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Transforming Pain Into Purpose – Exclusive Interview With Dan Stowell

Dan Stowell delivers expert insights into stress management techniques, health optimization strategies, and peak performance. He turned the adversity of growing up with an alcoholic father and being diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease into his advantage by taking control of his mindset. Leading with empathy and by example, Dan has dedicated his life to being an icon of inspiration and beacon of hope through his company, Nova Fusion. Experiences + Mindset = Growth

Image photo Dan Stowell

Dan Stowell, Entrepreneur, Podcast Host & Coach

Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life so we can get to know you better.


Hello! My name is Dan Stowell, founder of Nova Fusion and host of the EMG Transformations podcast. I grew up as an only child with an alcoholic father, and basketball quickly became a positive outlet and passion of mine for years to come. Going into my senior year of high school, life threw me a curveball with a diagnosis of Ulcerative Colitis in August 2015. I quickly became homebound for my entire senior year of high school and had the first of two surgeries that removed my whole colon just four days after graduation. It took me about five years of trial and error to recover and live a normal life again as my illness evolved into Crohn’s Disease. With hard fought determination, I was admitted into Michigan State University (MSU) in the fall of 2019 and graduated with a Marketing degree in the spring of 2022. I also have a fluffy husky named Juno, who has stuck with me through the initial dark days of my illness when I was imprisoned in bed to walking around my childhood dream campus every day at MSU together in East Lansing.


Can you share the story behind the founding of Nova Fusion and what inspired you to start this business?


In the summer of 2019, I launched a blog documenting the first four years of my recovery. I titled the blog When Life Strikes and went behind the scenes into what I endured every day with raw post-surgery pictures showing the decline and rise of my body. Sharing these experiences was the most vulnerable thing I have ever done. I overcame my insecurities by leaning into empathy with the mission to help those in similar situations and inspire at least one person to overcome the adversity they face.


Shortly after, I puzzled together the beginnings of my life philosophy:

Experiences + Mindset = Growth (EMG). This equation summed up my life story, the greats of history, and even your story. Every experience is a learning opportunity that has the potential to shift our perspective and drive growth. It’s a matter of us observing, identifying the opportunity, and taking improved action based on new information.

Now, why Nova Fusion? Nova represents my alter ego, and I was inspired by learning about supernovas in an astronomy class at Michigan State University. A supernova is a massive explosion at the end of a star's life that seeds the universe with raw materials to form new stars. Nova embodies new life and the highest version of myself. Fusion is a philosophy inspired by the wisdom of Bruce Lee. Bruce believed in individuality and finding what works best for you to create your own unique style based on your strengths.


It’s important to understand that I was at the end of my life with my illness, mentally and physically. I had to rise from the ashes like a phoenix, create a new empowered identity of who I want to become, and see it in my mind every day to bring that creation to life.


You may feel at the end of the ropes with your career, relationship, or life, and I’m here to remind you that you can change your story and take your power back as soon as today!


What are the key services that Nova Fusion provides, and how do they differentiate themselves from competitors in the industry?


I am thrilled to share our signature 21 Day Wellness and Resilience Challenge. This challenge combines a decade of what I’ve learned from living with an extreme case of Crohn’s Disease, recovering my mental health, and the best high performance practices. It’s 21 days of stacking healthy habits to build momentum and create lasting lifestyle changes.


You will be provided with a toolkit of resources to always have on hand for when life strikes with adversity. It’s not about trying to avoid the storm because challenges and setbacks are inevitable. You either just overcame a problem, you’re currently in a problem, or you are about to walk into a problem. You may even be experiencing all three, like me! My job is to equip you with the resources to cope and navigate through the storms when they come.


You will receive 21 days of elite education and challenges, 4 group Zoom calls with expert guest speakers, a 60 minute coaching call with Dan, lifetime access to our Nova Fusion Family community, and more!


If you want more, we offer personalized monthly and quarterly coaching to dive deep and work with you to take control of your health and optimize your performance.

Can you provide examples of some notable projects or success stories that showcase the impact of your work?

Our 21 Day Wellness and Resilience Challenge has catalyzed powerful transformations. The beauty is that these stories range from all walks of life, affirming our universal customizable approach.


Some participants joined from a dark place and are now the light shining the way. There are stories of people transforming their health to take back ownership of their lives and happiness. Others have unlocked a new level of discipline and leadership to lead by example.


I could write an entire article on this question, but it’s better for you to hear from the participants themselves!


Who is your primary target audience, and how do you tailor your services to meet their specific needs?


Our services are designed for high performers excelling for excellence, wellness warriors fighting against chronic illnesses, and anyone eager to elevate their mental and physical fitness. This may sound like three separate audiences, as they can be, but you can be all three, just like me! Our universal approach around wellness and resilience offers tools to enhance your life no matter what stage you are at, with the opportunity to personalize and go deeper. We understand that every individual body is different and are prepared with various solutions to find what works best for you.


Tell us about your greatest career achievement so far.


EMG Transformations is one of my most significant projects. I am very proud of launching my podcast in April 2022 after sitting on the ideas for nearly two years with feelings of insecurities and impostor syndrome. I have been blessed to meet and interview some of the world’s best in the wellness and resilience industry, including Markus Kaulius, Dr. Tyler Panzner, Kelly Siegel, and Amberly Lago. These conversations and relationships have transformed the trajectory of my life, and I am beyond grateful. It’s an honor to share these conversations with our growing community of impact driven individuals.


I am also humbled and take great pride in the lives I’ve inspired and empowered through coaching. Witnessing and walking this journey with amazing, growth-minded individuals lights

my soul on fire. It’s a sharpening of the sword because there’s always an opportunity to learn and grow from each person we meet.


I would love to extend an invitation to our Nova Fusion Family to grow with you in our upcoming 21 Day Wellness and Resilience Challenge.


Your best is yet to come!


Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Dan Stowell



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