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Turning Tears To Purpose – Exclusive Interview With Bryonni Roseman

Bryonni Roseman is an EMS (emotional, mental, and spiritual) coach, sound healer, trained herbalist by the herbal academy, and trained life purpose practitioner through the CTAA, aiding those in connecting and healing inner child wounds to connect to their Higher self.

Bryonni Roseman

Bryonni Roseman, Personal Development Coach

Tell us a bit about your story, how did you build your career until this point?

I started my spiritual journey at the young age of three. I've always been attuned to the other side of the veil but was taught to be afraid by my immediate relatives. After my 17th birthday, I started researching healing beyond traditional forms of therapy. At the time, I was depressed and was in treatment for childhood trauma that didn't heal my inner child. I would retrigger myself in session but left with a new prescription to try. I wasn't interested in them putting a band-aid on my wound. I wanted it to heal and be a memory of a lesson learned, not a memory that haunted me.

College was a difficult time, as it was during COVID-19. I was now on the hunt for who I was supposed to be because I was sheltered as a child and wasn't taught about the real world. I was searching for a reason to live because I had for-shortened my life to 18 and had surpassed that age. I didn't want to live for the sake of others but for myself. At that time, I found a dear friend, Manithehighest, who helped me discover the woman I wanted to become.

Tell us about a pivotal moment that brought you to where you are today.

In college, I focused on being a project manager and chose a major in management information systems, but as graduation neared, I lost interest in the tech world. I started college lost and was leaving college with a degree I wasn't passionate about to start living a life I didn't want to live. At this pivotal moment, right before graduation, I chose to focus on my shadow work to heal my inner child's wounds to live the life that I dreamt of living through shadow work.

What is your work inspired by?

My work is inspired by healing current adults so they can live lives of fulfillment beyond society's expectations. I always ask my clients, "What is your purpose in life?" to help them understand that they have a purpose and were given consciousness for a reason. If the world ended today, you would still have a purpose here. I want my clientele to be the people they've always dreamed of being. I remember in college. I considered leaving this realm and standing on that bridge staring out over the Mississippi River; I wanted to prevent others from leaving because they thought there wasn't another option because there is; you just weren't taught a better way.

What's your purpose, mission, and driving force for your work?

My mission is to guide others on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, helping them connect with their inner self and find balance in mind, body, and spirit. My purpose as a healer is to unlock the potential in others to commit to a lifetime of healing and growth. The driving force is seeing people accomplish things they once thought were impossible.

Who inspires you to be the best that you can be?

My friend Manithehighest inspires me to keep going. She introduced me to shadow work in 2021 and has helped push me beyond my limits. The work that she does I hope one day I can help as many people as she has with her work.

What is your business name, and how do you help your clients?

My business name is "theblackspiritualbaddie" because I'm a black woman who is a spirit experiencing this reality and loves the beauty industry. I help clients with shadow work, healing the soul to free one's inner child to connect to one's higher self (the dream version of yourself). My shadow work program is catered to all topics, from financial problems to attracting our divine spouse/lover and unresolved trauma.

What services or products does TBSB offer?

I offer a love program, a soul purpose program, shadow work coaching, spiritual consultations, sound healing, herbalism, and astrology sessions from one-time consultations, monthly retainers, and yearly packages.

What kind of audience do you target your business towards?

People going through significant life changes, such as divorce, career shifts, losing a loved one, or becoming parents. Individuals also face a crisis of meaning, such as questioning their life purpose or dealing with existential questions. Those dealing with issues like anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, or chronic stress who are looking for alternative healing methods. Individuals who have tried traditional therapy but are seeking something more profound or more spiritually oriented.

Can you share any success stories/achievements that TBSB has experienced?

After my love program, I've helped several clients meet their divine spouses and get into their dream schools to further their education. I love seeing the relief on their faces after a session with me. The results come from them dedicating time, effort, and attention to being intentional and using what is learned in our session.

For readers inspired by this conversation and eager to start their journey, what first steps would you recommend?

For the people who know me, I always say to start your shadow work because, in that work, you'll understand if your ego is leading you or if it's the inner child making the decisions. If you can't trust yourself or innerstand the various versions of spirit speaking through you, the work done in my program will help you discover your authentic voice. The purpose of life is to learn the lessons we signed up for to practice until we have developed the highest answer. When you’re ready to learn and answer to your higher self, the dream version of you who did it all right, then book a shadow work session.

Follow me on Instagram, and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Bryonni Roseman



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