Written by: Mindy Schrager, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

When we add “self” in front of words such as trust, honor, respect, and care, it turns our attention towards ourselves. Growing up, we learn to respect, honor, and care for others and build trust in them. How completely are we taught – self-respect, self-trust, and self-care? When do we learn to honor ourselves simply because we’re alive?

I remember hearing people say things like – you need more self-confidence, that person has low self-esteem, and what you are doing is disrespectful to yourself, among others. Yet, those same people did not have concrete action steps to offer when asked how to address those issues.
While there are many books on self-esteem, self-worth, and similar topics, here are some thoughts for transformational practices to build self-appreciation.
1. Highlight Your Accomplishments Both Big and Small
There are many occasions (i.e. birthdays) and milestones (i.e. graduation) we achieve and numerous ways to celebrate them; each is an acknowledgment of an accomplishment. Consider that for some, there are steps along the way. During the 4-years of high school or college, there are exams that we pass, semesters that are completed, and extra-curricular activities in which we participate. The same for major work projects with hundreds of steps in project plans, there are numerous opportunities to celebrate small steps and big wins. Here are some ideas:
Celebrate the smaller wins and accomplishments along the way to the bigger goal. Find creative and fun ways to celebrate on a smaller scale when you achieve those monthly goals or accomplish a step along the way to your personal vision.
Keep track of your successes and accomplishments by writing each one on a notecard and storing them in a container. These visual notations are a great way to remind you of your accomplishments, energize continued progress, and generate positivity.
2. Create Boundaries of Positivity
While it is important to receive constructive feedback about who we are and what we do, we need to remember that all feedback comes to us through the filters of the person providing it. If we ask ten people for their perspective, there will be some common elements and diverse opinions among them. I remember receiving feedback during a practice video, and the comments' diverse and sometimes contradictory nature felt confusing. Remember to:
Receive the opinion of others with a grain of salt. Listen to the feedback and then step back and look at what feels true, which elements create curiosity, and any aspects that feel inaccurate in the moment.
Reinforce the boundaries of positivity by ensuring that for all the critics and naysayers you have in your life, you also surround yourself with cheerleaders and trusted advisors. Like the different sections of a choir, the outcome is more melodious when we find a balance among the voices.
3. Practice self-care
Self-care can take on different forms ranging from taking care of our physical health, incorporating practices such as mindfulness for our mental health and spiritual well-being, or participating in activities that feed our soul. Self-care is important for maintaining our health and protecting our well-being and there is a wide range of approaches that can be supportive. Look at how you can:
Create a set of well-rounded practices. Many people focus on physical health with routine exercise, healthy eating, and appointments with various practitioners. How about rounding those out with meditation, affirmations, sound, color, and other approaches to feed your mind and soul?
Invest in your personal growth. Making time for workshops to enrich our minds, transformational programs that create shifts in our belief systems, and experiences that stretch us out of our comfort zone are key aspects of self-care.
Consider all the ways you can practice self-appreciation; find small ways to be kind to yourself each day. A pat on the back, ending a relationship with a devaluer, setting a boundary, holding an attitude of gratitude, and getting a massage or facial are only a few ideas. What would support you in building your appreciation for who you are? If personal growth or transformation is on your list, please contact me – at https://systemsofchange.com/connect/ ‒ to discuss how transformational coaching can support you to appreciate your best self.
© 2022, Systems of Change, LLC

Mindy Schrager, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Mindy Schrager is an ICF PCC credentialed coach, Systemic Facilitator, Aura-Soma practitioner and founder of Systems of Change, LLC. Mindy’s focus on and passion for transformational work is built on years of experience creating strong, well-balanced teams, combined with a powerful personal discovery journey. Her experience and training have been focused on creating positive change in life and business experiences working with individuals and groups. Mindy loves to shine a light on hidden patterns and the root cause of dysfunction and then help create new pathways to growth.