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Top Secrets Of Longevity

Written by: Jola Pypno-Crapanzano, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


To live a long, happy and healthy life, to possess vitality, and look youthful are ultimate goals for many people. A lot has been written on the topic of reaching longevity while still being physically and mentally fit and there is a lot of data on what one should do regularly to stay young and feel vibrant and energetic until old age.

According to the research, there are several areas where we can improve our behaviors and habits to promote long, happy, and healthy lives. Some ideas are simple and logical, and some are a bit more challenging and counterintuitive. Dr. John Demartini, a human behavioral specialist offers an extensive list of ideas for, as he calls it, the expression of immortality.

Here are a dozen of excellent ideas:

  1. Have purpose and mission in life. People who know their purpose well and have a long-term vision for their lives, live more vital and happier lives. As in the saying “Without vision, the people perish”, having a 100-year vision will keep you still active and sharp in your 60s, 70s, 80s, and beyond.

  2. Determine your values and make sure you live congruent with the highest ones. Your goals must also be aligned with your values, which will assure that you’ll live life by your design.

  3. Keep your mind sharp. Continuously learn and teach others what you learn. Stimulate your mind and keep it alert. Practice brain exercises, read inspirational biographies of people who lived long lives. Meditate to reach the state of gratitude and appreciation.

  4. Keep your body active and flexible. Walk, stretch, swim, practice yoga, dance, have sex, etc. When your muscles are tight and your body is rigid you not only feel old, but your mind is also not working to its fullest potential.

  5. Eat quality foods. Chew your food well and consume fewer calories and less variety. Less stimulation from various types of foods reduces overeating. Don’t eat late at night and don’t go to bed with a full stomach.

  6. Hydrate your body by drinking plenty of water. Your muscles, joints, and all organs need water to function most optimally. Coffee, tea, and juices don’t count – drink them in moderation or eliminate them.

  7. Rest and sleep adequately. If you love what you do and do what you love, you can’t wait to get up from bed to do it. But you must sleep to recharge and revitalize your mind and body. Some people need 7 or 8 hours of sleep some less.

  8. Manage your emotions. Don’t get too high or too low - keep your emotions balanced and your mind calibrated well. Proper breathing helps keeping you centered and grounded. Breathe slow deep diaphragmatic breaths.

  9. Socialize with people and hug them a lot. Don’t sit in a chair and get old, be involved in society, interact, the more people you meet, the longer you’ll live. Associate and spend time with youth.

  10. Stop blaming and shaming yourself. Shame and guilt shorten your life. It’s not about what happened to you, but how it served your life, what did you learned from it or what could you be grateful for.

  11. Surround yourself with music you love. Collect music that brings tears of appreciation to your eyes, and which inspires you. Inspired life keeps you youthful.

  12. Take advantage of technologies and cosmetics that can give you a look of youthfulness. Take care of your skin, hair, nails, etc. You don’t have to be afraid of aging, but you can maintain a healthy and youthful appearance.

Besides hard-core scientific research and studies that promote longevity, there are also secrets and home recipes shared through generations by people who enjoyed long and happy lives.

Here are a few of those:

  1. Drink wine at lunch

  2. Go with the flow

  3. Find a perfect partner

  4. Drink many cups of tea

  5. Eat ice cream

  6. Don’t stay in the sun too much

  7. Don’t squint

  8. Don’t forget to smile

  9. Practice foreignness

  10. Practice gratitude and appreciation

  11. Think jovially and have a youthful spirit

  12. Have a sense of humor

  13. Declutter your life

  14. Eliminate toxic relationships.

  15. Be optimistic

  16. Eat blueberries

Try some or all these tips and ideas and see for yourself if you can add life to your years and years to your life.

For more info, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and visit my website!


Jola Pypno-Crapanzano, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Jola Pypno-Crapanzano is a Certified High-Performance Coach™️, NLP and TLT®️ Practitioner, founder and CEO of Coaching Journey with Jola, two times International Bestselling Author of “One” — Your wellness guide to body, mind, and soul and “Stay home” — When you can’t go outside, what happens inside?

She carries a Master's Degree in Scientific-Technical Information from Silesian University in Poland. She has over 30 years of combined experience working with thousands of unique individuals and groups of people serving them in many different capacities. First, as a tour guide traveling all over the world (almost 70 countries visited so far) and translating into 4 languages, then working in the entertainment and hospitality industry as part of operational management in a large publicly-traded company in NYC. Finally, coaching people initially as fitness, wellness, and lifestyle coach and most recently more holistically as Certified High-Performance Coach™️, NLP, and TimeLine Therapy®️ Practitioner. She also helps her clients in Positive Intelligence, specializing in strengthening their Mental Fitness, and supports them through various strategic interventions. Her mission is to help one million people live their lives to the fullest, reach heightened and sustained levels of clarity, energy, courage, productivity, and influence and show them that it is possible to live lives of their dreams, on their terms, without regrets, be fully engaged, joyful and confident and build an incredible lasting legacy.

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