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Transformative Healing Through Forgiveness And Energy Alignment – Exclusive Interview With Shaundas Knighton

Shaundas Knighton Grant is a leader in forgiveness, emotion release and vibrational alignment. An escape from an abusive marriage and traumatic pregnancy loss, Shaundas discovered energy healing techniques to dramatically release suppressed emotions, rewire limiting negative self-talk and align with manifestations. She has since dedicated her life to helping others heal from the hurt that sabotages their lives and relationships. She is the owner of Blue Lotus Crown, with coaching clients around the world.

image photo of Shaundas Knighton

Shaundas Knighton, Certified Forgiveness Life Coach

Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better.


Hi! My name is Shaundas, and I’m so happy to be here. I reside in the United States with my husband and two beautiful boys. I’m what you would call a Modern Mystic. Being a wife and mother brings me more joy than I could ever imagine. I also enjoy traveling, dancing, and exploring the secrets of the universe while having a glass of red wine. I am a certified Forgiveness Life Coach, Reiki Master, Chakra Reader, Emotion Code Practitioner, Crystal Healer, and Tuning Fork Sound Healer. You can find me on the weekends, lying out by the pool reading a good book. These days, I have been consumed with anything written by or for Edgar Cayce. My heart swells up with excitement from reading anything involving metaphysics and the occult. Speaking of the occult, I was probably an astrologer in a past life. Every day, I check to see where the moon is to determine what energies I can harness during the day (or what energy I need to stay away from).


What inspired you to start Blue Lotus Crown and offer these specific services?

We don’t realize how much we have been conditioned through our interactions and experiences. I had dealt with so many disappointments and hurt that I had created this armor of “That’s just how I am.” At the beginning of my healing journey, that armor of hurt made it difficult to experience joy in any form. I wasn’t living. I was existing. Existing in spaces that drained my heart of happiness. I woke up one day and wanted to be a better person. So, initially, I tried the normal approach to healing: talk therapy. And honestly, therapy didn’t work for me. Each week, I found myself reliving the deepest depths of painful memories which aggravated those wounds of the pain. I was leaving each session feeling worse than the last. As I closed the door from my last therapy session, I remember thinking that this could’ve worked if I could find a way to release those feelings. If I could find a way to remove those triggers, maybe I could create a life I didn’t need a vacation from.

Back then, hurt had become a part of my identity. Internally, I was still that little girl who silently suffered from bullying, low self-esteem, and social anxiety. Who would I be if I wasn’t hurt and upset anymore? I was afraid to find out but courageous enough to begin the journey of self-discovery. This journey led me to the world of energy and resonance. I remember the first Chakra Balancing I received. It felt like I was walking on sunshine and clouds. I had to unlearn so much but once I did? Life became happier and more fulfilling once I released the baggage from the past. Healing this past hurt, inspired me to help others to do the same.

Each service that I provide is packed with techniques I’ve tried and tested throughout the past 10 years. They are designed to help people clear energetic blockages from their hearts so that they can finally manifest their heart’s desires.


Can you explain how your background in education and sociology influences your approach to holistic coaching?

Of course! In both education and sociology, I was trained to look at an individual as the sum of their parts. The link between a person’s childhood environment has just as much impact on their adult lives as the trauma they experienced. As an educator, I would advocate for teaching the whole child, understanding that if a child wasn’t able to eat or get a good night’s rest, they wouldn’t be able to adequately learn in the classroom. Combining educational and sociological perspectives allows me to focus on the overall development of each client individually. Sessions address emotion release, personal growth, emotional well-being, and social relationships. I’m also able to use sociology principles to help clients gain confidence, self-awareness, and the ability to navigate and influence their environments effectively.

One of the main strategies I encouraged teachers to utilize with their students is long- and short-term goal setting. Goal setting is imperative in the holistic coaching space. Instead of weekly data chats with students, I have weekly energy chats with my client friends, reviewing the results from their chakra scans, and energy readings and checking in on their progress with implementing replacement strategies throughout their day.

So, in essence, I innovate the coaching experience with my clients by infusing energy healing, education and sociology into coaching sessions. Through energy work, I can release suppressed emotional triggers so my clients can focus on forgiveness without reliving the negative emotions associated with the person or event. It is my passion to help others transmute their pain into positivity and purpose!


What is the process and expected outcome of an Emotion Release session?

During a coaching session, I use a variety of energy healing techniques: Emotion Code, Usui, Unitarian Reiki, Crystals, Dowsing, Tuning Fork Therapy, Oracle Cards, and Personalized Guided Meditation. I also offer emergency sessions for those clients who may need a quick release and a burst of positive energy. I am currently offering a VIP Intensive coaching service that will include all the services offered in one powerful package for those who are committed to diving deep into emotional healing.

Clients leave every session knowing which emotions have been sabotaging their lives and relationships. Post-session notes are emailed after each session. The notes include a list of the emotions, beliefs, and imbalances released. Also included are personalized affirmations and other strategies to be implemented until our next session. My client friends understand their energy bodies and how to get the energy flowing positively. It brings me so much joy to hear that post-session clients are experiencing more clarity, and feeling empowered, creative, and light on their feet! The most important benefit is that they can see the world with a new set of lenses instead of through the lenses of past hurt. Many of my sessions are done at a distance via Zoom or phone. Clients get a 60-minute guided meditation to listen to while I scan and clear their energetic centers. So, I can work with anyone anywhere! It is so amazing that remote clients have the same experience as clients I have seen in person.


How do you tailor your guided meditations to meet the individual needs of your clients? Have you ever spent an hour searching YouTube for the perfect meditation? I have and let me tell you. It can be extremely discouraging! Using the principles of sound healing and hypnosis, I customize meditations based on what each client wants to release. During the intake process, we discuss the obstacles or habits, they would like to address. The intake process includes an assessment of the client's background, including their meditation experience, personal goals, stress levels, and any specific challenges they face. During the intake, clients can clarify their intentions and objectives for their meditation. Whether it's stress reduction, emotional healing, or spiritual growth, understanding their goals helps in tailoring the meditation. Client feedback is crucial for continuously refining and personalizing their meditation practice. For clients who respond well to visual stimuli, I incorporate guided imagery that resonates with their personal experiences and aspirations. By following these steps, I ensure that each guided meditation session is a unique and deeply personal experience, fostering growth, healing, and transformation aligned with the individual needs of my client friends.

Could you share a success story or a particularly transformative experience you've had with a client?

I have so many client success stories that I could share with you. First, I want to share a personal transformation with my son. My husband was a widower when we met. His first wife passed away from breast cancer when their two boys were 3 and 4 years old. When I met the boys, the youngest was timid. He would show signs of being nervous in any situation. He was having some learning difficulties and lacked confidence in his academic abilities. He was afraid to try new things. He was afraid to make new friends. At times, he was afraid to speak. Aside from myself, he was my first “client”. He was 6 years old when we began slowly releasing 5 suppressed emotions with 30 minutes of Reiki. He had layers of sadness, anxiety, abandonment, depression, and helplessness blocking his heart chakra. After two months, he was a different child. He became more outgoing, confident, and less anxious in social situations. This year, he was even the main anchor on his school’s news team. And the best part? He will ask me to release emotions that he had trouble releasing on his own.

Recently, I was chatting with one of my earlier clients to check in on her recent move to China. When I met her, she was calling me from the floor of her grandmother’s guest room—in tears. Before a session, clients send me a current photo of themselves for me to connect to their energy. Her photo was devoid of positive energy and her aura was a dull grey color. She looked defeated, deflated, and devalued. “Cameron” had explosive relationships with many of her family members and she acknowledged that she was “looking for love in all the wrong places” to manufacture the love she felt was missing from her familial relationships. Cameron and I worked together for 15 sessions. We released over 300 suppressed emotions that were tearing holes through her auric field. After her program was complete, we did a side-by-side of her before the first session and after the final session. The changes you could see in her face were amazing! She was glowing with an aura of bright blues and greens. Her smile was confident and warm. She no longer looked like the broken young woman crying for help on her grandmother’s floor. Today, Cam has a clear understanding of her emotional compass and how to tap into her intuitive guidance. She experiences her emotions instead of owning them. She can connect with others based on true connection and not based on people pleasing. This refined energetic resonance allowed her to be open to an opportunity to move across the world!

Tell us about a pivotal moment in your life that brought you to where you are today. 

A few years ago, I suffered from a miscarriage. I was 39 years old, recently engaged to the love of my life, and at the top of my career as a Special Education Area Director. When I found out I was pregnant, I was nervous but excited. This is exactly how life is supposed to happen, right? Except for every night during my pregnancy, I dreamt my ex-husband was trying to kill me. In 2015, I left a marriage that was volatile and suffocating. Life was a nightmare during my first marriage, but when I left, my life took a drastic turn for the better. I hadn’t seen my ex-husband since the day I left the home we shared. I had moved on and tried to forget the horrors endured during the years prior. So, why was this man popping up in my dreams 5 years after our divorce? One night, I had a dream that I was showing off a new home to a group of people. In the back of the group were my grandfather and uncle (both deceased).

When I noticed them, I brought them to the front of the group to show them the progress of this two-story mansion. My grandfather said, “You’ve done a good job, baby, but there’s more work for you to do in this house. It’s not too much work so it won’t take you long. Just be a lil’ patient.”Then I woke up. This was the day I miscarried. I cried for days after—reliving the moment of not hearing its heartbeat. I couldn’t understand how this could happen to me when I strive every day to be a good person. I spent those days in bed doom scrolling through social media and old photos. As I was scrolling through my photo memories, I saw a screenshot I’d taken two years prior of a book that looked interesting. It is titled The Energy Codes: The 7-step System to Awaken Your Spirit, Heal Your Body, and Live Your Best Life by Dr. Sue Morter. I took that as a sign and ordered the book to read while grieving. I finished reading this book in two days! I couldn’t put it down. It described the Chakras and our energy body system. Here, I had a full explanation of how emotions stored in the body can wreak havoc on your physical body and your life! The light bulb was bright at this point. On the outside, I had a perfect life, but on the inside, I had negative emotions crowding my subconscious and sabotaging my life. In retrospect, so much of my life was dictated by suppressed emotions. I understood that when I was being triggered by someone or something, it was because the current situation was triggering a negative memory that caused me pain. From there, I started learning more about energy healing and studying to become an Emotion Code Practitioner.

Through the Emotion Code, we are taught to use muscle testing to locate and release any trapped emotion stored in our body. Not only are we able to release emotions you’ve trapped from experiences you’ve had but also generational emotions that you’ve inherited, and emotions you absorbed from a caregiver. Since starting my healing journey, I’ve released over 500 emotions and even more beliefs from myself! Noticing the change in my temperament and overall well-being, I began spreading the news and helping friends and family release their negative emotions, too! Everyone had amazing results. With a new sense of spirituality and an intense desire to help others who need to heal from negative emotions, I became a certified Reiki Master, Chakra Healer, Tuning Fork Therapist, and Forgiveness Life Coach. Now, I know what my grandfather was trying to tell me in that dream. There was a lot of inner work that needed to be done. I needed to learn how to truly forgive and release the negative feelings I had subconsciously held onto. My “mansion” has been repaired and I am forever grateful.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, or visit my website for more info!

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