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Top 3 Reasons To Hire A Coach – The Magical Power Of 3!!!

Written by: Cynthia Blackwell, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


For many of us, 2020 was more challenging than any other time in our lives. The pandemic caused many changes to occur, and for some of us, the changes have been life-altering. For example, working from home was not acceptable for most organizations and now has become the norm. Whether you have experienced change or simply want more out of life, a coach can help you accelerate your speed to massive success and drive results faster than if you tried to do so alone.

Here are Cynthia’s top 3 reasons why hiring a coach will support your desire for Success, Wealth and Happiness:

1. A fresh NEW perspective – Have you thought about this?

A great coach will ask you questions to learn more about you, your current situation, and future desires. This conversational discovery approach will uncover opportunities you had not even thought of nor could have potentially by yourself. This process will reveal additional inspired ideas of HOW you might pursue and achieve your goals. During this process, you will discover the inspiration you did not know existed within you. Another incredible outcome will be that you reveal opportunities you might not have entertained previously.

2. Accountability Component – Someone to hold you accountable!

When working with a coach, they will help you develop a plan of action with realistic goals and objectives for you and no one else. This coach will also hold you accountable and follow up with you to ensure you are doing your homework to drive results. Your coach will help you with your “self-sabotage” habits and behaviors to modify your thoughts, actions, and emotions. They will keep you motivated, make sure you stay on track, and follow up with you regularly. By committing to your coach, you are also committing to yourself. Now, if you are a natural people pleaser, you will NOT let your coach down or yourself.

3. You want more – joy in your life, in your work!

If you feel like you’ve been a hamster on a wheel, running in place forever, then hiring a coach to help you break out of that tailspin might be the best choice for you. Coaches teach a host of fundamental skills that can change your life. Something as simple as changing your attitude to something as complicated as learning to manage multiple high-strung personalities in a single group. A coach can help you to leverage the best qualities of YOU. A coach can support your goal to live your best life and be the best version of you.

So, if you want more for yourself and believe you deserve the best, then consider hiring a coach to help you. You can find the right coach by identifying WHAT you want to work on and searching for a coach specializing in that area—for example, a career coach, a life coach, or a success coach like Cynthia.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Cynthia Blackwell, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Cynthia is a coveted speaker, a trusted business coach, mentor, and a respected philanthropist.

Attendees leave her presentations excited and empowered with tools they can implement now! Can you imagine what a 1 on 1 coaching session is like with Cynthia?!

She is also the author of The Magical Power of 3 – Roadmap to Success, Wealth & Happiness. Her book is a culmination of her experience as a rainmaker, executive coach, trainer, mother, grandmother, and trusted friend. This book is NOT that self-help book of yesterday BUT marries mental health and mindset with business acumen, sales, and leadership tips that are critical to success in today's ever-changing climate. To be released soon!!!

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