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Transform Your Workouts For Faster Results And Stronger Muscles

Kaylee, an experienced strength and nutrition coach, specializes in transforming physiques. As the founder of Moves You Training, she empowers clients with personalized coaching that delivers transformative results, and educates in health & nutrition to build confidence, maintain progress and achieve sustainable and long-term transformations.

Executive Contributor Kaylee Jollota

If you’re tired of hitting a plateau in your workouts or feel like you’re not seeing the definition or strength gains you’ve been working so hard for, get ready for a game changer in your training - your glutes will thank me later!

girl exercising in the gym

Many of my clients come to me frustrated because they’re putting in time at the gym but not seeing the results they expect. Whether it's building a booty, fat loss, or increasing overall strength, they feel like they're doing everything right, but something's missing.

One of the most common mistakes I see is clients rushing through sets and focusing on the number of reps rather than the quality of each rep. But here's the reality: slowing down your tempo and focusing on form is often more effective than cranking out 20 fast, sloppy reps. By focusing on quality, you’ll increase your muscle activation, reduce your risk of injury, and see faster results.

To help make this change, one of the many strategies I use with my clients is adjusting their tempo. It’s a simple tweak that can make a huge difference in your results. This shift from quality vs quantity and using tempo to controlled each rep is incredibly powerful for those who are frustrated with their progress and looking for a sustainable way to see improvements.

What is tempo training and why does it matter?

Tempo training may be something you’ve never heard of, so, let’s break it down.

Tempo refers to the speed at which you perform each phase of an exercise. It’s not just about how quickly or slowly you move the weight, but how much control you have throughout the entire range of motion. By paying attention to your tempo, you can turn ordinary workouts into movements that maximize muscle engagement and improve strength.

One of my favorite tempo patterns is “4-1-2-1”

  • 4 seconds (eccentric): This is the lowering phase of your lift. Whether you’re doing squats, deadlifts, or glute bridges, this phase is when you control the weight as it comes down. Lowering the weight slowly creates muscle tension and leads to greater muscle growth. Focus on control during this phase—resist the urge to drop the weight quickly.

  • 1 second pause: Once you’ve lowered the weight to its lowest point (the bottom of the movement), you’ll pause for a second. This pause prevents you from relying on momentum to push the weight back up and forces your muscles to stay engaged. The longer you hold that pause, the more time under tension your muscles will experience, which leads to better results.

  • 2 second (concentric): This is the phase where you push the weight back up, raising it to the starting position. By using the 2-second concentric phase, you’re focusing on controlled power and strength, ensuring you’re correctly engaging the right muscles to move the weight.

  • 1 second pause at the top: Once you’ve reached the top of your movement, there would be a short 1-second pause or rest.

    • Adding a short pause at the top can be beneficial however, as it allows you to reset your posture and engage your muscles before you begin the next rep. It also ensures that you’re not rushing through your sets, which can lead to injury or underdeveloped muscle groups.

This video quickly walks you through tempo, in case you’re a visual learner like me.

Why tempo works: A game changer for glutes and muscle growth

You may be wondering—why does slowing down the movement actually make a difference? Isn’t lifting faster more efficient?

The truth is, slower movements with controlled tempos force your muscles to work harder throughout the entire range of motion. When you slow down the eccentric (lowering) phase, you’re activating more muscle fibers, which leads to greater muscle growth and endurance. This is especially effective for targeting areas like the glutes, which are often under activated if you're rushing through your lifts and tend to be more quad dominant.

Incorporating a controlled tempo also helps prevent injuries by ensuring proper form and technique. It prevents you from relying on momentum, forcing you to engage your muscles properly, leading to better overall muscle development.

Ready to take your workouts to the next level?

Tempo training is just one of the many tools I use with my clients to optimize their strength and physique goals. Whether you're aiming to build strength, grow your glutes, or feel more confident in your body, proper execution in your lifting can make all the difference.

You don’t have to rush through your workouts to get results. Slow down, focus on quality, and your workouts will drastically improve!

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Read more from Kaylee Jollota


Kaylee Jollota, Fitness & Nutrition Online Coach

Kaylee is a leader in the field of nutrition and strength training and their effects on body composition. In 2015, she discovered the transformative power of nutrition, losing 35 pounds and unlocking newfound confidence and passion. She has since dedicated her career to guiding clients to achieve similar life-changing results. Her approach combines personalized nutrition strategies with well rounded fitness programs, empowering clients to build strong bodies, minds and lifestyles. Her mission, to lead clients to find what moves them to a healthier, more confident you.

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