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Transform Your Leadership Journey – Exclusive Interview With Adriana Bárbara Rodríguez

Adriana Bárbara Rodríguez is a Mind specialized Coach that is focused on helping CEO's and high-level entrepreneurs to develop their leadership teams by assisting each member to transform their mindset from the root, achieve their full potential and improve their highest productivity in order to accomplish the organization’s goals in an effective and sustainable way, with her innovative neuroscience method in leadership.

Image photo of Adriana Barbara

Adriana Bárbara Rodríguez, Mind Coach

Introduce yourself! Please tell us about you and your life, so we can get to know you better.

My name is Adriana Bárbara Rodríguez, Mexican, Mind Coach, dedicated to helping others to transform their minds and passionate about how the mind works. I love my family, nature, animals, reading and writing. 


Here is a little bit of my story.

About my background: I graduated from college here in Mexico as an Accountant, I worked for several companies for 20 years in the Finance area, but I knew in my heart I wanted to find my purpose. As a natural entrepreneur, I tried different things: I became a College teacher, I had my own Finance consulting business, and I was a Real estate agent. In all that, I had success, earning good money and becoming one of the best, but deep in my heart I wanted to be more, do more, to help others with my gifts. I asked God for His guidance, and I received an invitation to be part of the John Maxwell Team as a Speaker, Coach, and Trainer. I felt in my heart that was my way and I made my decision to get my certification. Since then, I have been growing and learning with such a passion and hunger. I was certified also by Dr. Caroline Leaf in Neuroscience, with IEPP (European Positive Psychology Institute) as a Strengths Coach, and by Proctor Gallagher Institute in their Coaching Program. Also, I self-study every day and I keep searching for more training and certifications to understand the mind better and be able to help my clients to transform their minds and lives.


Something very important for me is to find a balance in life, so I dedicate enough time for myself, my hobbies (hiking, being in nature), and enjoying and spending time with my family, 2 dogs (border collies), and the people I love.


I truly believe that we are what we think, so if we transform our minds, we can live a fulfilled life in every area of our lives.


That is now my purpose, help others to transform their minds and doing so, transform their lives and live with their full potential, fulfilled, successful, and happy. 

How do you envision your business AB Consulting making a positive impact or serving its audience?

As I worked for companies for 20 years, hand in hand with CEOs and being part of Management Teams, I understand how they struggle and are stressed out by achieving results and by trying to develop their teams, which are somehow not operating at their full potential. This affects not only the team’s performance and the organization’s results, but also their personal life, families, and in the end, the whole society as well.

With my service, I help them to transform their minds from the root, and to be much more productive, better leaders, operating at their full potential and achieving results more effectively. And not only that, but my process also helps them in an integrated way, so they become better persons, happier, and more fulfilled in every area of their lives.

I truly believe that a fulfilled and happy person has a better attitude, positively delivers better results, and influences everyone around, so my process impacts individuals, work teams, companies, families, marriages, etc. With a multiplying effect on the whole society.

Can you tell me more about the type of content you feature on your site and the target audience you aim to reach?

My focus is on Mindset and Leadership. I truly believe that a great leader works on his/her mindset every single day. Being intentional in our way of thinking and developing our leadership abilities, can truly make a huge difference in our environment. We all have the potential to be great leaders if we want to, so the intention and way we work with ourselves can determine the kind of leaders we become and the influence that we have on others and in society.

Companies and the whole world need better leaders, my job is to help these leaders transform themselves in such a way that they reach their full potential and impact positively, affecting their own lives and the lives of their teams, families, and society in a multiplying way that hundreds or even thousands would be benefited by their influence.

What challenges have you faced in running this business, and how have you overcome them?

The main challenge I have faced running my business is the marketing channel for my services. Social media has not been one of my strengths and the process of creating content and marketing online has not been easy for me, as I prefer face-to-face contact. So I decided to hire an expert who is helping me with my marketing strategy via LinkedIn, he is very good and helping me so much, we will launch my marketing strategy very soon, so I am very excited and with very high expectations about the results.

How do you engage with your business community, and how important is community feedback to your operations?

I need to get to know what my clients need and truly understand them, that’s why I hired a specialist for market research to tune my services with their needs and desires to be able to help them effectively and add real value. Also, I frequently survey my clients about the service that I provide to continuously improve and deliver an increasingly better service.

On the other hand, I am always studying and signing up for training and certifications to keep me updated and growing as a professional to offer a better service and continuously improve.

My clients are the reason for what I do, so I want to make sure I listen to what they have to say, become better, and provide them with the highest quality service.

Tell us about your greatest career achievement so far.

My greatest career achievement so far is when I decided to open my business unit to offer my coaching and training services for companies (AB Consulting). In the past, I only offered my services to individuals, but I decided to expand my business taking advantage of my own experience in companies and leadership. So, I designed my specialized program Neuroscience in Leadership to help CEOs and high-level entrepreneurs develop their leadership teams by assisting each member to transform their mindset from the root, achieve their full potential, and improve their highest productivity to accomplish the organization’s goals effectively and sustainably.

This program has been a success so far, and it is continuously improving. I am very proud of being part of the transformation of entire teams of leaders that not only positively impact their companies and organizational results but also are transformed as individuals comprehensively and completely becoming better leaders and better human beings, also impacting their personal lives and everyone around them. This has an enormous value for me and motivates me to be better, offer a better service, and continuously improve as a professional and as a person.

Tell us about a pivotal moment in your life that brought you to where you are today.

Working in my mind transformation. Like most of us, I have struggled with toxic thoughts and limiting beliefs that were stopping me from growing and operating at my full potential. I have dedicated lots of time and resources to working on my mind, searching, studying, and enrolling in coaching, training, and programs. Doing this, I experienced in my own life the transformation of my mindset from the root, using neuroplasticity and mind management techniques.

My transformation and growth combined with my purpose in life took me to start my own business as a Coach and trainer and designed my program, helping others with a proven path to make this transformation possible, effective, and sustainable.

I live what I teach. I have experienced what it is to not believe in yourself enough, to struggle with limiting beliefs, behaviors, and emotions, and to feel that something inside is blocking you from expanding and growing. I manage my mind every single day. I know what it takes to free and transform your mind and life, which is not easy. Is a hard process, but it is possible. This works if you are disciplined and do the right things, show up for yourself every day, be consistent, and do the work.

I feel victorious in my mind and process, I have become a different person because of this work, and I keep growing and expanding as this is a never-ending path, so I feel confident in helping others to do the same, as I have experienced it myself.

This is my passion and the best way I can serve and contribute to transforming other people's lives, helping other leaders grow in such a way so they can enjoy their lives and lead our world with influence and a positive impact for a better future.

Follow me on LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

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