the you that cuts yourself, or enjoys your addiction but hides it. It is any part of you that you feel you need to hide from the world.

What needs to be understood is that we live in a world of polarity, light and dark. Without the dark, there could be no light, and without the light, there could be no dark. This is what allows us to have our various experiences and to grow as souls. If it was all love and light, we would all be comfortable and there would be no growth. Earth school is not for the faint of heart!

One issue when we first start on our healing journey is that we can be under the impression, that it is all lovely, all the time, and this is what we are aiming for, enlightenment - which technically we are. However, there is much shadow work to be done, responsibility to be taken and awareness to step into. The gift we get is to have moments of true peace, moments of sitting in the light, watching with every healing we have, our connection to source and the body of light we hold growing bigger and bigger.

We let go of judgment of ourselves and others. We learn that everyone is on the same journey. We are just in different places. We stop taking things personally!

Sometimes we are lucky enough to be walking with another toward our home destination. Shadow work is not to be feared, it is some of the most empowering and freeing, spiritual work you will do. If you really want to know you ( and we should all know who we are - this is our responsibility), shadow work is necessary; it can't be avoided.

Trauma work also needs to be included here. Trauma changes the way we view ourselves, others, and the world we live in. We begin to live from a place of trying to protect ourselves, putting into place prevention strategies of how we can avoid ever being in this position again. The issue being, it changes our point of attraction. Fear becomes our baseline of operation (we may not even be able to feel this as it has been running for so long), and this intern changes our point of attraction. Just know that if you have trauma, it is possible to heal it, and to be free of the experiences that have plagued you in the past.

It means really letting go of it, once and for all.

You are worth being free.

Know that there is also a really high chance that this energy is very old and has been running through you or your family for eons. It heals when you decide “enough is enough” True healing doesn’t look like just having the ability to cope. Healing means actually being FREE of it. No more coping, no more burying it, freedom to live your life on your terms.

It is possible. You are worthy.

Aspect work - This is another game-changer - what most don’t realize is that we all have multiple personalities. If you think about your reaction to someone stealing your lunch from the work fridge, or your reaction while taking a child to a fun park - they are very different, yes? In each situation within our lives, we have different parts of us that step up to play their role at the required time they are needed. Someone who has been diagnosed with multiple personalities from a psychiatrist is someone who has received so much trauma in their life that each various personality steps forward to help the person live. However, it is so wonky that they often have no control over this, and it wreaks havoc on their lives. For those of us that are not to this extreme ( and it is just a spectrum - we all have this), we are still able to live and manage our lives, functioning in society “normally” (Let me be clear, normal is subjective)

Let me give you an example - growing up, there was violence in the home, it wasn’t nice, but you are living a reasonably normal experience, you just have a strong opinion about yelling and don’t allow it in your own home. If you see someone in the street being very loud, even abusive verbally -, it makes your heart go a little faster, and you get yourself out of that situation as quickly as possible. You may or may not have in your past received therapy for this. If you have, the tools you would have been given were ones to help you be aware, to manage the situation and yourself, and then to get yourself out of there and then recover as quickly as you possibly can.

When I look at this from an aspect work position - there is an aspect of you (a part of you) who is stuck at the age of when you had this experience. ( if this was something that happened over the space of many years, there would be multiple aspects within you, that have stored feelings and opinions on this topic).

These aspects are powerful, they have the ability to literally stop us from moving forward with our lives in certain situations. They are the ones who have taken the duty on, of keeping us safe. They are trying to protect us. The issue being, we don’t know they are there, often ruling the show. These parts of us require us to see and hear them. They hold thoughts, feelings, beliefs, emotions, and opinions about the experience they are acting as markers for.

When we take the time to hear them, allow them to have the voice they never got to have, and welcome them back into us - everyone is freed and the resistance is removed. That walk down the street with the commotion that scared you, and sent you into protective mode now becomes an awareness that someone else is having a rough time. No one stands in the street and screams because life is great, something hard is happening for them. Your heart no longer races, you see the situation for what it is and you no longer feel unsafe, you just become an observer ( who may even hold compassion or send some love to the one who is reacting).

The aspect/ aspects of you no longer are needed to keep you safe, their job is done.

Aspect work is powerful, it has the potential to literally change the way you view certain situations, and it most certainly releases resistance to you moving forward within your own life. It empowers us to move from living in protective mode, to feel safe, free and empowered in choice. The heart-pounding reaction that propelled the earlier reaction of fight/ flight/ freeze is no longer there.

SELF LOVE is something that every soul is working on, or towards. Regardless of what your other soul mission may be, this is included. Most of us grew up in homes where our families were just doing the best they could, with what they had.

Our parents and grandparents came from generations where the belief was “ If you love yourself, you are arrogant” Our generation has a better understanding of the value in holding love for self within.

It dramatically changes the choices we make, the difference between making choices filled with love, and a choice not filled with love can literally be the difference between stepping into ease and grace, and the choice to live life the hard way, kicking your own backside as you travel your individual journey.

A life filled with extra obstacles, people, places and a nice dose of self-loathing and little barrating as you journey. We will circle back around and be presented with various situations to show us what we are lacking (Our natural points of attraction literally come from inside us (internally).

We have certain things we need to do as souls, things we need to learn, things we need to experience. We have certain choices along our path that allow us to go left or right (self-love or self-loathe). Our lessons cannot be avoided, we agreed to them before coming here. What we do get to choose is if we are going to choose the loving or loathing path - the loving path is always kinder, ALWAYS.

Self-love is a skill set, it is a set of behaviors that we choose in each of the 100 (or more) various decisions we are required to make in our own lives daily.

It is feeling safe to say no, it is only saying yes when we truly want to, it knows what boundary is and not feeling scared to assert it, it is having regular time built into your life that allows you, to nourish you. This is just the beginning. It is detailed, it requires awareness and for you to gift yourself with kindness when you don’t get it right, and the courage to keep going. For the opportunity to join in my next class teaching this, head here!

Past lives - now these are worth mentioning as there is a considerable amount of energy held within these; however, when you first step onto your journey, it is really important to own and clean up your immediate experience.

Sometimes people can get really excited about past lives. They can be under the illusion they are doing deep work by being able to access them.

Past life work can be deep and very healing (I'll talk about this a little more shortly); however, it can also be used as a way to bypass your current experience, which I guarantee requires some work, and large amounts of responsibility to be taken first.

Living on antidepressants, feeling numb, living without joy and a deep-seated level of resentment for your mum ( or dad or any other significant person in your life) needs to be looked at first. Your quality of life in the here and now is paramount, and the roots lying in past lives can be found later when your skillset is ready to explore this. You first need to own who you are, and the fact that you have created your current reality, and be ready to embrace full responsibility for what that means (see why self-love is so important?)

Let's spend a minute looking at why past lives are so important, (once the current experience is under control). We need to understand that our experiences are accumulative. They are all learnings, some are taught kindly, some are learned with trauma involved. When we transition from one life to another to continue our learning, we retain the same energy ( be it good/ be it bad - there really is no bad, it just becomes a point of attraction where our lessons continue). The energy carries over from one life to another. What this tells us when we understand the patterns ( and let me be clear, it is all patterns!) is that there is a root cause in a past life.

So, for example, you are experiencing abandonment, but over and over again - Mum abandoned you, friends have, boyfriend/ girlfriend has etc and it just keeps happening to the point you wonder if you are lovable - now ( this is why current life work is so important) we would first look at what experiences have actually taken place, work through responsibility and ownership, understand the story attached and of course the beliefs (this involves all of the methods I have listed above) and when this is complete ( all aspects are integrated, all lines examined, self-love strongly in place, shadow work under control,) then we look at where it originated from - where is the root? What life, what situation was this originally created? Looking for your necessary keys.

Other mysteries can be solved when we look at past lives too that may not be connected to original roots, things like why a fear of the dark exists when there is no logical reason why ( no trauma, etc) or why you have a certain connection, with a certain person that you just can’t seem to get past.

This leads us to the important wound work.

Our original wound was created the very first time you experienced a particular experience. It could be a sister wound, a scapegoat wound, an abandonment wound, an abundance wound, just to name a few. All were created in a past life (often one of your first here), but the point of attraction is the same, it is a wound inside of you, and it will continue to play out until you get to the original root cause, and do the appropriate healing.

When you find the original root, it completely collapses the line existing within you, heals the experience you are having, and prevents it from running down your familial ancestral line to your children. We are cycling as souls until we clear all of these, and break all patterns and contracts involved.

Uncovering of your own gifts - we all have gifts, some of you will be mediums, some will be keepers of the Earth, some the animals and some the people. Your gifts will allow your own healing journey to deepen, but it will also align you with one of the above, where you will have a specialty. The more you heal yourself, the more they will be revealed.

Allowing them to come to the surface, nourish them, work with them, giving your abilities the freedom to grow and develop. Gifting you with the knowledge of who you are on a soul level, before everything happened, and what your unique role on this earth is.

Be mindful that each modality has something to offer, and what resonates with you will be a personal experience. Healing is not linear, it is messy and so very layered. Each healing, gifting you a puzzle piece. Patience, learning to connect to yourself and large doses of self-love make the very worthwhile journey, so much kinder.

For more info, follow me on Facebook, Instagram and visit my website!


Samantha Leske, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Samantha Leske is a Spiritual Healer, and the CEO of Nurture you, Heal you.

She specializes in trauma/ shadow work and teaching women how to love themselves unconditionally. After working in the industry for over 12 years, she has a varied skill set that allows the healings she offers, to incorporate all levels of a souls journey from this life to past and birthing timelines.

Samantha has recently become a best selling author on Amazon from her contribution to the multi-author book "Intuitive, knowing her truth"

Her goals in life are to live a quiet rural life with her children and animals, while engaging in her soul led mission - to help as many people awaken and heal. Loving them while they come home to themselves and their own unconditional love and acceptance for themselves. To actively be apart of the solution.

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