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Transforming Reality With CODA as You Move From Knowing to Experiencing and Rediscover Life

Entrepreneur, Female Empowerment & Mental Health Advocate Aleksandra Nikolajev Jones has for over two decades been transforming cultural connections, driving inclusivity & inspiring innovation through her productions, choreography, and fundraising, and cementing creative collaborations & partnerships around the world.

Executive Contributor Aleksandra Nikolajev Jones

Knowledge vs. Awareness: Do we really know, or do we just think we know? People love to know. But do they truly use that knowledge? Do they transform it into insight, or do they remain trapped in the illusion of omniscience?

The photo shows a close-up of a walnut inside its shell, resembling the shape and texture of a human brain.

Omniscience limits us. It is a social, generational, and cultural code passed down through centuries. We carry it unconsciously, believing we are free. But in reality, we are trapped in the idea that we already know.

What happens when we free our minds from the need to “know everything”? When we allow ourselves not to know?

What we do not yet know, what we are still discovering, opens us up. It is in this space that curiosity arises and that narratives begin to shift. And a narrative is not just a story; it is a role we play in our own lives. That role shapes our character, and our character defines us.

And so, as long as we do not change our narratives, we remain the same. Without freedom. Without ease. Without joy.

Is suffering truly inevitable?


People suffer without reason. They suffer because they do not know any other way. But are we here to suffer?

Or are we here to love, to create, to connect, and to experience joy?


How do we shift from "knowing" to discovering?

By uncovering different layers of ourselves, we discover the complexity of our own self-concept.


But how do we do that? How do we free knowledge from the unconscious limitations we have placed upon it?

Let us be curious. Let us be playful. Let us be engaged not only with the world around us but with the world within.

Above all, let us listen to our bodies because our bodies know.


So, before diving into the mind, start with the body. Each morning, when you open your eyes, ask your body:

Hey, body, good morning. How are you? Do you need anything?

Where do you want to be? What else is possible?

Breathe. Wait. Listen. You will be surprised.


And if you want to go even deeper, start from the feet. Feel your toes. Feel the energy rising through you, all the way to the crown of your head. Observe what your body is telling you.

Do not analyze. Just listen.


And be gentle. The more we treat ourselves with kindness, the more the world will open up as a gentler, kinder, and more caring place.


Life or a nightmare: What do we choose?

What life has envisioned for us we already see. We already feel. We already know. But do we listen?

We rush through obligations. We work endlessly. We disappear into our own days. We lose ourselves without even realizing when it happened.



Because we have chosen the easier path, rather than the one that is truly meant for us. Because we are living someone else’s version of life.

Because we believe we have no choice.


And then we become exhausted. Life does not bring us what we desire. And instead of asking how things could be better, we only focus on how to avoid things getting worse.

But what if there is another way?


Exercise: See yourself in the future

Close your eyes.


Imagine yourself in 10 years.


Where are you? What does your world look like?

What are you wearing? Who are the people around you? How do you feel?

Go into the details. What do you love? What do you do? Who do you love? It might not be easy. But try.

Allow yourself to travel through thoughts and feelings. And if you wish, write down what comes up. And then compare.

What is your next step?

After this exercise, a new possibility emerges: a conversation between your present self and your future self.

What do they say to each other? How do they communicate?

Do not judge. Just observe.


What is the best possible reality for both versions of you? Imagine them as two figures, two different bodies:

Body 1 | Figure 1 The possibilities of your present self.

Body 2 | Figure 2 The possibilities of your future self.

Now, bring them together.


What can you do today to connect with your future self?


If the world you live in now feels like a nightmare, are you ready to change it? If the answer is yes, then you are already on your way.

This is your story. This is your life. And you choose how it unfolds.


What do you choose today?

How can CODA methodology help you?

If you are curious about exploring your body’s script and unlocking movement as a tool for expression and transformation, Gravida Collective offers programs and workshops tailored for that journey.

CODA methodology can help you:

  • Open your body to awareness and intuition.

  • Explore patterns that have been unconsciously imposed on you. Release creativity through movement.

  • Experience ease and fluidity in your body and mind.


If you want to see how this works in practice, find out more here.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Aleksandra Nikolajev Jones, Choreographer, Producer & Fundraiser

Aleksandra Nikolajev-Jones produces for theatre, television & film, nurturing new talent, mentoring, coaching & collaborating with international & local companies, institutions, and authorities. She is a member of the International Dance Council, CID, recognised by UNESCO. Working with professionals, communities, minorities & vulnerable groups, delivering projects that empower individual and collective well-being, she founded The Gravida Collective, which explores creativity, womanhood, & community engagement through new & innovative initiatives. With over two decades of experience, she continues to champion cultural exchange, inclusivity, and innovation in the arts, business, and beyond.

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