Christin Walter is holistic coach who focuses on the connection between body, mind and environment to help her clients surmount crises, achieve physical, psychological and social health and become the best version of themselves.

HeartMath is an effective tool against stress and anxiety, which is based on the connection between the brain and the heart. With HeartMath, you achieve a state of focus, clarity, emotional positivity, and stability that benefits not only your personal life but also your ability to perform professionally.

"I have gained many deep insights and realizations, which ultimately, together with the effective tools, help to create the necessary life change. One of the tools is the knowledge of using the physiology, the mental, and the emotional in the right combination, which is easy and smart to always have at hand," says Per Hansen, who came to me in DARE2develop with his stress challenges.
A protection against stress and anxiety
I have been a certified HeartMath coach since 2017 and I have seen how much the HeartMath techniques help my clients. They become better at coping with stressful situations and achieve inner calm, where positive emotions have taken over.
HeartMath utilizes the connection between the heart, the brain and the nervous system to achieve a state of coherence (coherence), where the parts of the body work more synchronously. In this state, you are more clear-headed, more focused and emotionally positive.
One can achieve this state by utilizing the ability of emotions to influence the body. The various techniques help you enter an emotional positive state, which leads to coherence, where the heart, brain and brain system work in sync.
Easy and straightforward
"Christin has taught me small, simple techniques in the best possible way, which have, however, changed my entire image of myself and my opportunities to create the everyday life and life that I want. I am deeply grateful to Christin for that," says Karen, who on a daily basis works as a bookkeeper, where there can be many balls in the air.
Once you learn the HeartMath techniques and learn exactly how to achieve coherence, these are techniques you can always call upon when you need to. No matter where you are. Therefore, HeartMath is an effective tool against stress and anxiety. As soon as you feel stressed or anxious, you can go to HeartMath and find focus and calm.
Better performance with HeartMath
In cohesion, you are more focused and clear-headed, which also makes HeartMath ideal to use if you want to perform at a higher level in work life or in sports activities.
René Sorensen, who is a director in his own company, came to me and DARE2develop with the desire to strengthen himself both personally and professionally. He says:
"Belief in my own abilities has been surprisingly strengthened, and I can now work much better in stressful situations. Overall, I can resist and attack a lot more than I could before. I have become wiser about myself and can draw tools for different situations at any time.”
The background of HeartMath
HeartMath was developed in the USA in the 1990s and has ever since been used to treat stress and anxiety as well as to promote people's ability to perform.
HeartMath is based on the fact that the heart sends as many signals to the brain as the brain sends to the heart. The heart's signals influence our brain function and influence emotions, attention, memory and problem-solving.
When we are stressed or affected by negative emotions, our heart rhythm is irregular, and the signals the heart sends to the brain inhibit the brain's ability to function optimally. We find it harder to think clearly, remember, learn and make sensible decisions, and the heart's signals can even amplify the original feeling of stress.
HeartMath is unique
What is unique about HeartMath is that the techniques can both relieve stress and increase performance. This distinguishes the technique from, i.e., more traditional breathing exercises that seek to achieve relaxation and lower heart rates.
In coherence, it is not so important how fast the heart beats, the goal is to achieve a stable heart rhythm. You can, therefore, still be physically active, even if you have achieved cohesion. This makes HeartMath ideal to use, e.g., in companies and in sports. The American military and Team Denmark have, among other things, used HeartMath to help soldiers and elite athletes find focus and perform at a higher level.
HeartMath not only affects the heart and brain, but also the body's hormonal system. Together, the body's secretion of the stress-protective hormones DHEA and oxytocin increases, and the amount of the stress hormone cortisol is lowered.
HeartMath at DARE2develop
I offer lectures, workshops and one-on-one treatment with HeartMath. I have extensive experience in using HeartMath to treat different problems.
HeartMath against stress and anxiety
Many of my clients who experience problems with stress and anxiety have experienced great effects from HeartMath, either used alone or in combination with other coaching and therapy techniques.
I always start with the individual client and what problems and wishes they bring. But in my experience, almost everyone can experience improvement with HeartMath.
HeartMath for business
The increased performance combined with lower stress and anxiety levels has made HeartMath popular with companies that want to strengthen their employees' well-being while being able to increase efficiency. In my experience, HeartMath is always a good investment – the atmosphere in the workplace becomes more positive and everyone gives more of themselves.
HeartMath for kids
Children can also benefit from learning the HeartMath techniques. HeartMath strengthens the children's ability to focus, increases their learning capacity and strengthens their ability to form relationships with others. I have worked with several elementary school classes, and both children and teachers experienced positive changes after a HeartMath course.
Contact me if HeartMath has captured your curiosity and you want to hear more about how I can help you: +45 2682 8909.
Christin Walter, Holistic Exclusive Coach – Owner of DARE2develop
As a certified nurse, HeartMath and mBraining coach and with a master’s degree in sexology, Christin Walter helps her people when dealing with stress, anxiety, depression, sleep problems, health issues, dissatisfaction with work and relationship problems.