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Join the Shed Challenge and Transform Your Body in Just 60 Days

Morgana Lakatos-Hayward is a health coach and business owner of This Isn't a Diet where the primary focus is to help women lose weight without dieting and balance their hormones, blood sugar and gut health. She is the host of Listen to This When You're Done Dieting on Spotify, with her new book, Read This When You're Done Dieting on the way.

Executive Contributor Morgana Lakatos-Hayward

I would’ve loved to have had a program that helped me lose weight in 60 days or less without dieting. Instead, I experienced 10 years of fad diet hopping, watching my weight fluctuate on the scale (along with my confidence), and suffering at the hands of my hormones. It wasn’t until I stopped dieting and began researching women’s health that I discovered how underdeveloped this field truly was.

 is a black square with pink text promoting a 60-day weight loss program.

The majority of health studies and recommendations until recent years were targeted at men and menopausal women. Researchers intentionally left out women in their childbearing years due to the variability of our hormones on a day-to-day basis. This is why the 60-Day Shed program incorporates research specifically designed for women in their childbearing years, helping them lose weight in 60 days or less, without dieting or spending hours in the gym.

Here’s how our clients have been able to lose weight and keep it off for good

The fat burn protocol™

This protocol emphasizes intuitive eating, eating what you want, when you want. It opens the door to honoring your cravings and eliminates the restriction and starvation commonly associated with diet culture. By doing so, it helps eliminate binge eating and food obsession. The protocol also helps women upgrade their mindset about their bodies, teaches meal prep efficiency, and introduces healthy cooking hacks for the kitchen. It wraps up with easy fat-burning hacks that enable women to lose weight even while they’re sleeping!

The hack your body method™

The program teaches women how to hack their systems into balance to reduce various symptoms and get rid of stubborn weight. It includes blood sugar, hormone, and gut health hacks, along with done-for-you, hormone-friendly grocery lists and recipes for every phase of the menstrual cycle!

Your unique system™

Every client receives a custom meal, fitness, and life stressors plan because we recognize that every woman has her own individual needs and unique lifestyle. She will test, develop, and finalize this plan over the course of the 60 days with the bi-weekly group sessions and one-on-one coaching provided.

Apply now

This program has limited spaces and is designed for those who are ready to invest in themselves and commit to a 60-day transformation. If you are finally ready to ditch diet culture forever and achieve your body goals, book your application call here.

We look forward to meeting you and helping you reach your goals!

Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Morgana Lakatos-Hayward, Health Coach, Podcaster, Author

Morgana is a former world champion Latin dancer turned health coach. From making under $25k per year to now owning a thriving health coaching practice called: "This Isn't a Diet", a podcast on Spotify and Apple Podcasts "Listen to This When You're Done Dieting", and a book on the way entitled "Read This When You're Done Dieting", she has turned her financial situation around to become financially independent and open 6 different income streams. She is currently working on developing two more income streams and claims that her financial shift started with a simple mindset change.


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