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Transform Your Life With Sound Healing And Spiritual Coaching –Interview With Larissa Israel V. Trotha

As a sound healer, transformational coach, and spiritual mentor, Larissa is a beacon of transformation and a conduit of light, guiding individuals through a journey of profound self-discovery and empowerment. By shifting away from the external accolades of her international career in music education and management, she was gifted to heal the traumas and tap into the powers of her improbable survival and soul wisdom. Through her business, InUnison, she harnesses sound and frequency to channel her wealth of knowledge, experiences and personal growth, holding space to anchor Your Soul into a powerful, purpose-driven, fulfilled life. Are you ready to Tune in and LIvT Up? To elevate yourself, others, and the planet?

Image photo of Larissa Israel v. Trotha

Larissa Israel v. Trotha, Sound Healer & Transformational Coach

Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better.


Hey, I’m Larissa, and in love with life. I delight in playing every note it has to offer: its depths, mysteries, honors, joys, and playfulness, learning to embrace the challenges and tough lessons as blessings for my inner growth. With my parents being natural scientists with spiritual inclinations, all things natural, organic, and authentic make me feel at home. Growing our food or sleeping under the stars nourishes my soul just as much as traveling to spiritual power places. Since childhood, perceiving more than what's visible, the supernatural has fascinated me the most. The visionary, new, and cutting-edge have tented me the most. Yet, music has always touched me the deepest. It is my most beautiful companion for inner growth and development. Tuning into the synchronicities of everyday life, the rhythms of nature's cycles, or the song and silence of like-minded souls—that’s it! Happily married, I am incredibly grateful to live the life I do, deeply grounded in the love of my family and friends. Initiated into the sound power of words, I use my initials to LIvT up!


Your journey from a premature birth to becoming a passionate advocate for healing arts is incredibly inspiring. How did your early life experiences shape your perspective on life and influence the path you eventually pursued with "InUnison"?


I never tried to force any developments in my life; they simply happened to me when the time was ripe and I was ready for more. Today, I honor the same in my clients. When I was suddenly confronted with consciously facing the depth of my birth trauma, I went through the torments as if I had been fully awake at my arrival – humbled by such profound suffering for all involved (my parents, family, doctors). Likewise, consciously experiencing the powers of survival – unconditional love and divine grace, was life-changing: It oriented me for my true north. Facing death allowed me to see through the illusion of separation, as soul and spirit cannot die. Time and again, I have felt guided from the spirit realms early on. As my focus shifts away from merely identifying with my body, I become more aware of my own soul’s guidance.

Not following it is painful. It comes with great responsibility: It’s not only walking the talk but aligning thoughts and feelings too. Before my soul, I become transparent. The depth of my life experiences, combined with diverse certified training, expertise, wisdom teachings, and initiations, culminated in founding my business InUnison. My soul's calling is to share, yet the time has not come to reveal everything as well as hold space for others to thrive and heal, independent of profession, age, or background, And to unite for the sake of completion, I would have titled the magazine "Brainz & Heartz“


The convergence of music, health, science, and spirituality in your business is fascinating. Could you elaborate on how these elements intertwine and contribute to the overarching mission of "InUnison"?


Life has taught me a profound truth about music: it’s the foundation of existence. The dress code of the universe is frequency. Scientific evidence shows that everything in the universe vibrates, creating harmonious or dissonant interference patterns, without ever being independent of each other. Everything is interconnected – proven by physics through quantum entanglement. And so is music, healing, science, and spirituality. The Big Bang theory acknowledges music as a fundamental principle of creation. Just as the universe originated in sound, our human heritage, too, is musical. This blueprint is far more influential than our biological imprints. Our existence resembles a symphony more than a biology book. Vibrational medicine, used for millennia, is set to become the medicine of the future once again, especially when infused with spirit. Medical techniques such as ultrasound therapy, electromagnetic field therapy, and MRT are just the beginning. Our vibration is both our spiritual origin and the potential for our further development. With InUnison, I am honored to offer you a firsthand experience: from soul to soul. Additionally, I provide scientific understanding and practical tools to guide and ground you in faith and inner knowing. The overarching mission is to be "InUnison“ with your soul, purpose, and creations. Remember: music is the fabric and language of the soul. Being in tune is your true providence, your pure state of being, and your free-willed future.


Your career has taken you across the globe, allowing you to learn from a diverse array of spiritual teachers and healers. How have these experiences informed your approach to coaching and facilitating personal growth?


These extraordinary souls taught me through their lifestyles and deep embodiment a very important lesson about who we are: our physical body is subordinate to our soul. We are a spiritual-soul continuum, with our physique being only a temporary expression. This is why my sound healing begins by working on the higher dimensions, and subtle energy centers and fields closest to our divine essence. From there it can effectively resonate into the more denser parts of the physiology. However, this understanding must become a lived experience. Let me share a treasure story from 2005 in India: While I was quietly queuing up at a restroom, a stranger suddenly asked me with a typical Hindi accent “What instrument do you play? Because there is so much music coming out of you!” What struck me like lightning then became my truth through an initiation I received from an Indian Paramahamsa a year later. It’s all about our vibratory presence and energy levels, as well as the evolution and involution of consciousness poised for unconditional love. My spiritual teachers continuously shaped and polished my ego—inevitably in a painful and sometimes harsh manner. I learned a lot about devotion, surrender, and being in service to others. Getting out of our way and becoming highly intuitive and sensitive allows us to be a conduit, "connect directly," guide others with much deeper intuition, and hold space with stronger love and compassion. The effectiveness of my coaching lies in treating the root causes. With it, everything else falls into place. The growth, solution-finding, healing, radiance, and charisma are merely side effects of the fine-tuning.


Your emphasis on inner depth and fulfillment over external validation is profound. How do you guide individuals through the process of shifting their focus from seeking external recognition to cultivating inner harmony and spiritual evolution?


Yes, this is a vital part of my transformational coaching. I have seen that some of my millionaire clients, despite their financial success, often feel the most unhappy, dissatisfied, and disconnected. Seeking external validation stems from the ego, while inner harmony and fulfillment are the soul's signature. We need to shift from wearing masks to being authentic, from focusing on image to embracing essence, from merely surviving to truly thriving. How? I employ advanced, powerful, high-frequency tools such as specific sounds, colors, and light, along with breathing, visualization, and guided meditation. These quick and gentle methods allow my clients to experience a connected, relaxed, and awakened state, setting the stage for profound transformation. Be it for personal growth, professional advancement, healing, navigating life's complexities, etc., all of this operates through the ether, making it equally effective online! Additionally, for in-person treatments, I utilize sound healing techniques like sound acupuncture, harmonization, or musical spine as well as quantum healing hypnosis (QHHT), chromotherapy, energy work, healing touch, systemic constellation features, and physical practices.

While my work is intuitively guided, it is anchored within a uniquely structured framework, all encompassed by the power of the spiral, which I have chosen as my logo. A spiral carries the properties of the universe. From its inherent triplicities, I have created the following three-step coaching approach: These triple Rs spiral you up!

  1. Recognise and Let Go (of ego and past)

  2. Reset and Reflect (through being in the now)

  3. Receive and Create (from the soul and the future)

Witnessing my clients download their solutions and accessing their creative powers beyond their dreams, feeling whole and abundant, always makes me bow in awe to the divine presence at work.


Tailor-made for each client’s needs, the spiral power adapts to any challenge or complexity, including group or institutional transformation through systems thinking, innovation, and leading change. For example:

  • Knowing & Crystallising

  • Testing & Prototyping (failing and improving)

  • Embodying & Performing

However, true inner harmony comes from embracing and embodying this continuous, upward-spiraling journey daily:

  • Think with an open mind

  • Feel with an open heart

  • Act with an open will


Finally, as the ego identity fades and the soul self emerges, the upward spiral energy—destined for freedom, truth, and love—will be reflected in our daily reality and on a collective level. This will inevitably lead to spiritual evolution, as spirals mirror the structure of the universe. The spiral power connects you to the universe.


Own the spiral power! It’s in your helical DNA! Spiral to LIvT up!


Do you want to know more? Visit my website here.


How do people get in contact with you?


Please join my client’s list and I make sure you’ll get the next available slot for my exclusive sessions. Begin today with a no-binding introductory call here.

Secure your spot now by booking here. I am delighted to meet you and embark on this incredible journey together if you wish!


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