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Transforming Lives Through Mindfulness And High-Performance Coaching – Interview With Heidi Albritton

Heidi Albritton is a dynamic coach, consultant and trainer who specializes in transforming both individuals and teams by enhancing focus, situational awareness, and relational dynamics. With over 20 years of expertise in Operations and high-level leadership, Heidi has served in influential roles at a global non-profit, as Chief of Staff at the City of Seattle, and two terms as an elected official in Colorado.  Heidi founded her coaching consultancy revelYOUtion in 2014, to introduce individuals and teams to the power of mindfulness, high-performance training, and other awareness and impact tools. She holds certifications in Corporate-based Mindfulness, High-Performance Coaching, and Enneagram for Individuals and Teams, as well as credentials in Professional Certified Coaching from Transcend International. Heidi’s own life challenges, including overcoming Lyme’s disease and breast cancer, have shaped her commitment to helping others transform their health and mindset. Her approach to coaching is deeply rooted in her belief that “if you change your mind, you change your life.” Through her business, revelYOUtion, she is dedicated to empowering overwhelmed professionals to achieve their full potential by mastering mindfulness, resilience, and self-awareness.

photo of Heidi Albritton

Heidi Albritton, Mindfulness & High Performance Coach

What led you to focus on coaching both individuals and teams, and how does your approach enhance team dynamics?

Heidi Albritton: My background in operations and leadership gave me firsthand experience in seeing how team dynamics hinge on the self-awareness of each individual. I realized early on that the key to a successful team is not just in their collective skills but in the awareness each person has about themselves and how they interact with others. When individuals understand their own strengths, challenges, and emotional patterns, they can collaborate more effectively, anticipate problems, and contribute to a healthier, more dynamic team environment. By focusing on individual growth, I help create teams that are more cohesive and aligned.

What is the core philosophy that drives your work as a coach?

Heidi: My work is driven by the belief that awareness and mindfulness are the keys to unlocking personal potential. Too often, high-achievers push themselves beyond their limits without taking time to understand what drives them or how to maintain balance. I use tools like the Enneagram and mindfulness training to help clients recognize their patterns and develop the emotional intelligence needed to navigate life more effectively. I’ve seen firsthand how transformative it can be when people become aware of their internal drivers and start to manage their thoughts and emotions with intention.

How do you integrate individual development with team coaching?

Heidi: I believe that individual growth and team performance are inseparable. Who we are as individuals is reflected in how we show up in a team environment. When I work with teams, I start by helping each person build their own situational awareness—understanding how they think, respond, and interact in different scenarios. From there, we move into team dynamics, exploring how each person’s unique traits influence the group. This two-tiered approach creates a ripple effect: as each person improves their own awareness and focus, the entire team becomes more effective, communicative, and resilient.

How does your work on focus and situational awareness help teams perform better?

Heidi: Focus and situational awareness are game-changers for both individuals and teams. On an individual level, having the ability to tune into what’s happening internally and externally allows you to make more intentional decisions. This is particularly important in high-pressure environments where quick, mindful decisions can mean the difference between success and failure. When I bring these principles into team coaching, the impact multiplies. Teams that practice situational awareness communicate more effectively, anticipate challenges, and work together with a shared understanding. It’s about creating alignment—not just in tasks, but in the team’s overall energy and goals.

What is the greatest career achievement you are most proud of?

Heidi: One of the most impactful moments in my career was launching an organization-wide Mindfulness & Resilience program at a global non-profit. It was a bold initiative at the time because mindfulness was still somewhat new in corporate settings, especially in a large organization like that. The program had a tremendous impact on both individual well-being and team performance. Seeing how those tools helped the individuals and teams regain focus, reduce stress, and improve collaboration was incredibly rewarding, particularly the challenging Covid years .

Can you share an example of how your coaching has transformed a team?

Heidi: One of my most powerful experiences was working with a tech company’s leadership team that was struggling with communication breakdowns and misaligned goals. Through individual coaching sessions, I helped each team member understand their personal communication style and how it affected group dynamics. By increasing their focus and situational awareness, they became more in tune with one another’s needs and perspectives. The transformation was incredible—what was once a disconnected team became a high-performing, cohesive group. They not only met their business goals, but their relationships improved, making the work environment much more positive and productive.

What makes your approach at revelYOUtion unique compared to other coaching services?

Heidi: What sets revelYOUtion apart is the holistic integration of individual and team development. Many coaching programs focus on one or the other, but I believe you can’t have a high-performing team without empowered individuals. My coaching is unique in that it incorporates neuroscience, mindfulness, and the Enneagram to address both personal growth and team performance. By helping individuals gain clarity on their thought patterns and emotions, I enable them to show up fully in their work. This naturally improves team dynamics, creating a positive, high-performance environment where everyone thrives.

How does your focus on situational awareness help teams perform better?

Heidi: Situational awareness is critical for any team that wants to excel. It’s about understanding what’s happening in the moment—both within yourself and in the team environment—and using that information to respond effectively. Teams that practice situational awareness are more agile, communicate better, and can anticipate issues before they become problems. This level of awareness allows teams to stay aligned, even in high-pressure situations. It’s not just about reacting—it’s about responding with intention, which leads to better outcomes for the whole team.

What advice would you give to leaders looking to improve their team dynamics and overall performance?

Heidi: The best place to start is with awareness—both at the individual and team levels. Encourage your team members to reflect on their personal behaviors, how they respond under stress, and how they communicate with others. Implementing tools like mindfulness practices or the Enneagram can help bring these insights to the surface. Then, foster a culture of open communication where team members feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and challenges. When everyone is on the same page, aligned in focus and intent, the team becomes more than the sum of its parts.

What are your long-term goals for revelYOUtion and your team coaching programs?

Heidi: My goal is to expand the reach of revelYOUtion and bring these transformative tools to more organizations worldwide. I want to continue leading the conversation around the importance of individual awareness in team settings and how it can positively impact both work and life. I also plan to deepen my expertise in neuroscience and high-performance strategies so I can continue offering cutting-edge tools to help teams perform at their best. Ultimately, I want to create a world where people are empowered to live fully—both as individuals and as contributors to thriving, dynamic teams.

What advice would you give to organizations looking to improve their team dynamics?

Heidi: Start with awareness. The first step to improving team dynamics is understanding the individual contributors to those dynamics. I recommend organizations invest in tools like mindfulness training or the Enneagram to help team members gain insight into their behaviors and how they interact with others. Companies like mine can help bring these tools to your team, and to teach them how to not only use them effectively, but how to embed them into the DNA of your company culture. From there, build a foundation of communication and collaboration. When people feel seen and understood—both by themselves and their peers—they work better together. Finally, encourage ongoing development. Team dynamics are not static; they need to be nurtured continuously.

Heidi Albritton’s approach at revelYOUtion focuses on the profound connection between individual growth and team success. By enhancing focus, situational awareness, and communication, she helps teams break free from old patterns, align their goals, and achieve sustainable, high-performance results. Her holistic approach ensures that her clients not only excel in their work but also lead more balanced, fulfilling lives.

If you’re ready to transform your team’s dynamics and unlock the full potential of each individual, visit here to schedule a consultation and explore how Heidi’s coaching can make a difference for your organization.

Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!



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