Marsha Parcou is an entrepreneur, based in the Seychelles Islands, on a mission to empower corporate teams and employees to find confidence in themselves and maximize their wellness and productivity.
As the founder and figurehead of Fasinasyon, she runs a multi-faceted lifestyle brand that promotes a healthy and holistic approach to the body, mind, and soul through a range of services, from corporate and life coaching to beauty and skincare products. Accredited by the Health Coach Institute, USA, she coaches using International Coach Federation (ICF) tools and exercises whilst delivering her own unique framework for personal and team transformation.
Marsha is also an accomplished public speaker, she has been interviewed on SBC, Paradise FM and TeleSecel. She also recently held an event to celebrate the launch of her debut book 'Becoming A Famn Fasinasyon'.
Alongside her work within the wellness industry, she is also the co-founder and part owner of Chatterbox Café located at Eden Plaza, the famed first ever 'coffee shop' on Mahe Island, Seychelles. Previously to owning and operating her businesses, Marsha has 10 years’ experience in tourism marketing management having worked for Seychelles Tourism (then known as the Seychelles Tourism Board).

Marsha Parcou, Integrative Health & Life Coach
Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better.
Born and raised on the beautiful Seychelles islands located 1000 miles from the east coast of Africa in the Indian Ocean. I am Marsha Parcou: a certified Integrative Health & Life Coach.
I have a special passion for transforming, inspiring and impacting women from all walks of life and help them to fulfil and live their best lives by becoming the best version of themselves.
Accredited by the Health Coach Institute, USA, I coach using International Coach Federation (ICF) tools and exercises whilst delivering my own unique framework for transformation.
I am married and my husband is from South Africa, I have no children and no pets 😊.
I am a business woman and shareholder of Chatterbox Cafe Seychelles, a successful and well-established coffee shop brand and business.
As the founder of Fasinasyon, I have created an awe-inspiringly complete packaged lifestyle brand that promotes a healthy and holistic approach to the body, mind and soul through a range of services, including life coaching; beauty and skincare products.
I have 10 years of experiences in Tourism Marketing Management working with the Seychelles Tourism Board and successfully communicating USPS and core marketing messages across a diverse range of travel markets globally and, as a result, Seychelles increased the market share by almost 80% from the Southern African Region.
What inspired you to start "Fasinasyon," and how do these themes translate into the content you share?
The creation of Fasinasyon has been a very personal one. ‘Fasinasyon’ is the Creole word for ‘fascination’. I wanted to bring everything that I love under one umbrella: beauty, health, fitness, wellness, and personal development.
Living holistically through self-love, self-care and making healthy choices is a lifestyle brand promoting a healthy and holistic approach for mind, body, heart, and soul.
All our daily responsibilities and pressures, from family, businesses, careers, society, and life in general can be very demanding and overwhelming. Consequently, stress takes a toll on our minds, bodies, and emotions without us even noticing.
From my personal experience, it is very easy to get carried away. I tend to lose myself in being busy because I have expectations and responsibilities to meet, and in the process, I therefore, neglect some important aspects of my life - mainly my health, wellbeing, and relationship. For a long time, I did not know how to manage stress and how to find the right balance that suited me. I had to learn this, and the answer was – yes, it is possible to have a balanced life and still do everything that I love!
With Fasinasyon, I want to inspire women through my experiences of healthy living as a businesswoman who consistently aims to achieve the best standards and results, in the way I think, feel, act, and look each day. No matter what happens in the external world, I must maintain a lifestyle that keeps me in a good state (spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically) as these are the fundamentals of my life and programmes.
Your website appears to cover a variety of topics related to lifestyle. Can you elaborate on the specific areas you focus on and why these topics are important to you and your audience?
After many years of having a passion for fitness, healthy living, wellness, longevity, and optimal health, I believed it was time to turn this passion into practice in the real world. Initially, I wanted to offer my services to international clients living outside Seychelles, however, I realised that there was a demand for such a service in Seychelles itself. My inspiration was to help Seychellois women by offering the right system and support structure to help them transform their lives.
With the restless demands of work & life responsibilities, what we women are doing to transform our bodies is no longer working and we are always looking for something greater.
Women don’t know what to do to change their bodies; we are stuck in a nut and don’t know how to get out.
Around 90% of our behaviour occurs out of habit, either unconsciously or in reaction to external demands.
We struggle to make changes that last and even when the need for change is obvious, we often fall short.
The diet industry keeps bombarding us with different types of fad diets, such as eating fewer calories and exercising more; if that worked it would have already worked.
The average person makes the same new year resolution ten separate times without success.
By getting to know my clients, I want to bring the change they want to see in their lives. I am not a dietician or psychologist, but I achieve success based on continuous work and experiences which I wish to share through my brand, Fasinasyon. My mission is to raise awareness and assist in achieving realistic healthy goals”.
Tell us about your greatest career achievement so far.
Becoming a Fanm Fasinasyon, My Journey, released in 2022 is my first biography and self-help book written in the hope of connecting with you on common ground and universal experiences of love, pain and growth. It offers lessons in self-confidence, reliance and respect, and in being genuine to yourself and others. It digs deep and shares what many women journey, but do not speak about. It is truly a woman’s bible, one I am sure you will be able to refer to in almost any and every stage of your life.
I have spoken about succeeding as a female entrepreneur at the Women in Leadership internal Hilton Hotel workshop in June 2022 and have been an opening speaker at the Hilton Gastro Lounge, for International Women's Day 2022 and 2023 respectively.
I was also a speaker at the international online Self Love Truth summit in March 2023.,
I have made notable press and media appearances on Seychelles Broadcasting Cooperation (SBC), Seychelles Nation, Paradise FM Radio, Pure FM Radio, Today Newspaper, Tele Sesel, Bonzour Sesel, Seychelles News Agency, Radyo Sesel as well as Cape Town TV and Soweto TV in South Africa and T.I.A.C’ s podcast in Canada.
I am thrilled to announce that I’ll be launching my first talk show “Coffee with Marsha” in partnership with Telesesel which is a very well-known and established TV Chanel in Seychelles.
Tell us about a pivotal moment in your life that brought you to where you are today.
I believe every one of us is born with a purpose. No matter who you are, what you do or how far you think you must go, you have been tapped by a force greater than yourself to step into your God-given calling.
I believe that my passion and success are in the lives that I have touched, transformed and impacted, and those who I am still yet to come across.
I believe that I am living as my most authentic self, doing the things that bring me a sense of accomplishment, love, joy, and fulfilment.
It does not matter how many roadblocks and setbacks I have encountered; each one of them is an opportunity to identify the seeds of growth, that have made me the woman I am today.
I have not reached my destination yet. I am still on a journey of discovery; a learning journey, a journey of growth and a journey of celebrations, all of which will certainly lead to a blissful destination. I am evolving; evolving to become the best I can be.
I am on a mission to inspire as many people as I can and to help them transform their lives to also become the best they can be. I feel compelled to live each day with purpose and to also be authentic by using my voice and stories to touch others’ lives. At its core, life is about honouring the gift of time that I have been given and finding success through my service to others.