Lena Yaghan is a Psychotherapist in Private Practice and an Anxiety Expert. She is a Certified Clinical Anxiety Treatment Professional. Lena is the creator of AnxietyEase, a life-changing practice in one App to better help individuals manage their anxiety daily.

Travel anxiety can be unnerving. You’re excited about your upcoming trip, but the thought of navigating security or flying can feel overwhelming. Depending on how anxious you feel, there are several strategies you can use to ease your mind and prepare for a more relaxed journey.

Before you travel
1. Create a vision board
If you feel anxious weeks or months before your trip, try creating a vision board for your destination. Include pictures of the places you want to visit, encouraging phrases, and anything that sparks excitement for your trip. Look at it daily, and it can help shift your focus from anxiety to excitement.
2. Start packing early
Avoid last-minute packing. Begin packing a week or two before your departure, adding items gradually. This allows you to thoughtfully select what you need and avoid forgetting essentials. Use a checklist to keep track of important items and reduce the stress of scrambling at the last minute.
While traveling
1. Practice deep breathing and meditation
Before you leave for the airport, spend five minutes engaging in guided meditation or deep breathing exercises.
Use the same breathing techniques while going through airport security to stay calm. Repeat affirmations like, “Everything will be okay.”
2. Set a positive intention
Once seated on the plane, take a deep breath and set an intention for your trip. Say to yourself, “I will have a good trip, and everything will work out.” This helps center your thoughts and cultivate a positive mindset.
3. Use sensory tools to stay calm
During the flight, try using calming sensory tools like stress-relieving putty (scented or unscented) or a calming sensory strip.
Apply a travel-size aromatherapy essential oil for an additional calming effect.
4. Stay resilient with affirmations
If challenges arise during your trip, remind yourself, “I can get through this; it doesn’t have to ruin my vacation.”
Overcoming travel anxiety
It’s important not to let travel anxiety stop you from exploring new places and fulfilling your dreams. Avoidance only reinforces your fear, preventing you from experiencing the beauty of the destinations you long to visit. By following these tips, you can better manage your travel anxiety and enjoy the adventures awaiting you. Enjoy your upcoming travels with ease; you got this!
Read more from Lena Yaghan
Lena Yaghan, Psychotherapist & AnxietyEase App Creator
Lena is a Psychotherapist with a passion for helping others conquer their anxiety and fears. She has dedicated her energy to helping others learn tools to better manage their anxiety daily. There is no fear or anxiety challenge she will not help an individual conquer. Her mission is to help others know you can conquer your anxiety. During her interactions with clients in her Private Practice, she decided to create an app to better help others in the world manage their anxiety. AnxietyEase was created in 2022. AnxietyEase has several anxiety tools in one app, such as guided deep breathing videos, journaling with a voice option, creating your mantra, and a worry timer.