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Turn Your Sufferings Into A Reward Instead Of A Loss

Kim Constantineau is a strategic life coach and leader specializing in helping beauty professionals and entrepreneurs. A tragic childhood left her in a victim mentality for too long. However, becoming a business owner was a turning point that led her towards growth and change

Executive Contributor Kimberly Constantineau

If you can't remember the last time you felt truly happy or what it means to be joyful and have peace of mind? Allow me to reconnect you with these eternal feelings and fill you up with joy.

people clapping and smiling at the woman in the middle

Hi, I'm Coach Kimmy!

I'm an Author, Speaker, Salon Owner, and Strategic Life Coach.

I spent 20 years in therapy, constantly revisiting my painful past and feeling trapped in a victim mindset. And then I changed my life using life coaching. Now, I experience happiness, satisfaction, and joy about 95% of the time.

Just like how life coaching changed my life, I wanted to change other people’s lives. So I became a life coach and started transforming lives.

But then I realized this was not enough. There are so many people in this world who are suffering from so much, and I can't reach all of them at once. At least not immediately.

I was thinking, there has to be a better way I can reach them and help them find the solution and connect with God.

Something that could change their lives and mindsets, give them hope, and turn on the miracle faucet in their life.

Because I wanted you to know that miracles really happen all the time and dreams do really come true.

No matter how bad your past was, it doesn't have any control over you now because you can't go back, not even for a second. It's done. Now it's time to move on, to 'keep pushing forward' toward your dream come true-future.

I understand how and why your rational brain makes you skeptical of this belief. Sometimes, we don’t believe we deserve good things because of a bad imprint that’s stuck in our brain and how it often makes us resist every positive thing that comes our way to rescue us.

I know this because I've been there.

I've lived through the darkest days of my life where there was not a single ray of hope for me.

Where I survived all the abuse, all the heartbreaks, disappointments, shocks, and distress. Where I felt the string of my innocent childhood over and over again.

That's why when I say I can relate to your deep wounds, your struggles, your hardships, intimately, trust me on this, because I've lived through them.

"If I Can Do It, So Can You!"

Make this your slogan for life. Because these simple words will become your lifeline and will support you through the hardest times of your life. I can say this with confidence and certainty because they have comforted me and saved me in the exact same way.

And that's one of the main reasons I want you to have this book.

My personal journey is solid proof that your logical brain always looks to validate and verify before believing.

“If my personal struggles seem like your struggles, then my personal triumphs will become your triumphs too.” You will understand what I mean once you read this book. That's how confident I am about this.

If you feel nothing is working for you and the whole world is against you, then pick up this book right now. Because this will help you understand how you can turn your sufferings into your strengths.

It doesn't matter if you are a believer or just a seeker of the faith or not a believer at all. I've made sure this book offers you a helping hand on a spiritual path. If it's hard for you to find faith in your life right now, then relax, because through this book, I'm bringing faith to you.

Most people say that reading this book will warm your heart, inspire you, and give you a refined sense of purpose and hope to believe again.

Not just any purpose. A purpose with a deep belief in the unseen forces that are always for you and never against you.

I want you to understand how important it is to have that kind of faith and how to restore it if you've lost it.

God is always working in your favor, despite what you think of him. In fact, this belief alone was one of my greatest 911 rescue moments.

Whenever I desperately needed God, the universe connected me to him and helped me see how he has always been there for me with all His unconditional love. Helping me to get out of my misery and making sure I reach the happiest place in my life.

You might say it's easy for you because you trust God already. But that's not the case.

It took me 10 years to find my faith and trust in God. It wasn't easy at all.

My mind was full of doubts, anger, and frustration. But then, the more I started trusting him, the more miracles started happening in my life. That’s what I've shared in this book.

So if you think God never answers your prayers, he bails on you and leaves you alone to face the evils of life, then this book will help you understand 'why' it seems that way. 'What' you have to do to connect with Him and How exactly to do that.

My journey from a broken, damaged little girl to an empowered life coach who is fixing and healing other broken lives is a real story of hope, redemption, and miracles. I cannot imagine this without God's divine grace. Discovering him and feeling his grace in my life was the most important turning point of my life. It could be yours as well.

Don't hold yourself back. Take action and order this book now!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Kimberly Constantineau, Strategic Life Coach & Beauty Professional

Kim Constantineau is a strategic life coach and leader specializing in helping beauty professionals and entrepreneurs. A tragic childhood left her in a victim mentality for too long. However, becoming a business owner was a turning point that led her towards growth and change. She joined the John Maxwell Group to expand her leadership skills and became proficient in Disc assessment training and communication to manage people with a servant's heart. Her goal is to help others unleash their true potential and discover their passion and superhero powers. Kim's mission is to transform people's thinking and lives forever.



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