Luis Cuevas is an ESG expert in an intense and innovative fight against corruption. As a single dad and world citizen, he is committed to help people change their habits, he is convinced that's the only way to save the world from humans' worst disease, corruption. Luis is the CEO and Founder of Rethical, a UK company that is helping their clients achieve sustainable goals through their people.

Luis Alberto Cuevas, CEO & Founder
Introduce yourself.
Hi, my name is Luis Cuevas. I’m a Mexican single dad, lawyer with 15+ years of international expertise in ESG Compliance and now CEO and Founder of Rethical and Brain Tonic. Back in 2010, I had the opportunity to live abroad (Switzerland, US, Panama, England) and start traveling across the world (60+ countries), learning about humankind and how our habits defined who we are and how we perceive the world.
My passion is to help people take better decisions, for themselves and for all of us. I believe that using the incredible technology and knowledge available right now, we have a chance to transform our lives from inside-out. Combining data analytics, behavioural science, and AI could help people identify bad habits and replace them with positive sustainable ones that improve their mental wellness and the way they interact with our world, becoming truly sustainable.
What is your business name and how do you help your clients?
My business’ names are Rethical (ESG consultancy) and Brain Tonic (Mental & Emotional wellness + Sustainable lifestyle). We have presence in Mexico City (Latin American market) and London (European market) since 2022 and 2023 respectively. We help our clients increase their productivity while achieving ESG Compliance through their own people. We do it by implementing bespoken strategic programs developed using data analytics and behavioural science to create engaging content that looks after the real and individual needs of each of our clients’ employees.
What are your current goals for your business?
1st Get investment to build a strong team and develop an app that combines data analytics, behavioural science and AI, to provide fast and personalized support to all our clients and consumers.
2nd Develop and establish a powerful brand that could be recognize in the near future as an honest & sustainable company that helps people take better decisions.
3rd Happy clients and consumers that are taking better decisions for themselves and their loved ones, triggering a cascade effect that has a positive impact in millions of people across the world.
Who inspires you to be the best that you can be?
My son is my No.1 inspiration from the moment he arrived in this world. For the last 19 years he has been the main source of energy and motivation I needed to “think out-of-the-box” and start fighting a world full of corruption with innovative tools and different approaches. I’m a single dad that feels the urgent need to act and help others realize the power to transform our world lives within each of us.
I want to feel happy and honest whenever I say, “I’m doing my best for my son”, that includes taking good care and assuming responsibility for our planet.
Tell us about your greatest career achievement so far.
I have been extremely lucky through all my career; I have met amazing humans that believed in me and gave the opportunity to build a solid international career while being a single dad living abroad. I have had international teams of incredible talented people that taught me how to walk in other people’s shoes and understand different perspectives.
I have implemented successful ESG programs that had transformed corporate cultures and achieved my peers’ recognition, however, I honestly believe my greatest career achievement so far is being able to raise a happy and grounded young adult that is now studying business in the UK. After all, we parents work hard to provide the best we can for our loved ones. I have achieved that.
Tell us about a pivotal moment in your life that brought you to where you are today.
When I was working for a law firm as an intern, I was asked to go to the office after law school, my last class finished at 10:30pm. Like in the movies, I received a briefcase and instructions. I needed be at 11.50pm at the entrance of a Mexican Court House to deliver the briefcase, wait 15 minutes and bring a sealed envelope back. Days later I learned that was the way to ensure cases were assigned to specific judges. My boss’ friends.
That night my naive believes about law & justice were crushed. Few weeks later I was fired, it happened the next day I told my boss I was not feeling happy about that night. My son’s mom was 7 months pregnant, and that job was all our income. That event shaped my life. I started to understand how Corruption really works, the pain it causes and how it shapes people lives in so many different ways.
Today I’m the founder of Rethical, a company that incorporates behavioural science, data analytics and IA into a product that helps companies achieve sustainable and ethical growth. We do it by helping our client’s employees transform negative habits into sustainable positive ones.
The only way to fight corruption and keep earth alive, is by changing from the inside, starting with ourselves.